Find Out Now Survey Index

Question Type Available answers Status Survey ID Question ID Date Segmentation filter Total answers Repeat after (days) Action
Are you interested in investing in bitcoin? radio Yes / Prefer not to say / Already invested in bitcoin / No 0 13792 42367 2025-02-04 10,002 0
Are you interested in investing in bitcoin? radio Yes / Prefer not to say / Already invested in bitcoin / No 0 13754 42211 2025-01-28 10,000 0
Are you interested in investing in bitcoin? radio Yes / Prefer not to say / Already invested in bitcoin / No 0 13711 41957 2025-01-21 10,002 0
Are you interested in investing in bitcoin? radio Yes / Prefer not to say / Already invested in bitcoin / No 0 13668 41700 2025-01-14 10,010 0
Are you interested in investing in bitcoin? radio Yes / Prefer not to say / Already invested in bitcoin / No 0 13633 41451 2025-01-07 10,036 0
Are you interested in investing in bitcoin? radio Yes / Prefer not to say / Already invested in bitcoin / No 0 13619 41388 2024-12-31 10,006 0
Are you interested in investing in bitcoin? radio Yes / Prefer not to say / Already invested in bitcoin / No 0 13616 41384 2024-12-24 10,007 0
Are you interested in investing in bitcoin? radio Yes / Prefer not to say / Already invested in bitcoin / No 0 13603 41312 2024-12-17 10,001 0
Are you interested in investing in bitcoin? radio Yes / Prefer not to say / Already invested in bitcoin / No 0 13593 41252 2024-12-11 10,002 0
Are you interested in investing in bitcoin? radio Yes / Prefer not to say / Already invested in bitcoin / No 0 13529 41032 2024-11-26 10,006 0
Are you interested in investing in bitcoin? radio Yes / Prefer not to say / Already invested in bitcoin / No 0 13501 40944 2024-11-19 10,005 0
Are you interested in investing in bitcoin? radio Yes / Prefer not to say / Already invested in bitcoin / No 0 13481 40878 2024-11-12 10,014 0
Are you interested in investing in bitcoin? radio Yes / Prefer not to say / Already invested in bitcoin / No 0 13447 40757 2024-11-05 10,006 0
Are you interested in investing in bitcoin? radio Yes / Prefer not to say / Already invested in bitcoin / No 0 13417 40637 2024-10-29 10,001 0
Which of the following best describes the industry you work for? radio Agriculture / Professional services / Manufacturing / Marketing / Advertising / PR / Market Research / Legal services / IT/Computing / Food & Drink / Grocery or hospitality / Education (eg. tutoring) / Construction / Business services / Retail, wholesale and franchising / Other / I don't work / Retired 1 13406 40606 2024-10-25 8,191 0
Are you interested in investing in bitcoin? radio Yes / Prefer not to say / Already invested in bitcoin / No 0 13390 40538 2024-10-22 10,002 0
Are you interested in investing in bitcoin? radio Yes / No / Already invested in bitcoin / Prefer not to say 0 13363 40361 2024-10-15 10,001 0
Are you interested in investing in bitcoin? radio Yes / No / Already invested in bitcoin / Prefer not to say 0 13304 40071 2024-10-08 10,032 0
Are you interested in investing in bitcoin? radio Yes / No / Already invested in bitcoin / Prefer not to say 0 13268 39861 2024-10-01 10,007 0
Are you interested in investing in bitcoin? radio Yes / No / Already invested in bitcoin / Prefer not to say 0 13252 39746 2024-09-24 10,004 0
Are you interested in investing in bitcoin? radio Yes / No / Already invested in bitcoin / Prefer not to say 0 13232 39633 2024-09-17 10,008 0
Are you interested in investing in bitcoin? radio Yes / No / Already invested in bitcoin / Prefer not to say 0 13214 39578 2024-09-10 10,002 0
Are you interested in investing in bitcoin? radio Yes / No / Already invested in bitcoin / Prefer not to say 0 13189 39500 2024-09-03 10,000 0
Are you interested in investing in bitcoin? radio Yes / No / Already invested in bitcoin / Prefer not to say 0 13141 39340 2024-08-27 10,003 0
Are you interested in investing in bitcoin? radio Yes / No / Already invested in bitcoin / Prefer not to say 0 13126 39252 2024-08-20 10,002 0
Are you interested in investing in bitcoin? radio Yes / No / Already invested in bitcoin / Prefer not to say 0 13092 30278 2024-08-13 5,454 0
When considering new toys for your children what are the most important aspects for you? checkbox Cognitive development / Sensory development / Physical development / Social development / Emotional development / I don't have children / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 13002 29897 2024-07-19 10,000 0
How did you vote in the 2016 EU Referendum? radio Leave / Remain / Did not vote / Can't remember / Prefer not to say 0 10476 1794 2024-02-02 826,353 0
What kind of job does/did the main income earner in your household/family unit do? radio Higher managerial or professional (eg. Chief executive, senior civil servant, surgeon) / Intermediate managerial or professional (eg. middle management, bank manager, teacher) / Junior managerial, junior professional, administrative or supervisory role / Skilled manual worker (eg. electrician, carpenter) / Semi-skilled and unskilled manual worker (eg. assembly line worker) / Casual labourer, student, unemployed / Prefer not to say 0 10476 1978 2024-02-02 826,353 0
Who did you vote for in the December 2019 UK General Election? radio Conservative Party / Labour Party / Scottish National Party / Liberal Democrats / Change UK / Plaid Cymru / Green Party / Brexit Party / Democratic Unionist Party / Sinn Féin / Other / I did not vote / I could not vote / Prefer not to say 0 10476 2533 2024-02-02 826,353 0
What is the highest level of education you have completed? radio Lower Secondary School / Upper Secondary School / Vocational/Technical college / University / Post-graduate / I'd rather not say 0 10320 5 2024-01-03 3,724 0
Who did you vote for in the December 2019 UK General Election? radio Conservative Party / Labour Party / Scottish National Party / Liberal Democrats / Change UK / Plaid Cymru / Green Party / Brexit Party / Democratic Unionist Party / Sinn Féin / Other / I did not vote / I could not vote / Prefer not to say 0 10320 2533 2024-01-03 3,724 0
How much attention do you generally pay to politics? radio 0 – Pay no attention / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 – Pay a great deal of attention / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 10320 11724 2024-01-03 3,724 0
What is your current relationship status? radio Divorced / In a relationship / Living with partner / Separated / Single / Widowed / Married / Civil Partnership / I'd rather not say 0 10219 3 2023-12-04 572 0
What is the highest level of education you have completed? radio Lower Secondary School / Upper Secondary School / Vocational/Technical college / University / Post-graduate / I'd rather not say 0 10219 5 2023-12-04 572 0
What best describes your employment status? radio Employed for wages / Self-employed / Out of work but looking / Unemployed and not looking (and not retired) / Homemaker / Student / Military / Retired / Unable to work / Other / Prefer not to say 0 10219 1022 2023-12-04 572 0
To which of the following ethnic groups do you consider yourself to belong? checkbox White / Mixed / Asian or Asian British / Black or Black British / Chinese / Other ethnic group / Prefer not to say 0 10219 1295 2023-12-04 572 0
Which of the following best describes your living arrangements? radio Home owner without mortgage / Home owner with mortgage / Rent from council or local authority / Privately rented / Living with parents or family / Other / Prefer not to say 0 10219 1705 2023-12-04 572 0
What is your religion? radio Christian / Muslim / Hindu / Jewish / Buddhist / Sikh / No religion / Other / Prefer not to say 0 10219 1744 2023-12-04 572 0
Who did you vote for in the December 2019 UK General Election? radio Conservative Party / Labour Party / Scottish National Party / Liberal Democrats / Change UK / Plaid Cymru / Green Party / Brexit Party / Democratic Unionist Party / Sinn Féin / Other / I did not vote / I could not vote / Prefer not to say 0 10167 2533 2023-11-28 113 0
What type of video games do you like to play? checkbox First Person Shooter (FPS) / Action / Adventure / Role Playing Game (RPG) / Third Person Shooter (TPS) / Puzzel / Sport / Racing / Strategy / Horror/ Survival / Mobile games / Platform games / Other / I don't like to play video games / Prefer not to say 1 10032 15884 2023-11-01 97,228 0
What best describes your employment status? radio Employed for wages / Self-employed / Out of work but looking / Unemployed and not looking (and not retired) / Homemaker / Student / Military / Retired / Unable to work / Other / Prefer not to say 0 9909 1022 2023-10-12 394 0
What kind of job does/did the main income earner in your household/family unit do? radio Higher managerial or professional (eg. Chief executive, senior civil servant, surgeon) / Intermediate managerial or professional (eg. middle management, bank manager, teacher) / Junior managerial, junior professional, administrative or supervisory role / Skilled manual worker (eg. electrician, carpenter) / Semi-skilled and unskilled manual worker (eg. assembly line worker) / Casual labourer, student, unemployed / Prefer not to say 0 9909 1978 2023-10-12 394 0
Who did you vote for in the December 2019 UK General Election? radio Conservative Party / Labour Party / Scottish National Party / Liberal Democrats / Change UK / Plaid Cymru / Green Party / Brexit Party / Democratic Unionist Party / Sinn Féin / Other / I did not vote / I could not vote / Prefer not to say 0 9909 2533 2023-10-12 394 0
What kind of job does/did the main income earner in your household/family unit do? radio Higher managerial or professional (eg. Chief executive, senior civil servant, surgeon) / Intermediate managerial or professional (eg. middle management, bank manager, teacher) / Junior managerial, junior professional, administrative or supervisory role / Skilled manual worker (eg. electrician, carpenter) / Semi-skilled and unskilled manual worker (eg. assembly line worker) / Casual labourer, student, unemployed / Prefer not to say 0 9703 1978 2023-09-05 159 0
Who did you vote for in the December 2019 UK General Election? radio Conservative Party / Labour Party / Scottish National Party / Liberal Democrats / Change UK / Plaid Cymru / Green Party / Brexit Party / Democratic Unionist Party / Sinn Féin / Other / I did not vote / I could not vote / Prefer not to say 0 9703 2533 2023-09-05 159 0
What kind of job does/did the main income earner in your household/family unit do? radio Higher managerial or professional (eg. Chief executive, senior civil servant, surgeon) / Intermediate managerial or professional (eg. middle management, bank manager, teacher) / Junior managerial, junior professional, administrative or supervisory role / Skilled manual worker (eg. electrician, carpenter) / Semi-skilled and unskilled manual worker (eg. assembly line worker) / Casual labourer, student, unemployed / Prefer not to say 0 9660 1978 2023-08-21 86 0
Who did you vote for in the December 2019 UK General Election? radio Conservative Party / Labour Party / Scottish National Party / Liberal Democrats / Change UK / Plaid Cymru / Green Party / Brexit Party / Democratic Unionist Party / Sinn Féin / Other / I did not vote / I could not vote / Prefer not to say 0 9660 2533 2023-08-21 86 0
What kind of job does/did the main income earner in your household/family unit do? radio Higher managerial or professional (eg. Chief executive, senior civil servant, surgeon) / Intermediate managerial or professional (eg. middle management, bank manager, teacher) / Junior managerial, junior professional, administrative or supervisory role / Skilled manual worker (eg. electrician, carpenter) / Semi-skilled and unskilled manual worker (eg. assembly line worker) / Casual labourer, student, unemployed / Prefer not to say 0 9560 1978 2023-08-09 95 0
Who did you vote for in the December 2019 UK General Election? radio Conservative Party / Labour Party / Scottish National Party / Liberal Democrats / Change UK / Plaid Cymru / Green Party / Brexit Party / Democratic Unionist Party / Sinn Féin / Other / I did not vote / I could not vote / Prefer not to say 0 9560 2533 2023-08-09 95 0
To what extent do you agree or disagree that newspapers are important for society and democracy? radio Strongly agree / Agree / Neither agree nor disagree / Disagree / Strongly disagree / Prefer not to say 0 9401 19502 2023-07-05 7,820 0
Do you regularly read any of the following physical papers? checkbox The Times / The Guardian / The Daily Telegraph / The Independent / The Sun / The Mirror / Daily Mail / Metro / Mail on Sunday / Sun on Sunday / Sunday Times / Evening Standard / Other / None of the above / I don't read physical papers / Prefer not to say 0 9401 19503 2023-07-05 7,820 0
Why don't you regularly read a physical newspaper? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Lack of time / Prefer digital news sources / Cost / Lack of interest in current affairs / Other / Prefer not to say 0 9401 19504 2023-07-05 7,820 0
What TV streaming services are you currently paying for? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Netflix / Amazon Prime Video / Disney+ / Apple TV+ / Hayu / Shudder / Mubi / CuriosityStream / BritBox / Acorn TV / Other / I don't pay for TV streaming services / Prefer not to say 1 9017 18429 2023-03-31 TV streaming services 173,838 365
What TV streaming services are you currently using but not paying for? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Netflix / Amazon Prime Video / Disney+ / Apple TV+ / Hayu / Shudder / Mubi / CuriosityStream / BritBox / Acorn TV / Other / I don't use TV streaming services without paying for them / Prefer not to say 1 9017 18430 2023-03-31 TV streaming services 173,838 365
What best describes your hair length? radio Short / Medium / Long / No hair / Prefer not to say 0 8681 17451 2023-02-07 73,141 0
How often do you wear makeup? radio Daily / A few times per week / A few times per month / Only on special occasions / Rarely / Never / Prefer not to say 1 8679 17449 2023-02-07 104,210 0
Are you planning or considering purchasing a new kitchen? radio Yes / No / Not applicable / Prefer not to say 0 8386 16857 2022-12-29 14,811 0
When are you planning to purchasing a new kitchen? radio Within 1 - 3 months / Within 4 - 6 months / Within 7 - 12 months / 1 year or more / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8386 16858 2022-12-29 14,811 0
How likely is it that you will actually vote? radio I will definitely vote / I am likely to vote / I am unlikely to vote / I definitely won't vote / Prefer not to say 0 8285 16584 2022-11-23 7,389 0
Who would you vote for to win I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here this evening? radio Matt Hancock / Jill Scott / Owen Warner / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8285 16613 2022-11-23 7,389 0
How likely is it that you will actually vote? radio I will definitely vote / I am likely to vote / I am unlikely to vote / I definitely won't vote / Prefer not to say 0 8284 16584 2022-11-23 20,005 0
Who would you vote for to stay in I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here this evening? checkbox Matt Hancock / Jill Scott / Owen Warner / Mike Tyndall / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8284 16612 2022-11-23 20,005 0
How likely is it that you will actually vote? radio I will definitely vote / I am likely to vote / I am unlikely to vote / I definitely won't vote / Prefer not to say 0 8280 16584 2022-11-23 18,758 0
Who would you vote for to stay in I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here this evening? checkbox Matt Hancock / Jill Scott / Owen Warner / Mike Tyndall / Seann Walsh / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8280 16600 2022-11-23 18,758 0
Do you have private medical cover? radio Yes / No, but I plan on getting it in the next 12 months / No / Prefer not to say 0 8279 16599 2022-11-24 182 0
You recently took part in a study, and the researchers would like us to share your postcode and past voting intentions (General elections and EU Referendum) if available. Would you be happy for us to do this? This information will be associated with the response you gave to the research in the study. radio Yes, I am happy to share / No thanks / Prefer not to say 0 8278 16598 2022-11-24 8,977 0
Are you a national of any of the following foreign countries? checkbox India / Poland / Pakistan / Republic of Ireland / Germany / Romania / Nigeria / Other foreign countries / I am not a national of any foreign country / Prefer not to say 1 8277 16597 2022-11-24 39,884 0
Would you be deterred from viewing a home if they had an over the top level of outdoor Christmas lights displayed when you arrived to view it? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8275 16592 2022-11-24 4,177 0
Would you be deterred from viewing a home if they had an over the top level of Christmas decorations displayed inside? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8275 16593 2022-11-24 4,177 0
Which of the following external Christmas decorations would you find off-putting? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Fake Snow / Blow up Santa / Blow up snowmen / Life sized reindeer and sleigh / Festive themed front door mats / Decorations making rude signs such as hand signals / Decorations in sexually suggestive positions / Bright colourful fairy lights / Neutral (white) fairy lights / Big flashing wall mounted light decorations / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8275 16594 2022-11-24 4,177 0
If you were deterred from viewing an overly festive home, would you - radio Return after Christmas to view it again / Continue elsewhere with your search / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8275 16595 2022-11-24 4,177 0
You told us you work in the real estate industry, are you a property professional? radio Yes / No / Not applicable / Prefer not to say 0 8274 16586 2022-11-24 2,369 0
Will you be working right up until Christmas Eve? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8274 16587 2022-11-24 2,369 0
Will you be working the week between Christmas and New Year’s Eve? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8274 16588 2022-11-24 2,369 0
In order to get the final sales of 2022 over the line, will you be working: - radio Usual hours / Longer hours / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8274 16589 2022-11-24 2,369 0
In order to get the final sales of 2022 over the line, will you be working weekends? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8274 16590 2022-11-24 2,369 0
Will you completely switch off on Christmas Day? radio Yes / I may check my emails / I may do a little work / No, I'll be working / Prefer not to say 0 8274 16591 2022-11-24 2,369 0
How likely is it that you will actually vote? radio I will definitely vote / I am likely to vote / I am unlikely to vote / I definitely won't vote / Prefer not to say 0 8273 16584 2022-11-23 28,147 0
Who would you vote for to stay in I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here this evening? checkbox Matt Hancock / Jill Scott / Chris Moyles / Owen Warner / Mike Tyndall / Seann Walsh / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8273 16585 2022-11-23 28,147 0
Who would you vote for to stay in I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here this evening? checkbox Matt Hancock / Jill Scott / Chris Moyles / Owen Warner / Mike Tyndall / Seann Walsh / Babatunde Aleshe / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8272 16583 2022-11-23 4,026 0
How likely is it that you will actually vote? radio I will definitely vote / I am likely to vote / I am unlikely to vote / I definitely won't vote / Prefer not to say 0 8272 16584 2022-11-23 4,026 0
How much of your wardrobe do you wear on a weekly/ monthly basis? radio 90% or more / 80% or more / 70% or more / 60% or more / 50% or more / 40% or more / 30% or more / 20% or more / 10% or more / Less than 10% / Prefer not to say 0 8271 16579 2022-11-23 9,012 0
What’s the reason you don’t wear some items of clothing in your wardrobe? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Out of fashion / style / Poor fit / doesn't fit / Doesn't suit you / Other / Not applicable / Prefer not to say 0 8271 16580 2022-11-23 9,012 0
On average, how much do you spend on your winter clothing per year? radio £2,000 or more / £1,500 or more / £1,000 or more / £700 or more / £500 or more / No more than £300 / Prefer not to say 0 8271 16581 2022-11-23 9,012 0
What item of clothing do you struggle to shop for the most in Winter? radio Boots (Knee-high or ankle) / A coat / Scarf and gloves / Jumper / Thermals / tights / Not applicable / Prefer not to say 0 8271 16582 2022-11-23 9,012 0
Are you looking to buy new flooring at the moment? Please select the statement which best applies to you. radio Yes - I am currently looking to buy new flooring (e.g LVT, Viynl, Wooden, laminate, tiles etc) / No - but I will be looking to buy new flooring in the next six months / No - I have bought new flooring within the past 6 months / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8270 16578 2022-11-23 536 0
How do you like your eggs? textarea textarea 0 8269 16576 2022-11-23 448 0
Roughly, how many eggs do you eat a week? number 100 / 0 0 8269 16577 2022-11-23 448 0
Would you vote SNP at the next General if a victory for them could lead to Scotland leaving the UK? radio Yes / No / I don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8268 16572 2022-11-23 7,182 0
Would you vote SNP at the next General Election if your vote would be used as a mandate to negotiate independence with the UK Government? radio Yes / No / I don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8268 16573 2022-11-23 7,182 0
The Supreme Court has determined that Scotland cannot call a referendum on independence from the Union without the support of Westminster. What do you think should now happen? radio Stop pursuing a referendum / An indicative but not legally binding referendum / Next general election being treated as a de facto referendum / Wait and try and persuade the UK Government to give Scottish / Parliament the powers to hold a referendum in the future / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8268 16574 2022-11-23 7,182 0
What’s more important to you? radio The Scottish economy and its public services / Scottish independence / I don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8268 16575 2022-11-23 7,182 0
On a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 means that you would not vote and 10 means that you would certainly vote, how likely would you be to vote if there were a general election tomorrow? radio 0 (Certainly will not vote) / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 (Certain to vote) / Prefer not to say 0 8266 16559 2022-11-23 6,672 0
If there were to be a general election tomorrow, which party would you vote for? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Scottish National Party (SNP) / Plaid Cymru / Green / Reform UK / Some other party / Would not vote / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8266 16560 2022-11-23 6,672 0
Do you support or oppose abolishing the House of Lords and replacing it with a new elected chamber? radio Strongly support / Support / Neither oppose nor support / Oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8266 16561 2022-11-23 6,672 0
Do you support or oppose England's footballers 'taking the knee' at their World Cup matches in Qatar to show their support for Black Lives Matter (BLM)? radio Strongly support / Support / Neither oppose nor support / Oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8266 16562 2022-11-23 6,672 0
A change in our relationship with the EU to a Switzerland-style relationship would involve making payments into the EU budget, adopting many single market regulations and accepting the free movement of EU nationals to work and settle in the UK. To what extent, if at all, do you support or oppose such a change? radio Strongly support / Support / Neither oppose nor support / Oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8266 16563 2022-11-23 6,672 0
When it comes to filling the gaps in Britain's economy, which statement comes closest to your view? radio Britain should prioritise high immigration to fill the gaps over training and educating British workers / Britain should prioritise training and educating British workers to fill the gaps over high immigration / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8266 16564 2022-11-23 6,672 0
Do you receive your pay via PAYE and pay taxes upfront radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8265 16554 2022-11-22 5,186 0
Do you claim expenses you incur through work? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8265 16555 2022-11-22 5,186 0
What are the most common expenses you incur? checkbox Travel / Office supplies / Raw materials / Business premises / Legal and professional costs / Accommodation / Social e.g. client dinners or drinks / Food and drink e.g. lunch and dinner / Marketing services / Professional insurance / Clothing / Trade subscriptions / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8265 16556 2022-11-22 5,186 0
Are you aware that if your annual expense claims exceed £2,500, then you must complete a self assessment tax return with HMRC? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8265 16557 2022-11-22 5,186 0
Are you aware of when the deadline to complete this tax return is? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8265 16558 2022-11-22 5,186 0
Have you seen the cost of your mortgage increase since the Bank of England started to increase base rates? radio Yes / No, I am on a fixed rate / No, but my fixed rate is expiring soon / Not applicable / Prefer not to say 0 8264 16550 2022-11-22 4,015 0
Are you already struggling with your increasing mortgage costs due to the cost of living crisis? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8264 16551 2022-11-22 4,015 0
Will you need to cut back on your Christmas spend due to the increasing cost of your mortgage payments? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8264 16552 2022-11-22 4,015 0
If the Bank of England choose to increase interest rates again in December, will this put further strain on your household finances due to an increase in your mortgage costs? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8264 16553 2022-11-22 4,015 0
Do you use any of the following broadband service providers? (TIck all that apply) checkbox 6Ginternet / B4RN / BT / CityFibre / Community Fibre / Cuckoo / EE / Freedom Fibre / G.Network / Gigaclear / Hyperoptic / John Lewis Broadband / K.Com / NOW Broadband / Plusnet / Sky / TalkTalk / Three Broadband / Virgin Media / Vodafone / Zen internet / Zzzoomm / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8263 16548 2022-11-22 9,133 0
Are you interested in investing in bitcoin? radio Yes / No / Already invested in bitcoin / Prefer not to say 0 8262 16547 2022-11-22 10,001 0
What is the most time consuming part of your working day? radio Dealing with behaviour / Assessment and marking / Resources and planning / Admin (departmental admin and meetings) / Prefer not to say 0 8260 16545 2022-11-22 206 0
You told us you were a teacher, are you still a teacher? radio Yes / No / Not applicable / Prefer not to say 0 8260 16546 2022-11-22 206 0
Are you a customer of any of the following companies? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Dunelm / Wayfair / Debenhams / Wilko / B&Q / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8259 16542 2022-11-22 1,019 0
Are you planning or considering to purchase made to measure curtains or blinds in the next 3 months? radio Yes, from in-store / Yes, online / No / Prefer not to say 0 8259 16543 2022-11-22 1,019 0
Would you be requiring professional fitting service? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8259 16544 2022-11-22 1,019 0
Do you work as any of the following? radio Early year practitioner (nursery and preschool teacher) / Primary or secondary school teacher / Further education practitioner (University, college) / Social care practitioner / Foster carer / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8258 16541 2022-11-22 5,071 0
Which of the following financial advice service have you ever paid for? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Retirement / Mortgage / Personal loan / Credit card / Stock investment / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8257 16540 2022-11-22 206 0
To what extent do you regret voting for Britain to leave the EU in the 2016 referendum? radio Very much / Somewhat / A bit / Not at all / I didn't vote to leave the EU / Prefer not to say 0 8256 16538 2022-11-21 1,301 0
Why do you regret voting to leave the EU? (Tick all that apply) checkbox We are poorer not richer / It doesn't seem to have reduced immigration / It doesn't seem to have reduced red tape for business / Politicians are no more responsible to the voters than they were / There doesn't seem to be much progress on trade deals / Other / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8256 16539 2022-11-21 1,301 0
We are looking for participants for a medical study. If you would like to take part, please tick an that applies to you from the list below. Your answer will be used to assess your suitability for the study and will not be shared with 3rd parties. If you are suitable, we'll show the details or you can click 'Prefer not to say' if you do not wish to take part. radio I have lived with/had treatment for cancer (stages 2-4) in the last 2-3 years / I have lived with/had treatment for cancer (stages 2-4) for the last 3+ years / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8255 16536 2022-11-21 48 0
Are you responsible for your financial planning? radio Yes, solely responsible / Yes, jointly responsible / No / Prefer not to say 0 8255 16537 2022-11-21 48 0
What's the weirdest thing you've done to avoid damage to your vehicle? textarea textarea 0 8253 16532 2022-11-18 414 0
Have you ever been late for something because of finding parking? Tell us the story... textarea textarea 0 8253 16533 2022-11-18 414 0
Please carefully read the product proposition above, from a pet care brand. How appealing is the product proposition to you? radio 1 - very unappealing / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 - very appealing / Prefer not to say 0 8251 16516 2022-11-18 4,458 0
Please explain, in one or two sentences, why you chose that rating for the last question? textarea textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea 0 8251 16517 2022-11-18 4,458 0
Which parts of the offering are more or less interesting to you? textarea textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea 0 8251 16518 2022-11-18 4,458 0
Is there anything you would want to better understand before considering a subscription? textarea textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea 0 8251 16519 2022-11-18 4,458 0
Based on the description of the concept, how likely would you be to subscribe? radio Very likely / Moderately likely / Somewhat likely / Not likely at all / Prefer not to say 0 8251 16520 2022-11-18 4,458 0
Which of the following reasons about this concept persuade you to subscribe? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Good value / Will help me build a better routine with my dog / I get rewarded for looking after my pet / Convenient / Other / Nothing persuades me / Prefer not to say 0 8251 16521 2022-11-18 4,458 0
Which of the following reasons about this concept dissuade you from subscribing? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Too expensive/not good value / Don’t need it / Don’t understand what’s in it for me / Don’t want to sign-up to a subscription / Already have a pet insurance / Already have a Wellness plan / The food brand I use isn’t available / Other / Nothing dissuades me / Prefer not to say 0 8251 16522 2022-11-18 4,458 0
What is the highest monthly price (£) you would consider subscribing for? number 0 8251 16523 2022-11-18 4,458 0
Thinking about the concept, which of the following do you agree? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Is trustworthy / Is easy to understand / Helps to manage pet care costs / Helps to build a healthy routine with my text / Is high quality / Is good value / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8251 16524 2022-11-18 4,458 0
What is your number one concern when caring for your dog? textarea textarea 0 8251 16530 2022-11-18 4,458 0
You told us you were a dog owner, are you still a dog owner? radio Yes / No / Not applicable / Prefer not to say 0 8251 16531 2022-11-18 4,458 0
Please carefully read the product proposition above, from a pet care brand. How appealing is the product proposition to you? radio 1 - very unappealing / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 - very appealing / Prefer not to say 0 8250 16516 2022-11-18 4,413 0
Please explain, in one or two sentences, why you chose that rating for the last question? textarea textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea 0 8250 16517 2022-11-18 4,413 0
Which parts of the offering are more or less interesting to you? textarea textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea 0 8250 16518 2022-11-18 4,413 0
Is there anything you would want to better understand before considering a subscription? textarea textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea 0 8250 16519 2022-11-18 4,413 0
Based on the description of the concept, how likely would you be to subscribe? radio Very likely / Moderately likely / Somewhat likely / Not likely at all / Prefer not to say 0 8250 16520 2022-11-18 4,413 0
Which of the following reasons about this concept persuade you to subscribe? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Good value / Will help me build a better routine with my dog / I get rewarded for looking after my pet / Convenient / Other / Nothing persuades me / Prefer not to say 0 8250 16521 2022-11-18 4,413 0
Which of the following reasons about this concept dissuade you from subscribing? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Too expensive/not good value / Don’t need it / Don’t understand what’s in it for me / Don’t want to sign-up to a subscription / Already have a pet insurance / Already have a Wellness plan / The food brand I use isn’t available / Other / Nothing dissuades me / Prefer not to say 0 8250 16522 2022-11-18 4,413 0
What is the highest monthly price (£) you would consider subscribing for? number 0 8250 16523 2022-11-18 4,413 0
Thinking about the concept, which of the following do you agree? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Is trustworthy / Is easy to understand / Helps to manage pet care costs / Helps to build a healthy routine with my text / Is high quality / Is good value / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8250 16524 2022-11-18 4,413 0
What would you expect from a “Fit-Bit” for dogs? textarea textarea 0 8250 16529 2022-11-18 4,413 0
You told us you were a dog owner, are you still a dog owner? radio Yes / No / Not applicable / Prefer not to say 0 8250 16531 2022-11-18 4,413 0
Please carefully read the product proposition above, from a pet care brand. How appealing is the product proposition to you? radio 1 - very unappealing / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 - very appealing / Prefer not to say 0 8249 16516 2022-11-18 4,449 0
Please explain, in one or two sentences, why you chose that rating for the last question? textarea textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea 0 8249 16517 2022-11-18 4,449 0
Which parts of the offering are more or less interesting to you? textarea textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea 0 8249 16518 2022-11-18 4,449 0
Is there anything you would want to better understand before considering a subscription? textarea textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea 0 8249 16519 2022-11-18 4,449 0
Based on the description of the concept, how likely would you be to subscribe? radio Very likely / Moderately likely / Somewhat likely / Not likely at all / Prefer not to say 0 8249 16520 2022-11-18 4,449 0
Which of the following reasons about this concept persuade you to subscribe? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Good value / Will help me build a better routine with my dog / I get rewarded for looking after my pet / Convenient / Other / Nothing persuades me / Prefer not to say 0 8249 16521 2022-11-18 4,449 0
Which of the following reasons about this concept dissuade you from subscribing? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Too expensive/not good value / Don’t need it / Don’t understand what’s in it for me / Don’t want to sign-up to a subscription / Already have a pet insurance / Already have a Wellness plan / The food brand I use isn’t available / Other / Nothing dissuades me / Prefer not to say 0 8249 16522 2022-11-18 4,449 0
What is the highest monthly price (£) you would consider subscribing for? number 0 8249 16523 2022-11-18 4,449 0
Thinking about the concept, which of the following do you agree? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Is trustworthy / Is easy to understand / Helps to manage pet care costs / Helps to build a healthy routine with my text / Is high quality / Is good value / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8249 16524 2022-11-18 4,449 0
What would incentivise you most to improve your routine with your dog? E.g. financial incentive, gifts, discounts, free advice/access to experts etc. textarea textarea 0 8249 16528 2022-11-18 4,449 0
You told us you were a dog owner, are you still a dog owner? radio Yes / No / Not applicable / Prefer not to say 0 8249 16531 2022-11-18 4,449 0
Please carefully read the product proposition above, from a pet care brand. How appealing is the product proposition to you? radio 1 - very unappealing / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 - very appealing / Prefer not to say 0 8248 16516 2022-11-18 4,449 0
Please explain, in one or two sentences, why you chose that rating for the last question? textarea textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea 0 8248 16517 2022-11-18 4,449 0
Which parts of the offering are more or less interesting to you? textarea textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea 0 8248 16518 2022-11-18 4,449 0
Is there anything you would want to better understand before considering a subscription? textarea textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea 0 8248 16519 2022-11-18 4,449 0
Based on the description of the concept, how likely would you be to subscribe? radio Very likely / Moderately likely / Somewhat likely / Not likely at all / Prefer not to say 0 8248 16520 2022-11-18 4,449 0
Which of the following reasons about this concept persuade you to subscribe? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Good value / Will help me build a better routine with my dog / I get rewarded for looking after my pet / Convenient / Other / Nothing persuades me / Prefer not to say 0 8248 16521 2022-11-18 4,449 0
Which of the following reasons about this concept dissuade you from subscribing? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Too expensive/not good value / Don’t need it / Don’t understand what’s in it for me / Don’t want to sign-up to a subscription / Already have a pet insurance / Already have a Wellness plan / The food brand I use isn’t available / Other / Nothing dissuades me / Prefer not to say 0 8248 16522 2022-11-18 4,449 0
What is the highest monthly price (£) you would consider subscribing for? number 0 8248 16523 2022-11-18 4,449 0
Thinking about the concept, which of the following do you agree? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Is trustworthy / Is easy to understand / Helps to manage pet care costs / Helps to build a healthy routine with my text / Is high quality / Is good value / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8248 16524 2022-11-18 4,449 0
Are you happy with your pet’s current diet? textarea textarea 0 8248 16527 2022-11-18 4,449 0
You told us you were a dog owner, are you still a dog owner? radio Yes / No / Not applicable / Prefer not to say 0 8248 16531 2022-11-18 4,449 0
Please carefully read the product proposition above, from a pet care brand. How appealing is the product proposition to you? radio 1 - very unappealing / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 - very appealing / Prefer not to say 0 8247 16516 2022-11-18 4,445 0
Please explain, in one or two sentences, why you chose that rating for the last question? textarea textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea 0 8247 16517 2022-11-18 4,445 0
Which parts of the offering are more or less interesting to you? textarea textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea 0 8247 16518 2022-11-18 4,445 0
Is there anything you would want to better understand before considering a subscription? textarea textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea 0 8247 16519 2022-11-18 4,445 0
Based on the description of the concept, how likely would you be to subscribe? radio Very likely / Moderately likely / Somewhat likely / Not likely at all / Prefer not to say 0 8247 16520 2022-11-18 4,445 0
Which of the following reasons about this concept persuade you to subscribe? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Good value / Will help me build a better routine with my dog / I get rewarded for looking after my pet / Convenient / Other / Nothing persuades me / Prefer not to say 0 8247 16521 2022-11-18 4,445 0
Which of the following reasons about this concept dissuade you from subscribing? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Too expensive/not good value / Don’t need it / Don’t understand what’s in it for me / Don’t want to sign-up to a subscription / Already have a pet insurance / Already have a Wellness plan / The food brand I use isn’t available / Other / Nothing dissuades me / Prefer not to say 0 8247 16522 2022-11-18 4,445 0
What is the highest monthly price (£) you would consider subscribing for? number 0 8247 16523 2022-11-18 4,445 0
Thinking about the concept, which of the following do you agree? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Is trustworthy / Is easy to understand / Helps to manage pet care costs / Helps to build a healthy routine with my text / Is high quality / Is good value / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8247 16524 2022-11-18 4,445 0
What would incentivise you most to improve your routine with your dog? E.g. financial incentive, gifts, discounts, free advice/access to experts etc. textarea textarea 0 8247 16526 2022-11-18 4,445 0
You told us you were a dog owner, are you still a dog owner? radio Yes / No / Not applicable / Prefer not to say 0 8247 16531 2022-11-18 4,445 0
Please carefully read the product proposition above, from a pet care brand. How appealing is the product proposition to you? radio 1 - very unappealing / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 - very appealing / Prefer not to say 0 8246 16516 2022-11-18 4,480 0
Please explain, in one or two sentences, why you chose that rating for the last question? textarea textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea 0 8246 16517 2022-11-18 4,480 0
Which parts of the offering are more or less interesting to you? textarea textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea 0 8246 16518 2022-11-18 4,480 0
Is there anything you would want to better understand before considering a subscription? textarea textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea / textarea 0 8246 16519 2022-11-18 4,480 0
Based on the description of the concept, how likely would you be to subscribe? radio Very likely / Moderately likely / Somewhat likely / Not likely at all / Prefer not to say 0 8246 16520 2022-11-18 4,480 0
Which of the following reasons about this concept persuade you to subscribe? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Good value / Will help me build a better routine with my dog / I get rewarded for looking after my pet / Convenient / Other / Nothing persuades me / Prefer not to say 0 8246 16521 2022-11-18 4,480 0
Which of the following reasons about this concept dissuade you from subscribing? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Too expensive/not good value / Don’t need it / Don’t understand what’s in it for me / Don’t want to sign-up to a subscription / Already have a pet insurance / Already have a Wellness plan / The food brand I use isn’t available / Other / Nothing dissuades me / Prefer not to say 0 8246 16522 2022-11-18 4,480 0
What is the highest monthly price (£) you would consider subscribing for? number 0 8246 16523 2022-11-18 4,480 0
Thinking about the concept, which of the following do you agree? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Is trustworthy / Is easy to understand / Helps to manage pet care costs / Helps to build a healthy routine with my text / Is high quality / Is good value / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8246 16524 2022-11-18 4,480 0
What is your number one concern when caring for your dog? textarea textarea 0 8246 16525 2022-11-18 4,480 0
You told us you were a dog owner, are you still a dog owner? radio Yes / No / Not applicable / Prefer not to say 0 8246 16531 2022-11-18 4,480 0
Which factors do you think are to blame for the UK's cost of living crisis? (Please select all that apply) checkbox War in Ukraine / The current government / Brexit / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8245 16511 2022-11-18 989 0
Which of the following do you think is mostly to blame for the cost of living crisis? radio The Government / Global factors / I don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8245 16512 2022-11-18 989 0
Following yesterday's Autumn Statement by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Jeremy Hunt, who do you trust more to manage the UK's economy? radio The Conservative Party / The Labour Party / I don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8245 16513 2022-11-18 989 0
What type of spending, if any, do you think you will reduce in the coming year as a result of the announcements made yesterday by the Chancellor? radio Essential spending / Non-essential spending / Neither / Prefer not to say 0 8245 16514 2022-11-18 989 0
To what extent do you agree that the Government is committed to "levelling up", spreading opportunity more equally across the UK? radio Strongly agree / Somewhat agree / Neither agree not disagree / Somewhat disagree / Strongly disagree / Prefer not to say 0 8245 16515 2022-11-18 989 0
Which factors do you think are to blame for the UK's cost of living crisis? (Please select all that apply) checkbox War in Ukraine / The current government / Brexit / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8244 16506 2022-11-18 11,801 0
Which of the following do you think is mostly to blame for the cost of living crisis? radio The Government / Global factors / I don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8244 16507 2022-11-18 11,801 0
Following yesterday's Autumn Statement by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Jeremy Hunt, who do you trust more to manage the UK's economy? radio The Conservative Party / The Labour Party / I don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8244 16508 2022-11-18 11,801 0
What type of spending, if any, do you think you will reduce in the coming year as a result of the announcements made yesterday by the Chancellor? radio Essential spending / Non-essential spending / Neither / Prefer not to say 0 8244 16509 2022-11-18 11,801 0
To what extent do you agree that the Government is committed to "levelling up", spreading opportunity more equally across the UK? radio Strongly agree / Somewhat agree / Neither agree nor disagree / Somewhat disagree / Strongly disagree / Prefer not to say 0 8244 16510 2022-11-18 11,801 0
To what extent do you agree that the Government is committed to "levelling up", spreading opportunity more equally across the UK? radio Strongly agree / Somewhat agree / Neither agree nor disagree / Somewhat disagree / Strongly disagree / Prefer not to say 0 8243 16505 2022-11-18 208 0
What type of spending, if any, have you had to reduce since this time last year? radio Essential spending / Non-essential spending / Neither / Prefer not to say 0 8241 16495 2022-11-18 864 0
Which factors do you think are to blame for the UK's cost of living crisis? (Please select all that apply) checkbox War in Ukraine / The current government / Brexit / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8241 16496 2022-11-18 864 0
Which of the following do you think is mostly to blame for the cost of living crisis? radio The Government / Global factors / I don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8241 16497 2022-11-18 864 0
Following yesterday's Autumn Statement by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Jeremy Hunt, who do you trust more to manage the UK's economy? radio The Conservative Party / The Labour Party / I don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8241 16498 2022-11-18 864 0
Should social media be banned? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8240 16494 2022-11-17 1,021 0
Which broadband provider is the most reliable? textarea textarea 0 8239 16493 2022-11-17 251 0
Which of the following are you interested in? (Tick all that apply) checkbox History / Heritage / Genealogy / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8238 16492 2022-11-17 225 0
Which of the following do you do to alleviate period pains? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Use a CBD tampon / Choose loose clothing / Exercise / Lie down / Hot water bottle / TENS machine / Other natural remedies / Other pain pills such as paracetamol / Other / I don't do anything / I don't have period pains / Prefer not to say 0 8237 16490 2022-11-17 449 0
Did you know CBD (Cannabidiol) can relieve period pains? radio Yes, I use CBD to relieve period pains / Yes, I have heard about it / No / Prefer not to say 0 8237 16491 2022-11-17 449 0
Are you or your partner currently pregnant? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8235 16488 2022-11-17 267 0
What would you not sacrifice due to the cost of living crisis? textarea textarea 0 8233 16485 2022-11-17 632 0
"I have cut back on non-essential spending since the cost of living crisis began" - To what extent do you agree or disagree? radio Agree strongly / Agree somewhat / Neither agree nor disagree / Disagree somewhat / Disagree strongly / Prefer not to say 0 8233 16486 2022-11-17 632 0
After today’s autumn statement do you know how much more tax you’ll pay next year? radio Yes / No / I haven't taken a look at today's autumn statement yet / Not applicable / Prefer not to say 0 8232 16484 2022-11-17 2,129 0
Do you currently have breakdown cover? radio Yes / No / I don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8231 16480 2022-11-16 1,082 0
With which company do you have breakdown cover? textarea textarea 0 8231 16481 2022-11-16 1,082 0
Do you think you will be spending more or less on breakdown cover in the next 12 months? radio More / Less, or I will cancel / The same / I don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8231 16482 2022-11-16 1,082 0
What make of car do you drive? textarea textarea 0 8231 16483 2022-11-16 1,082 0
Do you pay council tax? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8230 16475 2022-11-16 5,333 0
Is council tax the largest household finance you have other than rent or a mortgage? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8230 16476 2022-11-16 5,333 0
The average council tax bill has increased by 18% in the last five years, do you feel this is justified? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8230 16477 2022-11-16 5,333 0
Do you know exactly what your councils tax contributes to and the breakdown of these contributions? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8230 16478 2022-11-16 5,333 0
Do you think you should have more say in how your council tax is spent? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8230 16479 2022-11-16 5,333 0
Which of the following reality TV competition shows do you regularly watch? (please select all that apply) checkbox I'm a Celebrity / Strictly Come Dancing / Love Island / Dancing on Ice / None of the above / Prefer not to say 1 8229 16473 2022-11-16 161,285 0
How often do you vote for contestants on these shows? radio Every time / Most of the time / Some of the time / Never / Prefer not to say 1 8229 16474 2022-11-16 161,285 0
You previously told us B&Q is your preferred home improvement store, are you currently signed up to the B&Q Club membership program or have the B&Q app? radio Yes I’m a member of the B&Q Club / Yes I have the app / Yes I have both / No / Not applicable / Prefer not to say 0 8225 16468 2022-11-16 638 0
Do you feel underage consumption of alcohol and tobacco leads to anti-social behaviour within your local community? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8224 16467 2022-11-16 1,043 0
Do you sell on any of the following platforms? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Etsy / Ebay / Amazon / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8222 16460 2022-11-15 4,866 0
Are you responsible for the decision making process regarding campaigns? radio Yes, solely responsible / Yes, jointly responsible / No / Prefer not to say 0 8222 16534 2022-11-15 4,866 0
Do you work with business-to-business or business-to-customer selling? radio Business-to-business only / Business-to-customer only / Both / Prefer not to say 0 8222 16535 2022-11-15 4,866 0
To what extent will you be having what’s considered to be a traditional Christmas this year? radio Untraditional / Somewhat untraditional / Neutral / Somewhat traditional / Traditional / I don't celebrate Christmas / Prefer not to say 0 8220 16425 2022-11-15 3,095 0
Do you like to do things at Christmas that meet the stereotypical perception of the ‘perfect Christmas’? radio Strongly disagree / Somewhat disagree / Neutral / Somewhat agree / Strongly agree / Prefer not to say 0 8220 16426 2022-11-15 3,095 0
How likely are you to swap the traditional Christmas dinner of roast turkey and all the trimmings for something different this year? radio Very unlikely / Somewhat unlikely / Neutral / Somewhat likely / Very likely / Prefer not to say 0 8220 16427 2022-11-15 3,095 0
Given a free choice, what would you prefer to eat for Christmas dinner? radio Traditional Christmas dinner (e.g. turkey with all the trimmings) / Vegetarian or vegan Christmas dinner / Roast beef / Chicken / Steak / Full English / Banger & mash / Homemade curry / Pizza / Pasta / Fish & chips / Burger & chips / Beans on toast / Takeaway curry / Takeaway Chinese / Fast food (e.g. McDonald's, KFC) / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8220 16428 2022-11-15 3,095 0
Which of these guilty pleasures will you do over the Christmas period? (select all that apply) checkbox Stay in pyjamas all day / Wear matching family pyjamas / Binge watch Christmas movies / Watch your favourite children’s Christmas movie as an adult / Watch more TV than you do the rest of the year / Eat chocolate for breakfast / Eat chocolate in bed / Drink fizz (or other alcohol) for breakfast / Eat dessert before dinner — or whenever / Snack late at night / Wear an ugly Christmas jumper / Wear elf ears, Santa hat or reindeer antlers / Wear a so-bad-it’s-good Christmas outfit / Take the perfect Christmas selfie until you get the right one / Sing along loudly to Christmas music / Eat pigs-in-blankets / Buy gifts for yourself / Drop a not-so-subtle hint about a gift you’d like / Watch the King’s speech / Avoid having to go to someone else’s house for Christmas dinner / Avoid having additional guests for Christmas dinner / Go to a friend or family member’s house for a second Christmas dinner / Eat leftovers straight from the fridge / Have a post-Christmas dinner nap / Go over the top on Christmas decorations / Bail on a night out for an evening on the sofa / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8220 16429 2022-11-15 3,095 0
Which of these festive faux pas have you committed? (select all that apply) checkbox Turned up to a Christmas party without a bottle / Bought an unsuitable gift for someone / Forgotten to take the price tag off a gift / Re-gifted something originally given to you / Forgotten to buy someone a gift / Wrapped a Christmas gift in birthday paper / Wrapped gifts poorly / Forgotten to send a thank you card or text for gifts received / Visibly expressed your disappointment about a gift / Posted pictures of gifts you've received on social media / Left Christmas decorations up after Twelfth Night (5th January) / Forgotten to cook a vegetarian option for a guest / Burnt the Christmas dinner / Forgotten to defrost the turkey / Overindulged in alcohol and missed part of Christmas / Forgotten to serve a dish for dinner (e.g. left the potatoes in the oven) / Re-gifted a bottle of wine originally bought for you / Given someone a bottle of wine as a gift and then drunk it / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8220 16430 2022-11-15 3,095 0
Are you interested in investing in bitcoin? radio Yes / No / Already invested in bitcoin / Prefer not to say 0 8219 16424 2022-11-15 10,007 0
Do you regularly buy any of the following Heinz food products? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Baked Beanz / Tomato Soup / Chicken Soup / Pasta Sauce / Tomato Ketchup / Mayonaise / BBQ Sauce / Other Sauce / Other Soup / Tinned Spaghetti / Vegetable Soup / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8217 16416 2022-11-15 2,074 0
Have you had to buy supermarket branded alternatives to the Heinz food products you regularly buy due to the cost of living? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8217 16417 2022-11-15 2,074 0
Thinking about your recent house move, would you have liked to move house during the Christmas period? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8215 16411 2022-11-15 5,006 0
Would you have purposely delayed a property purchase to avoid moving house during the Christmas period? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8215 16412 2022-11-15 5,006 0
Would you have avoided placing an offer on your ideal home if it meant moving during the Christmas period? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8215 16413 2022-11-15 5,006 0
What is the main reason you would have avoided moving during Christmas? radio The additional stress of the holiday season / Not being settled in my new home for Christmas Day / Not being able to host family or friends / The combined additional costs of Christmas and moving house / Not knowing my new area fully during the festive period / Prefer not to say 0 8215 16414 2022-11-15 5,006 0
When did you last buy a home? radio In the last 1-3 months / 4-6 months ago / 7-12 months / More than 1 year ago / Never / Prefer not to say 0 8215 16415 2022-11-15 5,006 0
Are you worried about the additional cost of Christmas this year? radio Yes / No / I don't celebrate Christmas / Prefer not to say 0 8214 16406 2022-11-15 5,180 0
Do you think you will have to scale back on your Christmas spend because of the higher cost of living? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8214 16407 2022-11-15 5,180 0
Which area will you need to scale back on? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Food shopping / Christmas presents / Going out and socialising / Travelling / Hosting/energy usage within the home / Other / I don't need to scale back on anything / Prefer not to say 0 8214 16408 2022-11-15 5,180 0
Will you avoid hosting family or friends because of the higher cost of living? radio Yes / No / Not applicable / Prefer not to say 0 8214 16409 2022-11-15 5,180 0
Will you be spending Christmas at home alone due to the cost of travelling to see family or friends? radio Yes / No / Not applicable / Prefer not to say 0 8214 16410 2022-11-15 5,180 0
Have you previously put up Christmas decorations during the festive period? radio Yes / No / I don't celebrate Christmas / Prefer not to say 0 8213 16400 2022-11-15 6,169 0
Do you usually put up a Christmas tree? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8213 16401 2022-11-15 6,169 0
Do you usually put up exterior Christmas lights on your home? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8213 16402 2022-11-15 6,169 0
Thinking about the current increasing cost of energy bills, will you refrain from putting fairy lights on your Christmas tree this year? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8213 16403 2022-11-15 6,169 0
Thinking about the current increasing cost of energy bills, will you refrain from putting Christmas lights on the exterior of your home this year? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8213 16404 2022-11-15 6,169 0
If you do plan to put up Christmas lights, will you do so for a reduced amount of time compared to previous years? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8213 16405 2022-11-15 6,169 0
You told us you work in the real estate industry, are you an estate agent? radio Yes / No / Not applicable / Prefer not to say 0 8212 16395 2022-11-15 375 0
Do you expect to be busy right through until the New Year? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8212 16396 2022-11-15 375 0
Do you expect to operate reduced hours at any point during the festive period? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8212 16397 2022-11-15 375 0
Do you expect to operate with a reduced level of staff during the festive period? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8212 16398 2022-11-15 375 0
Will reduced operating hours or staff levels impact your ability to execute operationally? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8212 16399 2022-11-15 375 0
Do you feel that there is an issue in your local area where under age drinking and/or smoking is concerned? radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8211 16390 2022-11-15 5,080 0
Do you feel that your local convenience store or supermarket contributes to this issue? radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8211 16391 2022-11-15 5,080 0
Do you feel that your local convenience store or supermarket should be more proactive in preventing this issue? radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8211 16392 2022-11-15 5,080 0
How important is it that your local convenience store is compliant when it comes to checking ID on age prohibited products? radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8211 16393 2022-11-15 5,080 0
Would you be more or less likely to use a convenience store or supermarket knowing that it had been prosecuted for selling age prohibited items to minors? radio Much more likely / Somewhat more likely / Neither more nor less likely / Somewhat less likely / Much less likely / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8211 16394 2022-11-15 5,080 0
Do you regularly buy any of the following Heinz food products? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Baked Beanz / Tomato Soup / Chicken Soup / Pasta Sauce / Tomato Ketchup / Mayonaise / BBQ Sauce / Other Sauce / Other Soup / Tinned Spaghetti / Vegetable Soup / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8210 16389 2022-11-15 11 0
Do you sell on any of the following platforms? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Amazon / Ebay / Etsy / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8209 16387 2022-11-14 203 0
Which of the following best describe you? radio I am fully self-service/unmanaged / I am managed and used partners / Neither / Prefer not to say 0 8209 16388 2022-11-14 203 0
Are you looking to buy/finance a car in the next 6 months? radio Yes / No / I don't drive / Prefer not to say 0 8208 16384 2022-11-14 3,124 0
How much would you usually spend on a new car? radio 0 - £5,999 / £6,000 - £10,999 / £11,000 - £15,999 / £16,000 - £20,999 / £21,000 - £25,999 / £26,000 - £30,999 / £30,000+ / Prefer not to say 0 8208 16385 2022-11-14 3,124 0
What do you usually focus on when buying a new car? checkbox Safety / Latest technology / Special offers / Good quality / Comfort / Spaciousness / Overall look / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8208 16386 2022-11-14 3,124 0
How many credit cards do you have? radio None / 1 / 2 / 3 or more / Prefer not to say 0 8207 16382 2022-11-11 450 0
Which of the following applies to you? (Tick all that apply) checkbox I have at least one credit card which I pay off at the end of every month / I have at least one credit card which its balance gets carried over every month / I have at least two cards with the same provider / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8207 16383 2022-11-11 450 0
What's your favourite film? textarea textarea 0 8206 16380 2022-11-11 538 0
What smart watch, if any, do you own? checkbox Apple Watch / Fitbit / Garmin / Samsung / Other / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8206 16381 2022-11-11 538 0
Which MP would you most like to see humiliated on I'm A Celebrity Get me Out of Here? radio Boris Johnson / Keir Starmer / Theresa May / Nicola Sturgeon / Jeremy Corbyn / Jeremy Hunt / Kwasi Kwarteng / Liz Truss / Other / Prefer not to say 0 8205 16378 2022-11-11 266 0
Please name the MP you would most like to see humiliated on I'm A Celebrity Get me Out of Here? textarea textarea 0 8205 16379 2022-11-11 266 0
When was the last time you booked a package holiday? radio In the last year / 1-2 years ago / 3 years or more ago / Never / Prefer not to say 0 8203 16376 2022-11-10 565 0
Will you be driving anywhere for a leisure visit this weekend? radio Yes / No / I don't drive / Prefer not to say 0 8201 16372 2022-11-10 3,117 0
Where will you be driving this weekend? textarea textarea 0 8201 16373 2022-11-10 3,117 0
Roughly how many miles will you be driving to get there and back? number 2000 / 0 0 8201 16374 2022-11-10 3,117 0
Do you have a financial adviser? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8199 16367 2022-11-10 457 0
How confident are you about your financial future? radio Very confident / Somewhat confident / Not confident at all / Prefer not to say 0 8199 16368 2022-11-10 457 0
How well prepared are you for your retirement? radio Very well prepared / Somewhat well prepared / Not well prepared at all / Not applicable / Prefer not to say 0 8199 16369 2022-11-10 457 0
Do you expect your personal financial circumstances to remain the same, improve, or worsen in the next year? radio Remain the same / Improve / Worsen / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8199 16370 2022-11-10 457 0
When looking for home improvement products where do you typically shop? (Tick all that apply) checkbox B&Q / Homebase / Wickes / Amazon / Ikea / Wayfair / Dunelm / Other / Not applicable / Prefer not to say 0 8198 16364 2022-11-10 3,122 0
Which of the following home improvement stores do you feel offer the best value for money? (Tick all that apply) checkbox B&Q / Homebase / Wickes / Amazon / Ikea / Wayfair / Dunelm / Other / Not applicable / Prefer not to say 0 8198 16365 2022-11-10 3,122 0
Which of the following home improvement stores do you feel offer most convenient shopping experience? checkbox B&Q / Homebase / Wickes / Amazon / Ikea / Wayfair / Dunelm / Other / Not applicable / Prefer not to say 0 8198 16366 2022-11-10 3,122 0
Do you work in any of the following sectors? radio Farming/agriculture / Shooting/hunting / Equestrian/riding school/own stables / Groundskeeper/landscaping/gardening / None of the above / Prefer not to say 1 8197 16363 2022-11-10 57,904 0
Which, if any, of the following products are you looking to buy in the next 6 months? (Tick all that apply.) checkbox Hair dryer / Hair straighteners / Hair curlers / Vacuum cleaner / Humidifier / Air purifier / Fan / Heater / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8196 16362 2022-11-10 302 0
What brand(s) of hair-styling tools do you use? checkbox GHD / Revlon / Babyliss / Dyson / Cloud 9 / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8195 16360 2022-11-09 522 0
How would you describe your hair? textarea textarea 0 8195 16361 2022-11-09 522 0
Which of the following have you purchased/leased in the past 5 years? (TIck all that apply) checkbox Luxury SUV / Luxury sedan / Luxury coupe / Other luxury vehicles / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8194 16358 2022-11-09 51 0
Are you the decision maker for this vehicle purchase? radio Yes, sole decision maker / Yes, joint decision maker / No / Prefer not to say 0 8194 16359 2022-11-09 51 0
Does your company use an email marketing software tool? (e.g., Klaviyo, Mailchimp, Hubspot, ActiveCampaign, Sendinblue, etc.) radio Yes / No / Not sure / Not applicable / Prefer not to say 0 8193 16355 2022-11-09 47 0
What is your involvement in selecting services / vendors / tools / software / solutions to manage email marketing? radio I am the sole decision maker / I am one of the key decision-makers / I have significant influence in the decision-making process, but do not make the final decision / I gather information and provide recommendations to the decision-maker(s) / I am typically not involved in decision-making / Prefer not to say 0 8193 16356 2022-11-09 47 0
What is your involvement in sending marketing emails to your current and (prospective) customers? radio I am the primary sender/ my team is responsible / I have significant influence over the emails drafted and sent / I oversee and provide recommendations in sending/ drafting emails / I am typically not involved in sending/ drafting emails / Prefer not to say 0 8193 16357 2022-11-09 47 0
On a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 means that you would not vote and 10 means that you would certainly vote, how likely would you be to vote if there were a general election tomorrow? radio 0 (Certainly will not vote) / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 (Certain to vote) / Prefer not to say 0 8192 16349 2022-11-09 6,709 0
If there were to be a general election tomorrow, which party would you vote for? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Scottish National Party (SNP) / Plaid Cymru / Green / Reform UK / Some other party / Would not vote / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8192 16350 2022-11-09 6,709 0
Protesters from the environmental activist group Just Stop Oil have caused widespread disruptions, such as gluing themselves to roads, throwing soup on famous paintings and stopping traffic on the M25, the UK’s busiest motorway. To what extent, if at all, do you support these disruptions? radio Strongly support / Support / Neither oppose nor support / Oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8192 16351 2022-11-09 6,709 0
The government is planning to introduce harsher punishments for environmental activists who disrupt public order, including imprisonment for six months and unlimited fines. To what extent, if at all, do you support harsher punishments for environmental activists such as Just Stop Oil? radio Strongly support / Support / Neither oppose nor support / Oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8192 16352 2022-11-09 6,709 0
Please indicate if you agree or disagree with the following statement: “The UK should pay climate reparations to developing countries in compensation for its historic role in climate change.” radio Completely agree / Somewhat agree / Neither agree nor disagree / Somewhat disagree / Completely disagree / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8192 16353 2022-11-09 6,709 0
Please indicate if you agree or disagree with the following statement: “Donald Trump is a threat to democracy in the United States.” radio Completely agree / Somewhat agree / Neither agree nor disagree / Somewhat disagree / Completely disagree / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8192 16354 2022-11-09 6,709 0
Do you hold a Lifetime ISA? (A Lifetime ISA or LISA is the specific ISA product designed primarily to help under 40s to purchase a first home) radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8191 16346 2022-11-09 3,150 0
Have you considered trying to access your Lifetime ISA funds recently to help with the increased cost of living? radio Yes / No / I haven’t saved any money into my Lifetime ISA / Prefer not to say 0 8191 16347 2022-11-09 3,150 0
Is the exit penalty acting as a barrier to you accessing your Lifetime ISA funds? radio Yes / No / I am not aware of the exit penalty / Prefer not to say 0 8191 16348 2022-11-09 3,150 0
Do you work in any of the following London financial districts? checkbox Canary Wharf / City of London / Lambeth / Southwark / Camden and Islington / Not applicable / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8189 16345 2022-11-08 1,363 0
Are you interested in investing in bitcoin? radio Yes / No / Already invested in bitcoin / Prefer not to say 0 8188 16343 2022-11-08 10,000 0
How likely are you to use augmented reality and virtual reality at during a luxury vehicle event? radio Very likely / LIkely / Neutral / Unlikely / Very unlikely / Prefer not to say 0 8187 16338 2022-11-08 853 0
What do you expect to see digitally during a luxury vehicle event? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Live speaker information / Product information and specification / Ability to edit your personal itinerary / Augmented reality / Map of the event (beverages, toilets, helpdesk etc) / GPS Locator / Further information on stalls/ speakers / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8187 16339 2022-11-08 853 0
Would you want to continue using the app as a communication channel post-event? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8187 16340 2022-11-08 853 0
How likely are you to use augmented reality and virtual reality after a luxury vehicle event? radio Very likely / Likely / Neutral / Unlikely / Very unlikely / Prefer not to say 0 8187 16341 2022-11-08 853 0
What information would you want to receive post-event? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Future car launch event notifications/ information / Car manufacturing process updates / News / Images of the event / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8187 16342 2022-11-08 853 0
Do you have a passion for cars? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8185 16324 2022-11-08 5,690 0
Have you ever been to an event that unveils a new exclusive luxury product? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8185 16325 2022-11-08 5,690 0
How would you expect to get notified about exclusive luxury vehicle events? radio Social media / Email / Memberships / Direct contact (e.g. Phone call) / Post / Other / Prefer not to say 0 8185 16326 2022-11-08 5,690 0
Would you expect a digital element as part of your experience after being invited to an exclusive luxury vehicle event? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8185 16327 2022-11-08 5,690 0
What platform(s) or device(s) would you want to use as part of your experience? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Mobile / Tablet / Laptop / Computer / AR or VR headset / Metaverse / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8185 16328 2022-11-08 5,690 0
What factor(s) would encourage you to reserve a luxury vehicle pre-launch without seeing it? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Scarcity / The brand / Vehicle specs / Imagery / Personalisation / Sense of luxury & exclusivity / Digital process / Simplicity of process / NFT (non-fungible token) / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8185 16329 2022-11-08 5,690 0
What would encourage you to pay a deposit digitally to reserve a luxury vehicle pre-launch? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Dealer contact information / Ease of use / Look & feel / Personalised service / Convenience / Direct and brand specific information / Speed of service / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8185 16330 2022-11-08 5,690 0
What would discourage you to pay a deposit digitally to reserve a luxury vehicle pre-launch? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Inability of see exactly what I've purchased / Inability to feel, touch or experience the vehicle / Lack of imagery / Lack of test drive / Lack of personalised service / Potential for fraud & security risks / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8185 16331 2022-11-08 5,690 0
How would you pay a deposit for a luxury vehicle online? radio Credit card / Debit card / Cryptocurrency (e.g. Bitcoin) / Mobile payments (e.g. Apple pay, Google pay) / Online payment system (e.g. Paypal, Sage) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 8185 16332 2022-11-08 5,690 0
After reserving a luxury vehicle online what would your after-care expectations be? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Ability to contact a dealer / Ability to access warranty information / Updates of car manufacturing timeline / Ability to book follow up servicing / Access to modification specifications / Access to exclusive car club or model specific information / Access to an aftercare team (mechanical or technical specialists) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 8185 16333 2022-11-08 5,690 0
What pre-event content would you want to see as part of the digital experience? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Event logistics information e.g. date, time, location / Event itinerary information / Brand information / Vehicle information and specs / Special guest list / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8185 16334 2022-11-08 5,690 0
Do you understand what an NFT (Non-fungible token) is? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8185 16335 2022-11-08 5,690 0
Have you ever used an augmented reality experience on your personal device? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8185 16336 2022-11-08 5,690 0
How likely are you to use augmented reality and virtual reality before a luxury vehicle event? radio Very likely / Likely / Neutral / Unlikely / Very unlikely / Prefer not to say 0 8185 16337 2022-11-08 5,690 0
What is your favourite board game to play at Christmas? textarea textarea 0 8184 16323 2022-11-08 202 0
Which of the following applies to you? (Tick all that apply) checkbox I bought a car in the last 3 years / I plan to buy a car in the next 3 years / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8182 16321 2022-11-07 100 0
Have you ever used refillable packaging? radio Yes / No / I don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8181 16319 2022-11-07 562 0
What's the last thing you bought that had plastic packaging? textarea textarea 0 8181 16320 2022-11-07 562 0
Which of the following are you solely or jointly responsible for when making purchase decisions? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Mobile phone network / Broadband / Paid for TV service / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8180 16316 2022-11-07 9,961 0
Thinking about your own personal mobile phone, what type of mobile phone tariff is it on? radio Pay As You Go / Pay monthly contract with a mobile phone included / Longer term SIM Only Contract / Rolling 30-day SIM Only / I'm not sure / Not applicable / Prefer not to say 0 8180 16317 2022-11-07 9,961 0
Do you have a Lifetime ISA? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8179 16313 2022-11-07 3,164 0
Have you considered trying to access your Lifetime ISA funds recently to help with the increased cost of living? radio Yes / No / I haven’t saved any money into my Lifetime ISA / Prefer not to say 0 8179 16314 2022-11-07 3,164 0
Is the exit penalty acting as a barrier to you accessing your Lifetime ISA funds? radio Yes / No / I am not aware of the exit penalty / Prefer not to say 0 8179 16315 2022-11-07 3,164 0
Which of the following best describe you? (Tick all that apply) checkbox I bought a printer in the last 12 months / I bought a printer in the last 6 months / I plan to buy a printer in the next 3 months / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8178 16310 2022-11-07 106 0
Is this purchase for personal or business use? radio Personal / Business / Not applicable / Prefer not to say 0 8178 16311 2022-11-07 106 0
How many people work in your business? radio 0-25 / 26-50 / 51-100 / 101-250 / 250+ / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8178 16312 2022-11-07 106 0
Do you now regret voting for Brexit? radio Yes / No / I don’t know / I didn’t vote for Brexit / Prefer not to say 0 8177 16309 2022-11-05 2,020 0
What's your favourite car? textarea textarea 0 8173 16304 2022-11-04 568 0
Which do you prefer? radio Lamborghini / Ferrari / Ford Fiesta / Bentley / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8173 16305 2022-11-04 568 0
You told us you are a customer of Severn Trent (water company), are you currently receiving financial assistance from Severn Trent to help pay your water bills? radio Yes / No / Not applicable / Prefer not to say 0 8172 16302 2022-11-04 553 0
Do you consider yourself to be struggling to pay your water bills? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8172 16303 2022-11-04 553 0
If you could get a free sample of anything right now, what would it be? textarea textarea 0 8171 16301 2022-11-04 265 0
Do you have a passion for cars? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8170 16299 2022-11-04 167 0
Have you ever been to an event that unveils a new exclusive luxury product? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8170 16300 2022-11-04 167 0
Would you consider studying for an open degree in the next 5 years? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8169 16298 2022-11-04 239 0
Which of the following Mars Celebrations do you like? (Please select all that apply) checkbox Maltesers / Galaxy / Galaxy Caramel / Milky Way / Mars / Twix / Snickers / Bounty / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8168 16293 2022-11-04 33,243 0
Which of the following Quality Street chocolates do you like? (Please select all that apply) checkbox The Purple One (Hazelnut and caramel) / The Green Triangle (Hazelnut noisette) / Orange Crème / Toffee Finger / Milk Chocolate Block / Strawberry Delight / Fudge / Orange Crunch / Toffee Penny / Caramel Swirl / Coconut Eclair / Lemon Zing / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8168 16294 2022-11-04 33,243 0
Which of the following Cadbury Roses chocolates do you like? (Please select all that apply) checkbox Tangy Orange Creme / Strawberry Dream / Hazel in Caramel / Cadbury Dairy Milk Chunk / Golden Barrel / Hazel Whirl / Caramel / Signature Truffle / Country Fudge / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8168 16295 2022-11-04 33,243 0
Which of the following Cadbury Heroes chocolates do you like? (Please select all that apply) checkbox Cadbury Dairy Milk / Cadbury Dairy Milk Caramel / Eclairs / Fudge / Twirl / Creme Egg Twisted / Crunchie Bits / Dinky Decker / Wispa / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8168 16297 2022-11-04 33,243 0
If you liked a brands marketing, but had a bad customer experience before, would you still buy from them? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8167 16290 2022-11-04 614 0
Which of the following would influence you to purchase from a company? checkbox Good Customer Service / Value for Money / The Values the Company Has / Trust in the Company / Their Marketing / Previous reviews of the company / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8167 16291 2022-11-04 614 0
What do you think Customer Experience is? textarea textarea 0 8167 16292 2022-11-04 614 0
If you could keep only three of following, which three would you keep? (Please select three) checkbox Pets / Alcohol / Thumbs / TV / Fruit / Exercise / Windows / Emergency services / Beds / Prefer not to say 0 8166 16289 2022-11-03 237 0
What’s the best thing ever? textarea textarea 0 8165 16288 2022-11-03 218 0
What kind of cars are you enthusiastic about? radio Performance cars / High-end Luxury cars / Sports cars / Classic cars / Electric cars / Other / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8164 16286 2022-11-03 107 0
Have you ever or would you attend luxury and performance car VIP events, launches, or tours? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8164 16287 2022-11-03 107 0
“Cash house buying companies” are also known as “we buy any house companies”. They offer a faster sale than using an estate agent, but they buy your home for significantly less than its full value. On a scale of 1-5, how trustworthy do you think “cash house buying companies” are? radio 1 – Not trustworthy at all / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 - Very trustworthy / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8163 16285 2022-11-03 561 0
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Matt Hancock? textarea textarea 0 8162 16282 2022-11-03 1,012 0
How much more would you pay for a "green" Christmas this year? radio Nothing / Less than 5% more / Between 5 and 10% more / Between 10 and 20% more / More than 20% more / Prefer not to say 0 8162 16283 2022-11-03 1,012 0
Of the following, what is your top priority this Christmas? radio Saving money / Recycling and/or buying sustainably / Having fun / Staying warm / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8162 16284 2022-11-03 1,012 0
Do you live in any of the following districts? radio Winchester / Eastleigh / Test Valley / Southampton / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8160 16279 2022-11-03 2,100 0
Do you know what a Bare Trust is? checkbox I know what a Bare Trust is, and I know how they work / I know what a Bare Trust is, but I don’t know how they work / No, I have never heard of a Bare Trust / Prefer not to say 0 8159 16278 2022-11-03 226 0
Do you live in any of the following locations? radio Essex / Norfolk / Suffolk / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8158 16276 2022-11-03 6 0
To what extent do you trust opinion polls? radio Very much / Somewhat / Not very much / Not at all / Prefer not to say 0 8157 16274 2022-11-02 2,061 0
Whom do you blame mostly for the current immigration crisis? textarea textarea 0 8157 16275 2022-11-02 2,061 0
Are you any of the following? radio Accountant - Sole trader or SMB (small/medium business) / Accounting Practitioners / Bookkeeper / Work within an organisation in an accounting/bookkeeping role / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8156 16272 2022-11-02 112 0
How many employees are there in your organisation? radio 1-10 / 11-49 / 50+ / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8156 16273 2022-11-02 112 0
Would your child be interested in role playing any of the careers below? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Actor / Aviation / Banker / Spy / Tour bus driver / Cleaner / Dancer / In fashion / Fire & rescue service / Doctor or nurse / Librarian / Musician / Journalist / Pet wellbeing / Photographer / Pokemon trainer / Police department / Radio broadcaster / Scientist / Retail worker / In a TV studio / Chef / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8155 16271 2022-11-02 312 0
Is it right for a serving MP to spend several weeks on a celebrity reality show? radio Yes / No / I don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8153 16269 2022-11-02 2,363 0
How much do you agree with - I sometimes limit red meat consumption. radio Completely agree / Somewhat agree / Neutral / Somewhat disagree / Completely disagree / Prefer not to say 0 8152 16263 2022-11-02 3,068 0
How much do you agree with - I look for food authority assurances. radio Completely agree / Somewhat agree / Neutral / Somewhat disagree / Completely disagree / Prefer not to say 0 8152 16264 2022-11-02 3,068 0
How much do you agree with - I eat healthier than I did in the past. radio Completely agree / Somewhat agree / Neutral / Somewhat disagree / Completely disagree / Prefer not to say 0 8152 16265 2022-11-02 3,068 0
How much do you agree with - I prefer to buy free range radio Completely agree / Somewhat agree / Neutral / Somewhat disagree / Completely disagree / Prefer not to say 0 8152 16266 2022-11-02 3,068 0
How much do you agree with - I prefer to prepare my meals radio Completely agree / Somewhat agree / Neutral / Somewhat disagree / Completely disagree / Prefer not to say 0 8152 16267 2022-11-02 3,068 0
How much do you agree with - It’s important companies act ethically radio Completely agree / Somewhat agree / Neutral / Somewhat disgree / Completely disagree / Prefer not to say 0 8152 16268 2022-11-02 3,068 0
Select your favourite music genres: (Tick all that apply) checkbox Neo-classical / Modern classical / Downtempo / Trance / Ambient music / New age / Jazz / Alternative/indie / Electronic / Other / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8151 16261 2022-11-02 733 0
Do you enjoy listening to any of the following artists? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Hania Rani / Yiruma / Dustin O'Halloran / Lambert / Sophie Hutchings / Alfa Mist / JFDR / Eydís Evensen / tstewart / Magnús Jóhann / EDM / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8151 16262 2022-11-02 733 0
Which of the following musicals have you seen? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Tina Turner The Musical / Matilda / The Lion King / Wicked / Six / Frozen / Back to the future / & Juliet / Mamma Mia / Book of Morman / Jamie / Chicago / Sister Act / Cinderella / Dear Evan Hansen / Mary Poppins / Heathers the Musical / Les Misérables / Waitress / Fame / Aladdin / Kinky Boots / Jersey Boys / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8150 16258 2022-11-02 930 0
How do you usually book theatre tickets? radio Online booking via Desktop / Online booking via mobile phone / In person at Box office or venue / Other / Not applicable / Prefer not to say 0 8150 16259 2022-11-02 930 0
Which English Heritage or Historical Royal Palaces have you visited? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Stonehenge / Hadrian’s Wall / Tower of London / St Augustine Abbey / Durham Castle / Palace of Westminster / Blenheim Palace / Fountains Abbey / Greenwich / Tintagel Castle / Belsay Hall, Castle and Gardens / Audley End House & Gardens / Osborne / Dover Castle / Walmer Castle / Warkworth Castle / Kenilworth Castle / Hampton Court Palace / Banqueting House / Kenington Palace / Kew Palace / Hillsborough Castle / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8150 16260 2022-11-02 930 0
Would you be put off buying a house if you found out it had a history of subsidence? radio Yes, I would be put off / No, I would not be put off / Prefer not to say 0 8146 16254 2022-11-02 661 0
Do you own an electric vehicle (EV)? radio Yes / No, but I have an EV on order / No, but I am considering purchasing within the next 6 months / No, but I am considering purchasing within the next year / No, and I am not considering purchasing in the near future / Prefer not to say 0 8145 16253 2022-11-01 552 0
Are you interested in investing in bitcoin? radio Yes / No / Already invested in bitcoin / Prefer not to say 0 8144 16252 2022-11-01 10,035 0
Do you know what “quiet firing” is? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8142 16246 2022-11-01 1,783 0
Have you ever experienced any of these in your current, or a previous, workplace? (please select all that apply) checkbox Someone making your work life uncomfortable to encourage you to leave / Being ignored by your manager / Communication stopped internally / Role or responsibility changes / Left out of social aspects of the job / Left out of meetings / Passed over for promotion / Lack of feedback / Information withheld from you / Undermined in a meeting / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8142 16247 2022-11-01 1,783 0
One week into Rishi Sunak's Government, are you more confident about your personal finances? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8141 16245 2022-11-01 2,095 0
Do you have a Lifetime ISA? radio Yes, a Cash Lifetime ISA / Yes, a Stocks & Shares Lifetime ISA / No, but I have a Help-to-Buy ISA / No, none of the above / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8140 16244 2022-11-01 520 0
Which of the following United Kingdom languages do you speak? (Tick all that apply) checkbox English / Scots / Welsh / Cornish / Scottish Gaelic / Irish / Ulster Scots / Angloromani / Beurla Reagaird / Shelta / None of the above / Prefer not to say 1 8139 16243 2022-11-01 58,618 0
On a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 means that you would not vote and 10 means that you would certainly vote, how likely would you be to vote if there were a general election tomorrow? radio 0 (Certainly will not vote) / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 (Certain to vote) / Prefer not to say 0 8138 16236 2022-11-01 7,810 0
If there were to be a general election tomorrow, which party would you vote for? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Scottish National Party (SNP) / Plaid Cymru / Green / Reform UK / Some other party / Would not vote / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8138 16237 2022-11-01 7,810 0
Please indicate if you agree or disagree with the following statement: “The British government has lost control of the country’s borders” radio Completely agree / Somewhat agree / Neither agree nor disagree / Somewhat disagree / Completely disagree / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8138 16238 2022-11-01 7,810 0
Please indicate if you agree or disagree with the following statement: “European courts and judges in Strasbourg should be able to override decisions about Britain’s borders that are made in Britain” radio Completely agree / Somewhat agree / Neither agree nor disagree / Somewhat disagree / Completely disagree / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8138 16239 2022-11-01 7,810 0
Please indicate if you agree or disagree with the following statement: “No one who arrives unlawfully in the UK by a small boat from a safe country, such as France, should be granted a right to settle in the UK” radio Completely agree / Somewhat agree / Neither agree nor disagree / Somewhat disagree / Completely disagree / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8138 16240 2022-11-01 7,810 0
This week it was revealed that the largest group of foreign nationals who are arriving unlawfully to the UK in small boats are Albanians. There is currently no war or persecution in Albania. What do you think should be done? radio They should be allowed to stay in the country and apply for British citizenship / They should be allowed to stay in the country but not become British citizens / They should be required to leave the country and return to Albania / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8138 16241 2022-11-01 7,810 0
Which politician do you think would best manage the issue of the small boats crossing the Channel? radio Keir Starmer / Rishi Sunak / Ed Davey / Caroline Lucas / Boris Johnson / Nicola Sturgeon / Nigel Farage / Don't know / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8138 16242 2022-11-01 7,810 0
Do you recall seeing Fridays Restaurant Bar & Grill advertised within the last 14 days? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8137 16235 2022-10-31 89 0
Do you work in any of the following London financial districts? radio Canary Wharf / City of London / Lambeth / Southwark / Camden and Islington / Not applicable / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8136 16234 2022-10-31 610 0
When booking to see a live theatre show or event, how would you purchase your tickets? radio Online through the official theatre website / In person, at the theatre venue or Box Office well in advance / Research for the best online deals well in advance / Last-minute deals online / Last-minute tickets at the venue or Box Office / Prefer not to say 0 8135 16233 2022-10-31 200 0
What do you think of Elon Musk? textarea textarea 0 8134 16231 2022-10-31 450 0
Elon Musk has recently bought Twitter. Do you think he will make it better or worse? radio Better / Worse / I don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8134 16232 2022-10-31 450 0
What do you think of Elon Musk? textarea textarea 0 8133 16229 2022-10-31 508 0
Elon Musk has recently bought Twitter. Do you think he will make it better or worse? radio Better / Worse / I don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8133 16230 2022-10-31 508 0
Which of these are you confident doing? (Please select all that apply) checkbox Having a repertoire of ten meals that you can cook easily / Put up a shelf / Ride a bike / Create a social media video / Understand a loan agreement to borrow money / Take up (hem) trousers / Mend a puncture / Prefer not to say / None of the above 0 8132 16225 2022-10-31 891 0
Do you feel that you have enough practical skills to thrive as an adult? radio Yes, I feel totally confident with the skills that I have in navigating life / I feel somewhat confident that I have the skills I need / No, I feel that there are a lot of gaps in the skills I have / No, I feel very unconfident in the skills that I have / Prefer not to say 0 8132 16226 2022-10-31 891 0
If you don't know how to do something practical, what do you do? (Please select all that apply) checkbox Look it up on social media (TikTok, YouTube, Instagram) and then learn how to do it / Ask my parent to do it for me / Ask my partner to do it / Pay someone to do it / Get a book and learn how to do it / Ignore the problem until it gets worse or goes away / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8132 16227 2022-10-31 891 0
Would you describe yourself as a football fan? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8131 16228 2022-10-31 4,325 0
Are you a car enthusiast? Please select any of the following types of cars you are enthusiastic about. checkbox High-end Luxury cars / Classic cars / Electric cars / Performance cars / Other / I am not a car enthusiast / Prefer not to say 0 8129 16213 2022-10-31 12,020 0
How do you access any classic or luxury car content? checkbox Magazines / Brochures / Websites / Events / Dealerships / Showrooms / Dealer websites / Classic car enthusiast websites / Social media (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.) / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8129 16214 2022-10-31 12,020 0
What devices do you usually use to access the website? checkbox Mobile phone / Tablet / Laptop / Computer / AR or VR headset / Metaverse / Prefer not to say 0 8129 16215 2022-10-31 12,020 0
Think of a recent classic or luxury car website you visited – what stood out to you as POSITIVE experience? Please select all that apply. checkbox Look & feel of the website / Ease of use / Functionality / Personalisation (recommendations/similar product suggestions) / Sense of luxury & exclusivity / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8129 16216 2022-10-31 12,020 0
Which website was this? textarea textarea 0 8129 16217 2022-10-31 12,020 0
Think of a recent classic or luxury car website you visited – what NEGATIVE element(s) stood out to you? Please select all that apply. checkbox Clunky / Irrelevant / Slow / Confusing / No digital purchase ability / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8129 16218 2022-10-31 12,020 0
What would encourage you to purchase a vehicle through a website? Please select all that apply. checkbox Convenience / More product options available to view / Discounts / Direct and brand specific information / Speed of service / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8129 16219 2022-10-31 12,020 0
What would discourage you to purchase a classic car online? Please select all that apply. checkbox Inability to see exactly what I’ve purchased / Inability to feel, touch or experience the vehicle / Lack of test drive / Lack of personalised service / Potential for fraud & security risks / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8129 16220 2022-10-31 12,020 0
Imagine you purchased a classic car on a website – what would your customer after care expectations be? Please select all that apply. checkbox Ability to access warranty information / Ability to book follow up servicing or modification as needed / Ability to access parts / Access to modification specifications / Access to exclusive car club or model specific information / Access to an aftercare team (mechanical or technical specialists) / Regular brand updates / Other / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8129 16221 2022-10-31 12,020 0
What type of additional content would you expect to see on a classic car website? Please select all that apply. checkbox History and accreditation information / High end imagery / Detailed specifications for each vehicle / Full lists of customisable product options / 360 visualisations / Details of upcoming events and exhibitions / Car club membership / Rebuilding or restoring information / Links to hobbyist forums / Internal and external vehicle videos / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8129 16222 2022-10-31 12,020 0
When was the last time you went to the Theatre? radio Less than a week ago / Between 1 week and 1 month ago / Between 1 and 2 months ago / Between 2 and 6 months ago / Between 6 and 12 months ago / More than 12 months ago / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8128 16212 2022-10-31 254 0
Have your ever bought any of the following ethnic wear? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Chinese / Mexican / Japanese / Indian / Pakistani / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8127 16211 2022-10-31 532 0
Do you pay attention to opinion polls? radio Very much / Somewhat / Not very much / Not at all / Prefer not to say 0 8125 16208 2022-10-31 2,731 0
Imagine your current next door neighbour was seeking asylum from a country that was persecuting them. Would you support sending them back to their home country? radio Yes / No / I don’t know / Prefer not to say 0 8124 16206 2022-10-29 470 0
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the term “Asylum seeker “? textarea textarea 0 8124 16207 2022-10-29 470 0
From the best of your recollection, when did you last visit a Fridays Restaurant & Bar? radio Within the last 6 months / Between 6 months and a year ago / Between a year ago and 5 years ago / Between 5 years ago and 10 years ago / More than 10 years ago / Never / Prefer not to say 0 8123 16202 2022-10-28 498 0
For which of these reasons would you visit a Fridays Restaurant & Bar? (Please select all that apply) checkbox Birthday / Family celebration / Date night / Drinks at the bar / Night out with friends/colleagues / Other / Prefer not to say 0 8123 16203 2022-10-28 498 0
Which of these do you think describes Fridays Restaurant & Bar? (Please select all that apply) checkbox Tacky / Quality / Cheap / Cool / Inviting / Boring / Liberating / Fun / Family friendly / Trendy / Exciting / Relaxing / Nostalgic / Dated / Bold / Expected / Entertaining / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8123 16204 2022-10-28 498 0
Do you recall seeing Fridays Restaurant Bar & Grill advertised within the last 14 days? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8123 16205 2022-10-28 498 0
Are you a viewer of any of the following programmes on Sky Sports? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Gillette Soccer Saturday / Game Changers / The F1 Show / Super League Full Time / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8122 16200 2022-10-28 2,089 0
Which of the following social media do you follow Sky Sports on? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / Tiktok / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8122 16201 2022-10-28 2,089 0
Do you believe in ghosts? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8120 16195 2022-10-27 78,594 0
What was your favourite thing to dress up as for Halloween as a child? textarea textarea 0 8120 16196 2022-10-27 78,594 0
What is your favourite Halloween tradition? radio Dressing Up / Trick or Treating / Carving Pumpkins / Visit a pumpkin patch / Go to a Haunted House / Make Toffee Apples / Bob for Apples / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8120 16197 2022-10-27 78,594 0
What is your favourite Halloween Film? textarea textarea 0 8120 16198 2022-10-27 78,594 0
Name the horror film that made you lose the most sleep. textarea textarea 0 8119 16194 2022-10-27 286 0
Have you ever bought National Lottery scratch cards? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8118 16191 2022-10-27 797 0
Where do you think the money from scratch card sales goes? textarea textarea 0 8118 16192 2022-10-27 797 0
Do you know of any local causes that have benefited from National Lottery grants? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8118 16193 2022-10-27 797 0
If you could choose one home improvement to add to your Christmas wish list, what improvement would it be? textarea textarea 0 8117 16190 2022-10-27 210 0
If you add one car to your Christmas wish list, what car would you choose? textarea textarea 0 8116 16189 2022-10-27 210 0
How are you? radio Very good / Good / Okay / Bad / Very bad / Prefer not to say 0 8115 16187 2022-10-26 4,070 0
Why? textarea textarea 0 8115 16188 2022-10-26 4,070 0
How are you? textarea textarea 0 8114 16186 2022-10-26 227 0
How pieces of plastic do you think you throw away per day on average? number 100 / 0 0 8112 16181 2022-10-26 8,457 0
How many pieces of plastic do you think you've thrown away so far today? number 100 / 0 0 8112 16182 2022-10-26 8,457 0
Are you actively trying to buy less single use plastic? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8112 16183 2022-10-26 8,457 0
Would you prefer to buy fruit and veg with plastic packaging, or loose? radio Yes / No / I already buy loose / Prefer not to say 0 8112 16184 2022-10-26 8,457 0
What do you think of Boris Johnson? textarea textarea 0 8110 16178 2022-10-26 568 0
What do you think of Liz Truss? textarea textarea 0 8110 16179 2022-10-26 568 0
What do you think of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak? textarea textarea 0 8108 16169 2022-10-26 2,121 0
When do you think the cost of living crisis will peak? checkbox In the next 3 months / Between 3 months and 6 months / Between 6 months and 12 months / Between 1 and 2 years / After 2 years time / Prefer not to say 0 8108 16170 2022-10-26 2,121 0
Are you any of the following? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Christian / Jewish / Muslim / Buddhist / Atheist / Agnostic / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8107 16166 2022-10-26 652 0
Are you affiliated with a church denomination? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8107 16167 2022-10-26 652 0
Are you open to giving to Christian organisations and hild poverty alleviation organisations? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8107 16168 2022-10-26 652 0
On a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 means that you would not vote and 10 means that you would certainly vote, how likely would you be to vote if there were a general election tomorrow? radio 0 (Certainly will not vote) / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 (Certain to vote) / Prefer not to say 0 8106 16160 2022-10-26 6,490 0
If there were to be a general election tomorrow, which party would you vote for? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Scottish National Party (SNP) / Plaid Cymru / Green / Reform UK / Some other party / Would not vote / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8106 16161 2022-10-26 6,490 0
To what extent, if at all, do you have a favourable or unfavourable opinion of Rishi Sunak? radio Very favourable / Somewhat favourable / Somewhat unfavourable / Very unfavourable / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8106 16162 2022-10-26 6,490 0
Which of the following would be best to manage the British economy in the years ahead? radio A Conservative government with Rishi Sunak as Prime Minister / A Labour government with Keir Starmer as Prime Minister / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8106 16163 2022-10-26 6,490 0
Which of the following would be best to manage immigration in the years ahead? radio A Conservative government with Rishi Sunak as Prime Minister / A Labour government with Keir Starmer as Prime Minister / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8106 16164 2022-10-26 6,490 0
Please indicate if you agree or disagree with the following statement: "Conservative MPs have betrayed Conservative Party members and voters by appointing Rishi Sunak as Conservative Party leader and Prime Minister" radio Completely agree / Somewhat agree / Neither agree nor disagree / Somewhat disagree / Completely disagree / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8106 16165 2022-10-26 6,490 0
Which of these topics concerns you the most right now? radio Rising energy Prices / Rising interest rates / The war in Ukraine / UK political instability / Climate change / New Covid-19 variants / Job security / Prefer not to say 0 8105 16156 2022-10-25 7,166 0
When it comes to your Christmas spending this year, do you plan to... radio Spend more than last year / Spend about the same as last year / Spend a little less than last year / Spend significantly less than last year / Prefer not to say 0 8105 16157 2022-10-25 7,166 0
Considering the current cost of living crisis, how important is it for you that the products you buy are environmentally friendly / sustainable? radio It remains very important to me / It is less important to me than it used to be / It is important to me now, but wasn't before / it was never important to me / Prefer not to say 0 8105 16158 2022-10-25 7,166 0
How important do you think it is for brands and retailers support customers through the current cost of living crisis? radio Very important / Somewhat important / Not important / Unsure / Prefer not to say 0 8105 16159 2022-10-25 7,166 0
What item of clothing do you find trickiest to shop for in winter? textarea textarea 0 8104 16152 2022-10-25 553 0
On average, roughly how many hour per week do you spend shopping online? radio Less than 1 hour / 2 hours / 3-4 hours / 5-7 hours / More than 7 hours / Prefer not to say 0 8104 16153 2022-10-25 553 0
What item of clothing are you most happy to invest in for winter? textarea textarea 0 8104 16154 2022-10-25 553 0
What type of clothes do you regularly shop for? (Please select all that apply) checkbox Vintage / High-end / Organic / Plus-size / Second-hand / pre-loved / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8104 16155 2022-10-25 553 0
What item of clothing do you find trickiest to shop for in Winter? textarea textarea 0 8103 16148 2022-10-25 653 0
On average, roughly how many hour per week do you spend shopping online? number 0 8103 16149 2022-10-25 653 0
What item of clothing are you most happy to invest in for Winter? textarea textarea 0 8103 16150 2022-10-25 653 0
What type of clothes do you regularly shop for? (Please select all that apply) checkbox Vintage / High-end / Organic / Plus-size / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8103 16151 2022-10-25 653 0
Are you interested in investing in bitcoin? radio Yes / No / Already invested in bitcoin / Prefer not to say 0 8102 16147 2022-10-25 10,032 0
Which of the following restaurants are you a customer of? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Corn Exchange Manchester / Gaucho Manchester / The Bull & Bear, Manchester / TNQ - The Northern Quarter Restaurant & Bar / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8101 16146 2022-10-25 106 0
What is your favourite city to visit for a weekend? textarea textarea 0 8100 16144 2022-10-25 516 0
What type of weekend breaks do you like? (Please select all that apply) checkbox City / Camping / Spa / Theatre / Beach / Food & Drink / Walking / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8100 16145 2022-10-25 516 0
Which of the following best describes your industry of work? radio Advertising / Market research / Marketing / Manufacturing / Retail / Public relations / Healthcare / Journalism / TV / Radio / Media / Tele marketing/customer services / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8099 16142 2022-10-24 1,169 0
On a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 means you would never consider voting for them, and 10 means you would definitely consider voting for them, how likely are you to consider voting for the Conservative Party at the next election? radio 0 - Would never consider voting for them / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 - Would definitely consider voting for them / Prefer not to say 0 8098 16137 2022-10-24 12,476 0
On a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 means you would never consider voting for them, and 10 means you would definitely consider voting for them, how likely are you to consider voting for the Labour Party at the next election? radio 0 - Would never consider voting for them / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 - Would definitely consider voting for them / Prefer not to say 0 8098 16138 2022-10-24 12,476 0
After 12 years of Conservative government, Tory MPs have selected Rishi Sunak as the new Prime Minister, making him the third Prime Minister in five years to be selected by the Conservative party, rather than voted in by the public. Which of the following comes closest to your opinion? radio There should now be an early general election so the public can have a say / There does not need to be an early general election / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8098 16139 2022-10-24 12,476 0
Which of the following, if any, do you think are fair criticisms to make? Please select any which you think are mostly or completely fair. checkbox Rishi Sunak is out of touch with working people. Like the rest of the Conservative Party, he’s only focused on protecting the privileged few. / Only Conservative MPs got to vote for Rishi Sunak to be Prime Minister. He’s an illegitimate Prime Minister without being voted for by the people. / When Rishi Sunak was Chancellor, working people paid the price for the cost of living crisis and £4 billion was wasted in Covid fraud. He can’t be trusted to get the economy back on track. / With the Conservatives so divided, Rishi Sunak will be more focused on saving MPs’ seats than serving the country. / Rishi Sunak was fined for breaking lockdown rules, proving he thinks it’s one rule for him, another for everyone else. / Rishi Sunak is focused more on his image than serious issues. / Rishi Sunak is the same as every other Conservative. He’s not the fresh start the UK needs. / Rishi Sunak raised taxes on working people at the same time that his family avoided paying them. / Don't know / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8098 16140 2022-10-24 12,476 0
And thinking about the same criticisms again, in your opinion, which of the following are the strongest reasons not to vote for the Conservative Party? Please select up to two. checkbox Rishi Sunak is out of touch with working people. Like the rest of the Conservative Party, he’s only focused on protecting the privileged few. / Only Conservative MPs got to vote for Rishi Sunak to be Prime Minister. He’s an illegitimate Prime Minister without being voted for by the people. / When Rishi Sunak was Chancellor, working people paid the price for the cost of living crisis and £4 billion was wasted in Covid fraud. He can’t be trusted to get the economy back on track. / With the Conservatives so divided, Rishi Sunak will be more focused on saving MPs’ seats than serving the country. / Rishi Sunak was fined for breaking lockdown rules, proving he thinks it’s one rule for him, another for everyone else. / Rishi Sunak is focused more on his image than serious issues. / Rishi Sunak is the same as every other Conservative. He’s not the fresh start the UK needs. / Rishi Sunak raised taxes on working people at the same time that his family avoided paying them. / Don't know / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8098 16141 2022-10-24 12,476 0
Are you responsible for paying your household bills? radio Yes, solely responsible / Yes, jointly responsible / No / Not applicable / Prefer not to say 1 8096 16135 2022-10-24 57,964 0
Imagine that the final two candidates in the next Conservative leadership election were Rishi Sunak and Penny Mordaunt. Who would you vote for? radio Rishi Sunak / Penny Mordaunt / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 8095 16131 2022-10-24 812 0
Imagine that Rishi Sunak became the next leader of the Conservative Party. How would you feel? radio Very happy / Reasonably happy / Reasonably unhappy / Very unhappy / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8095 16132 2022-10-24 812 0
Imagine that Rishi Sunak became the next leader of the Conservative Party. Which of the following best describes how you want him to manage the Conservative Party? radio The best way to govern will be by picking a Cabinet made up of his those who have supported his campaign and his policies throughout the past few months / The best way to govern will be by picking a Cabinet made up of those from all parts of the party, even if they haven't supported his campaign or policies over the past few months / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8095 16133 2022-10-24 812 0
You told us you were a member of the Conservative Party, are you still a member of the Conservative Party? radio Yes / No / Not applicable / Prefer not to say 0 8095 16134 2022-10-24 812 0
Are you familiar with open banking? Apps such as Barclays, Lloyds Bank, Experian, Mortgage Apps radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8094 16127 2022-10-24 4,078 0
Are you comfortable allowing third party companies access to your financial records in order to speed up the initial sign up process when using them for a service or product? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8094 16128 2022-10-24 4,078 0
Would you know how to check if such a company was authorised to provide open banking by the FCA or Open Banking Directory? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8094 16129 2022-10-24 4,078 0
Which of the following features of open banking most appeal to you? checkbox Convenience and speed / More control over data/information / Cost reduction / Personalisation / Improved decision-making, tracking, and potential planning / Explicit consent required for accessing your data / information / More power over your finances and allows lenders to offer more tailored services / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8094 16130 2022-10-24 4,078 0
We know that many people in your area didn't vote in the last general election. How likely do you think you are to vote in the next generalelection on a scale from 0 to 10? (10 - certain to vote, 0 - certain not to vote) radio 0 - Certain not to vote / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 - Certain to vote / Prefer not to say 0 8093 16123 2022-10-22 6,612 0
Assuming that Rishi Sunak were leader of the Conservative party, and there were a General Election tomorrow, which party, if any, would you vote for? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Reform UK / Green / Plaid Cymru / SNP / Some other party / Would not vote / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8093 16124 2022-10-22 6,612 0
Assuming that Boris Johnson were leader of the Conservative party again, and there were a General Election tomorrow, which party, if any, would you vote for? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Reform UK / Green / Plaid Cymru / SNP / Some other party / Would not vote / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8093 16125 2022-10-22 6,612 0
Liz Truss has today resigned as Prime Minister, and a new Conservative party leader is expected to be selected by Friday next week. Should there now be a General Election? radio Yes / No / I don't know 0 8092 16119 2022-10-20 7,137 0
Regardless of whether there is a General Election, who do you think should be the new leader of the Conservative Party and Prime Minister until there is one? radio Boris Johnson / Rishi Sunak / Kemi Badenoch / Suella Braverman / Jeremy Hunt / Penny Mordaunt / Other 0 8092 16120 2022-10-20 7,137 0
If this person became leader of the Conservative Party, how likely is it that you would vote for them in a General Election if it were called immediately? radio Very likely / Somewhat likely / Not very likely / Not likely at all 0 8092 16121 2022-10-20 7,137 0
You told us you were a member of the Conservative Party, are you still a member of the Conservative Party? radio Yes / No / Not applicable / Prefer not to say 0 8091 16114 2022-10-20 2,509 0
Thinking back to the Conservative Party Leadership election this summer, which candidate, if any, did you vote for? radio Liz Truss / Rishi Sunak / I did not vote or was not eligible to vote / Can't remember / Prefer not to say 0 8091 16115 2022-10-20 2,509 0
Thinking back to the Conservative Party Leadership election in 2019, which candidate, if any, did you vote for? radio Boris Johnson / Jeremy Hunt / I did not vote or was not eligible to vote / Can't remember / Prefer not to say 0 8091 16116 2022-10-20 2,509 0
Imagine that the final two candidates in the next Conservative leadership election were Rishi Sunak and Penny Mordaunt. Who would you vote for? radio Rishi Sunak / Penny Mordaunt / Don't know / I wouldn't vote / Prefer not to say 0 8091 16117 2022-10-20 2,509 0
Imagine that the final two candidates in the next Conservative leadership election were Rishi Sunak and Boris Johnson. Who would you vote for? radio Rishi Sunak / Boris Johnson / Don't know / I wouldn't vote / Prefer not to say 0 8091 16118 2022-10-20 2,509 0
Thank you for taking part in the study. The researchers would like us to share your past voting intentions (General elections and EU Referendum) if available. Would you be happy for us to do this? This information will be associated with the response you gave to the research in the study. radio Yes, I am happy to share / No thanks / Prefer not to say 0 8090 16113 2022-10-20 1 0
Do you think Boris Johnson should stand to be the next leader of the Conservative Party? checkbox Yes / No / I don't know 0 8087 16110 2022-10-20 4,217 0
Who would you prefer to be the leader of the Conservative Party? radio Rishi Sunak / Boris Johnson / Penny Mordaunt / Kemi Badenoch / Other / I don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8087 16112 2022-10-20 4,217 0
Which, if any, of the following restaurants have you eaten at, or ordered for collection/delivery from in the past 12 months? checkbox Bella Italia / Ask Italian / Franco Manca / Frankie & Benny's / Local Independent Pizzeria / Mod Pizza / Pizza Express / Pizza Hut Restaurants / Pizza Pilgrims / Pizza Union / Prezzo / Toby Carvery / Zizzi / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8086 16136 2022-10-20 124,126 0
Do you agree with the disruptive methods recently used by Just Stop Oil including occupying the Dartford Crossing and painting Harrods store front orange? radio Strongly agree / Agree / Neither agree nor disagree / Disagree / Strongly disagree / Prefer not to say 0 8085 16106 2022-10-20 3,298 0
Do you believe that these Just Stop Oil protests break the law? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8085 16107 2022-10-20 3,298 0
Should Just Stop Oil protestors that break the law in protesting, be imprisoned if they do so three times? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8085 16108 2022-10-20 3,298 0
On a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 means that you would not vote and 10 means that you would certainly vote, how likely would you be to vote if there were a general election tomorrow? radio 0 (Certainly will not vote) / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 (Certain to vote) / Prefer not to say 0 8083 16099 2022-10-20 7,102 0
If there were to be a general election tomorrow, which party would you vote for? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Scottish National Party (SNP) / Plaid Cymru / Green / Reform UK / Some other party / Would not vote / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8083 16100 2022-10-20 7,102 0
What word or phrase first comes to mind when you think about the Conservative government? textarea textarea 0 8083 16101 2022-10-20 7,102 0
Which of the following would be best to manage the British economy in the years ahead? radio A Conservative government with Liz Truss as Prime Minister / A Labour government with Keir Starmer as Prime Minister / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8083 16102 2022-10-20 7,102 0
If Liz Truss should be replaced as the leader for the Conservative Party today, who would you like to see as her replacement? radio Ben Wallace / Boris Johnson / Grant Shapps / Jeremy Hunt / Kemi Badenoch / Nadhim Zahawi / Penny Mordaunt / Rishi Sunak / Suella Braverman / Sajid Javid / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8083 16103 2022-10-20 7,102 0
The transgender rights charity Mermaids has recently been accused of sending breast-flattening devices to girls as young as 13 behind their parents’ back. In response, some MPs have called for government to investigate the role that such charities play in teaching children about sex and gender. To what extent, if at all, do you support or oppose calls for such an investigation? radio Strongly support / Support / Neither oppose nor support / Oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8083 16104 2022-10-20 7,102 0
Do you support the UK Government pursuing the search for fossil fuels by issuing new licences to drill for oil? radio Yes / No / I don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8081 16097 2022-10-19 4,601 0
Do you support the protesters who threw Heinz tomato soup on Van Gogh's Sunflowers? radio Yes / No / I don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8080 16096 2022-10-19 4,792 0
Do you agree or disagree that the government needs to balance its books a bit better, by reducing the gap between what it spends and what it raises from taxes radio Disagree strongly / Disagree / Neither agree nor disagree / Agree / Agree strongly / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8079 16089 2022-10-19 19,388 0
Assuming that the government has to balance its books a bit better, how do you think this should be done? radio Mostly by cuts to government spending / Mostly by tax rises / A combination of spending cuts and tax rises / Don’t know / Prefer not to say 0 8079 16090 2022-10-19 19,388 0
Please look at the chart above, showing what the Government currently spends. If spending cuts have to be made across the board, how much should spending on health be cut compared with the average level of cuts? radio Much smaller than average / Smaller than average / About average / Larger than average / Much larger than average / Don’t know / Prefer not to say 0 8079 16091 2022-10-19 19,388 0
Still looking at the chart above, if spending cuts have to be made across the board, how much should spending on pensions be cut compared with the average level of cuts? radio Much smaller than average / Smaller than average / About average / Larger than average / Much larger than average / Don’t know / Prefer not to say 0 8079 16092 2022-10-19 19,388 0
Still looking at the chart above, if spending cuts have to be made across the board, how much should spending on welfare benefits be cut compared with the average level of cuts? radio Much smaller than average / Smaller than average / About average / Larger than average / Much larger than average / Don’t know / Prefer not to say 0 8079 16093 2022-10-19 19,388 0
Still looking at the chart above, if spending cuts have to be made across the board, how much should spending on education be cut compared with the average level of cuts? radio Much smaller than average / Smaller than average / About average / Larger than average / Much larger than average / Don’t know / Prefer not to say 0 8079 16094 2022-10-19 19,388 0
Still looking at the chart above, if spending cuts have to be made across the board, how much should spending on defence be cut compared with the average level of cuts? radio Much smaller than average / Smaller than average / About average / Larger than average / Much larger than average / Don’t know / Prefer not to say 0 8079 16095 2022-10-19 19,388 0
Out of the following high street shops, which store comes to mind first? radio Amazon / John Lewis / M&S / Next / / Prefer not to say 0 8078 16085 2022-10-19 4,001 0
Which of the following stores do you currently, or have ever shopped with? checkbox Amazon / John Lewis / M&S / Next / / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8078 16086 2022-10-19 4,001 0
Here are some statements that other people have said about Next. Please select any you agree with checkbox Next is a convenient place to shop for me and my family / Next has a great range of products to help make my home feel Christmassy / Next has a great range of gifting products / I can rely on Next to deliver what I need on time / Next offers lots of products including top brands in fashion & beauty / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8078 16087 2022-10-19 4,001 0
Do you remember seeing a Christmas ad on Pick My Postcode for any of the following retail stores recently? checkbox Amazon / John Lewis / M&S / Next / / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8078 16088 2022-10-19 4,001 0
Out of the following high street shops, which store comes to mind first? radio Amazon / John Lewis / M&S / Next / / Prefer not to say 0 8077 16081 2022-10-19 4,140 0
Which of the following stores do you currently, or have ever shopped with? checkbox Amazon / John Lewis / M&S / Next / / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8077 16082 2022-10-19 4,140 0
Here are some statements that other people have said about Next. Please select any you agree with checkbox Next is a convenient place to shop for me and my family / Next has a great range of products to help make my home feel Christmassy / Next has a great range of gifting products / I can rely on Next to deliver what I need on time / Next offers lots of products including top brands in fashion & beauty / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8077 16083 2022-10-19 4,140 0
Do you remember seeing a Christmas ad on Pick My Postcode for any of the following retail stores recently? checkbox Amazon / John Lewis / M&S / Next / / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8077 16084 2022-10-19 4,140 0
Are you interested in investing in bitcoin? radio Yes / No / Already invested in bitcoin / Prefer not to say 0 8076 16080 2022-10-19 10,026 0
Would you list a home for sale that was supposedly haunted? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8075 16076 2022-10-19 2,000 0
Would the fact it was supposedly haunted impact how you valued it for market? radio Yes, I would add a price premium / Yes, I would reduce the asking price / No / Prefer not to say 0 8075 16077 2022-10-19 2,000 0
Are you put off by listing homes with the number 13? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8075 16078 2022-10-19 2,000 0
What are the scariest things you’ve seen when compiling photos for a property? checkbox Paranormal activity - Ghosts and ghouls / Interior décor e.g. 70s wallpaper or pattern carpets / Exterior style or colour of a house / Damp and/or mould / The current owners / Underwear left/drying in the open / Dirty laundry basket / Asbestos / Subsidence or other dangerous foundational issues / Japanese Knotweed / Rats, mice or insect infestations / Prefer not to say 0 8075 16079 2022-10-19 2,000 0
Which one of these features is most important to you when looking to buy a new home? radio Orangery / Exterior Lights / Open Plan Living / Greenhouse / Home Office / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8074 16075 2022-10-18 341 0
Do you work in any of the following industries (full-time or part-time) radio Photography / Accountancy, banking and finance / Charity and voluntary work / Healthcare / Retail / Hospitality / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8073 16074 2022-10-18 1,007 0
Have you sold, or tried to sell a property in the last 6 months? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8072 16069 2022-10-18 1,477 0
What fee did you pay for your estate agent? (Figures below are inclusive of VAT) radio £0 - £250 / £251 - £1,000 / £1,001 - £2,500 / £2,501 - £5,000 / £5,001 - £7,500 / £7,501 - £10,000 / £10,001 - £15,000 / £15,001 + / Prefer not to say 0 8072 16070 2022-10-18 1,477 0
What type of estate agent did you use to sell your property? radio Online estate agent / High street estate agent / Hybrid estate agent / Prefer not to say 0 8072 16071 2022-10-18 1,477 0
On a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to recommend your estate agent to friends, family, or colleagues? (1 = not at all likely; 10 = extremely likely) radio 10 - Extremely likely / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 - Not likely at all / Prefer not to say 0 8072 16072 2022-10-18 1,477 0
What were you least happy with? Please select up to three complaints from the list below. checkbox Lack of communication / How long it took to sell/delays / Valuation tactics (overvaluing/undervaluing) / Hidden fees / Contract terms (e.g. long tie-ins) / Poor quality marketing/photographs / Lack of market knowledge / Failure to turn up to viewings / Pressure tactics / Ignoring your best interests / Rudeness of employees / Other / I was happy with everything / Prefer not to say 0 8072 16073 2022-10-18 1,477 0
Did you do Veganuary this year? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8071 16066 2022-10-18 3,053 0
Do you plan on taking part in Veganuary next year? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8071 16067 2022-10-18 3,053 0
What’s the main influence in you choosing to take part in Veganuary next year? textarea textarea 0 8071 16068 2022-10-18 3,053 0
Do you receive broadband from any of the following Internet service providers? radio CityFibre / Community Fibre / G.Network / Gigaclear / Hyperoptic / K.Com / Vodafone / Talk Talk / Virgin Media / BT / Sky / Plusneet / EE / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8070 16065 2022-10-18 1,058 0
What type of estate agent did you use to sell your property? radio Online estate agent / High street estate agent / Hybrid estate agent / Prefer not to say 0 8069 16060 2022-10-18 283 0
On a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to recommend your estate agent to friends, family, or colleagues? (1 = not at all likely; 10 = extremely likely) radio 1 - Not likely at all / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 - Extremely likely / Prefer not to say 0 8069 16061 2022-10-18 283 0
What were you least happy with? Please select up to three complaints from the list below. checkbox Lack of communication / How long it took to sell/delays / Valuation tactics (overvaluing/undervaluing) / Hidden fees / Contract terms (e.g. long tie-ins) / Poor quality marketing/photographs / Lack of market knowledge / Failure to turn up to viewings / Pressure tactics / Ignoring your best interests / Rudeness of employees / Other / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8069 16062 2022-10-18 283 0
What fee did you pay for your estate agent? (Figures below are inclusive of VAT) radio £0 - £250 / £251 - £1,000 / £1,001 - £2,500 / £2,501 - £5,000 / £5,001 - £7,500 / £7,501 - £10,000 / £10,001 - £15,000 / £15,001 + / Prefer not to say 0 8069 16063 2022-10-18 283 0
Have you sold, or tried to sell a property in the last 6 months? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8069 16064 2022-10-18 283 0
Prime Minister Liz Truss told the BBC yesterday that she wants "this country to be a better place where everybody has opportunities and everyone can succeed". Why do you think she has not resigned following the market turmoil caused by her, and her now sacked Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng's, 'mini budget'? (Please select all that apply) checkbox She wants the country to be a better place / She wants to be Prime Minister / She doesn't want a General Election / She is defending a democratic process that put her in place / Other / I don't know / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8068 16055 2022-10-18 13,655 0
In your opinion, who has been the worst Prime Minister of the United Kingdom? radio Liz Truss / Tony Blair / Boris Johnson / Gordon Brown / David Cameron / Margaret Thatcher / Theresa May / John Major / James Callaghan / Howard Wilson / Edward Heath / I don't know / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8068 16056 2022-10-18 13,655 0
Prime Minister Liz Truss says that she "will lead the Conservatives into the next election". How likely do you think this is? radio Very likely / Somewhat likely / Not very likely / Not likely at all / Prefer not to say / I don't know 0 8068 16057 2022-10-18 13,655 0
If there were a General Election tomorrow, which party would you vote for? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrats / Scottish National Party (SNP) / Plaid Cymru / Green Party / Reform UK (Brexit Party) / Some other party / I would not vote / I don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8068 16058 2022-10-18 13,655 0
If Rishi Sunak replaced Liz Truss as Leader of the Conservative Party, which party would you vote for? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrats / Scottish National Party (SNP) / Plaid Cymru / Green Party / Reform UK (Brexit Party) / Some other party / I would not vote / I don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8068 16059 2022-10-18 13,655 0
Do you work in any of the following? radio Hospital / University / Secondary school / Supermarket / Restaurant / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8067 16053 2022-10-18 50 0
Are you any of the following? radio Professor / Reader / Lecturer / Senior lecturer / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8067 16054 2022-10-18 50 0
Prime Minister Liz Truss will address the nation today to explain her decision to remain in office. What do you think are her reasons for doing so? (Please select all that apply) checkbox She wants to be Prime Minister / It’s for the best of the country / She is defending democracy / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8066 16051 2022-10-18 435 0
If you could say one thing to Liz Truss now, what would it be? textarea textarea 0 8066 16052 2022-10-18 435 0
Should people who want to be Prime Minister be excluded from being Prime Minister? radio Yes / No / I don’t know / Prefer not to say 0 8065 16050 2022-10-18 202 0
In your opinion, who has been the worst Prime Minister? textarea textarea 0 8064 16049 2022-10-17 251 0
What's your favourite movie? textarea textarea 0 8062 16046 2022-10-17 566 0
What's your favourite type of movie? radio Horror / Romantic Comedy / Suspense / Thriller / Sci-fi / Comedy / Family / Action / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8062 16047 2022-10-17 566 0
What kind of business do you own/run? radio Online business / Offline business / Both online and offline / Not applicable / Prefer not to say 0 8061 16043 2022-10-17 1,503 0
Is there a car park at your business? radio Yes, only for staff / Yes, only for customers / Yes, for both customers and staff / No / Not applicable / Prefer not to say 0 8061 16044 2022-10-17 1,503 0
Is the parking privately owned, or public? radio Private / Public / I don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8061 16045 2022-10-17 1,503 0
Which of the following best describes your field of work? radio Manual labour (construction, building, electrics, plumber etc) / Art and design / Business / Law / Health care / Retail / I don't work/retired / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8060 16041 2022-10-17 110 0
Which of the following best describes your job role? radio Electrician, electrical fitter, electrical trades / Plumber / Heating and ventilating engineer / Carpenter/joiner / Construction and building trades n.e.c / Construction and building trades supervisor / Interior decorator (eg. plasterer, floorer and wall tiler, painter and decorator) / Mechanic / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8060 16042 2022-10-17 110 0
How did you vote in the recent Conservative party leadership election that took place over the summer? radio Liz Truss / Rishi Sunak / Did Not Vote / Prefer not to say 0 8059 16036 2022-10-14 1,149 0
If that election was held again today, how would you now vote? radio Liz Truss / Rishi Sunak / Would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 8059 16037 2022-10-14 1,149 0
You told us you were a member of the Conservative Party, are you still a member of the Conservative Party? radio Yes / No / Not applicable / Prefer not to say 0 8059 16040 2022-10-14 1,149 0
Prime Minister Liz Truss has today announced a U-turn on the scrapping of the planned rise in Corporation Tax that was announced in her recent ‘mini budget’, and sacked her Chancellor of the Exchequer, Kwasi Kwarteng. Should Liz Truss now resign? radio Yes / No / I don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8058 16033 2022-10-14 8,297 0
Which of the following do you now think is the best course of action for the good of the country? radio General Election / New Conservative leadership election / Conservative MPs appoint a new PM / Liz Truss remains as PM / I don’t know / Prefer not to say 0 8058 16034 2022-10-14 8,297 0
Should Tory members have picked Rishi Sunak as leader? radio Yes / No / I don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8058 16035 2022-10-14 8,297 0
Thinking back to the Conservative Party Leadership election this summer, which candidate, if any, did you vote for? radio Liz Truss / Rishi Sunak / Can't remember / I did not vote or was not eligible to vote / Prefer not to say 0 8057 16027 2022-10-14 3,073 0
If the contest was re-run tomorrow, between those two candidates, who would you vote for? radio Liz Truss / Rishi Sunak / Can't remember / I would not vote or am not eligible to vote / Prefer not to say 0 8057 16028 2022-10-14 3,073 0
Before Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak were confirmed as the two candidates to be voted on by members, who did you ideally want to become leader? radio Liz Truss / Rishi Sunak / Penny Mordaunt / Nadhim Zahawi / Kemi Badenoch / Jeremy Hunt / Tom Tugendhat / Suella Braverman / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8057 16029 2022-10-14 3,073 0
Do you think Liz Truss should resign as Prime Minister? radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8057 16030 2022-10-14 3,073 0
Thinking back to the Conservative Party Leadership election in 2019, which candidate, if any, did you vote for? radio Boris Johnson / Jeremy Hunt / Can't remember / I did not vote or was not eligible to vote / Prefer not to say 0 8057 16031 2022-10-14 3,073 0
If she did resign, which of the following would you prefer to see happen next? radio MPs should appoint a new leader so that we have a new Prime Minister as quickly as possible, given the pressing matters requiring government attention / MPs should choose two candidates to go to a vote of Conservative members, so that ordinary members have a say and the new leader has the support of the party as a whole / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8057 16032 2022-10-14 3,073 0
You told us you were a member of the Conservative Party, are you still a member of the Conservative Party? radio Yes / No / Not applicable / Prefer not to say 0 8057 16039 2022-10-14 3,073 0
Who did you vote for in the Conservative leadership election this summer? radio Rishi Sunak / Liz Truss / Didn’t vote / Prefer not to say 0 8056 16024 2022-10-14 1,708 0
If there was another Conservative leadership election now, and the options were Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss, how would you vote? radio Rishi Sunak / Liz Truss / Would not vote / Don’t know / Prefer not to say 0 8056 16025 2022-10-14 1,708 0
Do you think Liz Truss is doing well or badly as Prime Minister? radio Very well / Quite well / Neither well nor badly / Quite badly / Very badly / Don’t know / Prefer not to say 0 8056 16026 2022-10-14 1,708 0
You told us you were a member of the Conservative Party, are you still a member of the Conservative Party? radio Yes / No / Not applicable / Prefer not to say 0 8056 16038 2022-10-14 1,708 0
Yesterday, at the end of Prime Minister's Questions, Liz Truss stated, "I think the last thing we need is a General Election". To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? radio Strongly agree / Somewhat agree / Neither agree nor disagree / Somewhat disagree / Strongly disagree / Prefer not to say 0 8055 16023 2022-10-13 2,030 0
In a minimum of 10 words, please describe your favourite brand textarea textarea 0 8054 16022 2022-10-13 141 0
What do you think of Liz Truss? textarea textarea 0 8053 16020 2022-10-13 579 0
Who would you prefer to be Prime Minister right now? radio Liz Truss / Rishi Sunak / Boris Johnson / Keir Starmer / Jeremy Corbyn / Lord Buckethead / Rick Astley / Martin Lewis / David Attenborough / Prefer not to say 0 8053 16021 2022-10-13 579 0
What did you have for lunch? textarea textarea 0 8052 16018 2022-10-13 558 0
What's your favourite meal? radio Breakfast / Brunch / Lunch / Dinner / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8052 16019 2022-10-13 558 0
Which of the following comes closest to your view of Churchill? radio I have a largely positive view of Churchill - for me the good things he did outweigh the bad / I have a mixed view of Churchill - for me the good and bad things he did largely balance each other out / I have a largely negative view of Churchill - for me the bad things he did outweigh the good / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8051 16012 2022-10-13 7,235 0
On balance do you think the British Empire did more good than harm or more harm than good? radio Much more good than harm / Both good and harm, but on balance more good / Both good and harm, but on balance more harm / Much more harm than good / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8051 16013 2022-10-13 7,235 0
Do you think the UK should be mostly ashamed of its role in the Atlantic slave trade or proud of its role in abolishing the slave trade? radio Much more proud of its role in abolishing the slave trade / Both proud and ashamed, but on balance more proud of its role in abolishing the slave trade / Both proud and ashamed, but on balance more ashamed of its role in the slave trade / Much more ashamed of its role in the Atlantic slave trade / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8051 16014 2022-10-13 7,235 0
Stroud Council voted this year to explore how to remove the Blackboy clock and statue. The clock and statue were created in 1774 and is of a rare type, of which around 20 examples remain in Britain, and depicts a small black boy. It is not known whether or not the boy is intended to be a slave. Do you think the Council should remove or retain the clock and statue? radio Should definitely retain / Should probably retain / Should probably remove / Should definitely remove / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8051 16015 2022-10-13 7,235 0
Overall, do you think the countries that were colonised by Britain are better off or worse off for being colonised? radio Better off / Worse off / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8051 16016 2022-10-13 7,235 0
Please indicate if you agree or disagree with the following statement: "Children today are taught about British history in a balanced way, with as much about the positive aspects as the negative." radio Completely agree / Somewhat agree / Neither agree nor disagree / Somewhat disagree / Completely disagree / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8051 16017 2022-10-13 7,235 0
Do you use any of the following digital saving accounts? radio Chip / Plum / Moneybox / Revolut / Nutmeg / Monese / Curve / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8050 16010 2022-10-13 566 0
What would make you consider changing your (main) bank? textarea textarea 0 8050 16011 2022-10-13 566 0
Have you used a solicitor in the last 5 years? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8049 16008 2022-10-13 401 0
Have you experienced a legal issue in the last 5 years? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8049 16009 2022-10-13 401 0
When looking for your last property, how important was the energy efficiency rating when choosing the right home? radio Very important / Somewhat important / Neither important nor unimportant / Somewhat unimportant / Very unimportant / Prefer not to say 0 8048 16002 2022-10-13 6,019 0
Has the energy efficiency of your property become more important since the cost of living crisis started? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8048 16003 2022-10-13 6,019 0
Have you made any of the following home improvements in order to maximise your home’s energy efficiency? checkbox Installed loft, roof or wall insulation / Serviced my boiler / Upgraded my boiler / Installed double glazing / Installed energy efficient light bulbs / Installed a smart meter / Reduced draft areas / Turned appliances or electrical off at the plug when not in use / Upgraded to more energy efficient appliances or electrical goods / None of the above / I haven't made any home improvements / Prefer not to say 0 8048 16004 2022-10-13 6,019 0
Has this reduced your energy bills? radio Yes, substantially / Yes, somewhat / No / Prefer not to say 0 8048 16005 2022-10-13 6,019 0
Do you feel your home could still be more energy efficient? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8048 16006 2022-10-13 6,019 0
What is preventing you from making it so? checkbox The general cost / The cost vs the saving it would bring / The extent of the work required / The time it would take to implement / I’m waiting for the tradesperson to become available / It would change the layout of my home / It would change the aesthetic of my home / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8048 16007 2022-10-13 6,019 0
What, to the best of your knowledge, are the responsibilities of the Bank of England? (Select all that apply) checkbox Producing cash / Setting the main interest rate / Setting tax levels / Collecting tax / Facilitating bank transfers / Controlling inflation / Oversee debt and credit card payments / Elect the Chancellor / Decide how much money the government has to spend / I don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8047 16000 2022-10-12 3,131 0
In your opinion, how well do you think the Bank of England is performing it’s duties during the UK’s current cost of living crisis? radio Very well / Somewhat well / Neither well nor badly / Somewhat badly / Very badly / Prefer not to say 0 8047 16001 2022-10-12 3,131 0
Would you describe yourself as a “car enthusiast”? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8046 15997 2022-10-12 511 0
What kind of cars are you enthusiastic about? checkbox Perormance cars / High-end luxury cars / Classic cars / Electric cars / Other / Prefer not to say 0 8046 15998 2022-10-12 511 0
How likely are you to buy a classic or high-end luxury car in the next few years? radio Very likely / Somewhat likely / Not very likely / Not at all likely / Already own one / Prefer not to say 0 8046 15999 2022-10-12 511 0
When you think of shopping for womens fashion, which retailers come to mind? radio Next / M&S / ASOS / New Look / Amazon / Very / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8045 15994 2022-10-12 12 0
Which of these would you say is your favourite retailer/ store to purchase women's denim from? radio Next / M&S / ASOS / New Look / Amazon / Very / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8045 15995 2022-10-12 12 0
Which of the following retail brands do you recall seeing an online ad for recently? radio Next / M&S / ASOS / New Look / Amazon / Very / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8045 15996 2022-10-12 12 0
When you think of shopping for women's fashion, which retailers come to mind? radio Next / M&S / ASOS / New Look / Amazon / Very / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8044 15991 2022-10-12 3,082 0
Which of these would you say is your favourite retailer/ store to purchase women's denim from? radio Next / M&S / ASOS / New Look / Amazon / Very / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8044 15992 2022-10-12 3,082 0
Which of the following retail brands do you recall seeing an online ad for recently? radio Next / M&S / ASOS / New Look / Amazon / Very / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8044 15993 2022-10-12 3,082 0
Do you know who Professor Chris Whitty is? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8043 15987 2022-10-12 8,274 0
How much do you like Professor Chris Whitty on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the most? radio 1 - Not at all / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 - Very much / Prefer not to say 0 8043 15988 2022-10-12 8,274 0
How much do you trust Professor Chris Whitty on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the most? radio 1 - Not at all / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 - Very much / Prefer not to say 0 8043 15989 2022-10-12 8,274 0
How much do you think Professor Chris Whitty is an expert in his field on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the most? radio 1 - Not at all / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 - Very much / Prefer not to say 0 8043 15990 2022-10-12 8,274 0
When thinking about viewing property listing photos online, what was most important about the front exterior of the property? radio The front external of a property / The road it was situated on / The driveway / Garage space / The front door itself / The windows / The front garden / Any trees or other plants (flower beds) / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8042 15983 2022-10-12 4,015 0
What was most important about the rear exterior of the property? radio The back external of the property / The garden (size and style) / The patio / Any outhouses or garden sheds / BBQ area / Other landscaped features / Windows / Back door (bi folding for example) / Any trees or other plans (flower beds) / The view / Highlighting if it was south facing / The privacy it provided / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8042 15984 2022-10-12 4,015 0
What was most important about the downstairs of the property? radio Lounge / Kitchen / Dining room / Other living room (e.g. play room) / Utility room / Pantry / Inside garage space / Storage space / Toilet / Unique features to the property / External views / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8042 15985 2022-10-12 4,015 0
What was most important about the upstairs of the property? radio Master bedroom / Additional bedrooms / Wardrobe space / Other storage space / Toilet / Unique features to the property / Bathroom / Loft space / External views / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8042 15986 2022-10-12 4,015 0
On a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 means that you would not vote and 10 means that you would certainly vote, how likely would you be to vote if there were a general election tomorrow? radio 0 (Certainly will not vote) / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 (Certain to vote) / Prefer not to say 0 8041 15977 2022-10-12 6,704 0
If there were to be a general election tomorrow, which party would you vote for? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Scottish National Party (SNP) / Plaid Cymru / Green / Reform UK / Some other party / Would not vote / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8041 15978 2022-10-12 6,704 0
To what extent, if at all, do you have a favourable or unfavourable opinion of Liz Truss? radio Very favourable / Somewhat favourable / Somewhat unfavourable / Very unfavourable / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8041 15979 2022-10-12 6,704 0
To what extent, if at all, do you have a favourable or unfavourable opinion of Keir Starmer? radio Very favourable / Somewhat favourable / Somewhat unfavourable / Very unfavourable / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8041 15980 2022-10-12 6,704 0
Prime Minister Liz Truss is expected to loosen immigration rules to help businesses fill vacancies by recruiting more overseas workers. To what extent, if at all, would you support or oppose this change? radio Strongly oppose / Oppose / Neither oppose nor support / Support / Strongly support / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8041 15981 2022-10-12 6,704 0
If there were a referendum on Britain’s membership of the European Union, how would you vote? radio Join the European Union / Stay out of the European Union / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8041 15982 2022-10-12 6,704 0
When you think of shopping for women's fashion, which retailers come to mind? checkbox Next / M&S / ASOS / New Look / Amazon / Very / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8039 15965 2022-10-11 22 0
Which of these would you say is your favourite retailer/ store to purchase women's denim from? radio Next / M&S / ASOS / New Look / Amazon / Very / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8039 15966 2022-10-11 22 0
Which of the following retail brands do you recall seeing an online ad for recently? checkbox Next / M&S / ASOS / New Look / Amazon / Very / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8039 15967 2022-10-11 22 0
When you think of shopping for women's fashion, which retailers come to mind? checkbox Next / M&S / ASOS / New Look / Amazon / Very / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8038 15962 2022-10-11 3,193 0
Which of these would you say is your favourite retailer/ store to purchase women's denim from? radio Next / M&S / ASOS / New Look / Amazon / Very / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8038 15963 2022-10-11 3,193 0
Which of the following retail brands do you recall seeing an online ad for recently? checkbox Next / M&S / ASOS / New Look / Amazon / Very / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8038 15964 2022-10-11 3,193 0
Which of the following car brands do you own? checkbox Land Rover / Jaguar / Mini / Vauxhall / BMW / Citroen / Mercedes / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8037 15959 2022-10-11 325 0
How would you best describe your car(s)? checkbox Modern / Classic / Sporty / Practical / Prefer not to say 0 8037 15960 2022-10-11 325 0
Do you own any of the following cars? checkbox Jaguar E-type / Land rover defender / Jaguar XKR-S / Jaguar MK2 / Jaguar XK (120-150) / Jaguar XE / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8037 15961 2022-10-11 325 0
Would you describe yourself as a "car enthusiast"? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8036 15957 2022-10-11 457 0
What kind of cars are you enthusiastic about? (Please tick all that apply) checkbox Performance cars / Classic cars / Electric cars / Other / Prefer not to say 0 8036 15958 2022-10-11 457 0
Are you interested in investing in bitcoin? radio Yes / No / Already invested in bitcoin / Prefer not to say 0 8035 15956 2022-10-11 10,059 0
From the best of your recollection, when did you last visit a Fridays Restaurant & Bar? radio Within the last 6 months / Between 6 months and a year ago / Between a year ago and 5 years ago / Between 5 years ago and 10 years ago / More than 10 years ago / Never / Prefer not to say 0 8034 15953 2022-10-10 281 0
For which of these reasons would you visit a Fridays Restaurant & Bar? (Please select all that apply) checkbox Birthday / Family celebration / Date night / Drinks at the bar / Night out with friends/colleagues / Other / Prefer not to say 0 8034 15954 2022-10-10 281 0
Which of these do you think describes Fridays Restaurant & Bar? (please select all that apply) checkbox Tacky / Quality / Cheap / Cool / Inviting / Boring / Liberating / Fun / Family-friendly / Trendy / Exciting / Relaxing / Nostalgic / Dated / Bold / Expected / Entertaining / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8034 15955 2022-10-10 281 0
What did you have for lunch? textarea textarea 0 8033 15951 2022-10-10 674 0
Which is your favourite meal? radio Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner / Brunch / Prefer not to say 0 8033 15952 2022-10-10 674 0
Roughly how often do you visit Fridays Restaurant & Bar? radio Weekly / Monthly / Less frequently than monthly / I've never heard of it / Prefer not to say 0 8032 15947 2022-10-09 80 0
In your own words, how would you describe Fridays Restaurant & Bar? textarea textarea 0 8032 15948 2022-10-09 80 0
When did you last visit a Fridays Restaurant & Bar? radio Within the last 30 days / Between 30 days and 6 months ago / More than 6 months ago / Never / Prefer not to say 0 8032 15949 2022-10-09 80 0
For which of these reasons have you visited Fridays? checkbox Birthday / Date / Drinks / Dinner / Other / Prefer not to say 0 8032 15950 2022-10-09 80 0
Do you know who Martin Lewis is? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8030 15939 2022-10-07 8,640 0
How much do you like Martin Lewis on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the most? radio 1 - Not at all / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 - Very much / Prefer not to say 0 8030 15940 2022-10-07 8,640 0
How much do you trust Martin Lewis on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the most? radio 1 - Not at all / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 - Very much / Prefer not to say 0 8030 15941 2022-10-07 8,640 0
How much do you think Martin Lewis is an expert in his field on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the most? radio 1 - Not at all / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 - Very much / Prefer not to say 0 8030 15942 2022-10-07 8,640 0
Do you know who David Attenborough is? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8029 15935 2022-10-07 8,248 0
How much do you like David Attenborough on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the most? radio 1 - Not at all / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 - Very much / Prefer not to say 0 8029 15936 2022-10-07 8,248 0
How much do you trust David Attenborough on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the most? radio 1 - Not at all / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 - Very much / Prefer not to say 0 8029 15937 2022-10-07 8,248 0
How much do you think David Attenborough is an expert in his field on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the most? radio 1 - Not at all / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 - Very much so / Prefer not to say 0 8029 15938 2022-10-07 8,248 0
Why is it better to shop online to find the best deals and discounts? (vs. going to the high street) textarea textarea 0 8028 15934 2022-10-07 140 0
Tell us about a website or app that has helped you in the cost of living crisis and in a sentence or two how it helped you. It could be discounts, free delivery, special offers, rewards, comparing prices or something else entirely. textarea textarea 0 8026 15932 2022-10-07 175 0
Do you regularly buy any of the following Heinz food products? checkbox Canned soup / Baked beans / Condiments / No, I don't buy any Heinz products / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8024 15928 2022-10-06 3,129 0
Have you had to buy supermarket branded alternatives to these due to the cost of living? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8024 15929 2022-10-06 3,129 0
Which of the following have you swapped for supermarket branded alternatives? checkbox Canned soup / Baked beans / Condiments / Prefer not to say 0 8024 15930 2022-10-06 3,129 0
How long is your lunch break? radio Less than 30 minutes / 30 minutes / 60 minutes / More than 60 minutes / I don't have a lunch break / I don't work/retired / Prefer not to say 0 8023 15925 2022-10-06 3,204 0
Which of the following best describes what you eat during your lunch breaks? radio I go out to buy lunch / I bring my own lunch from home / I make my lunch at work / I don't eat lunch / Prefer not to say 0 8023 15926 2022-10-06 3,204 0
Do you do any of the following activities during your lunch break? checkbox Meal planning / Online shopping / Browse social media / Read the news / Catch up with sports / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8023 15927 2022-10-06 3,204 0
On a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 means that you would not vote and 10 means that you would certainly vote, how likely would you be to vote if there were a general election tomorrow? radio 0 (Certainly will not vote) / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 (Certain to vote) / Prefer not to say 0 8022 15919 2022-10-06 8,516 0
If there were to be a general election tomorrow, which party would you vote for? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Scottish National Party (SNP) / Plaid Cymru / Green / Reform UK / Some other party / Would not vote / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8022 15920 2022-10-06 8,516 0
To what extent, if at all, do you support or oppose calls for an early general election in 2022 or 2023? radio Strongly oppose / Oppose / Neither oppose nor support / Support / Strongly support / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8022 15921 2022-10-06 8,516 0
Please indicate if you agree or disagree with the following statement: "People who are on benefits should see the amount of their benefits increase in line with inflation." radio Completely agree / Somewhat agree / Neither agree nor disagree / Somewhat disagree / Completely disagree / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8022 15922 2022-10-06 8,516 0
Which of the following do you think is most responsible for the current economic turmoil in the UK radio Global events outside the UK's control such as the war in Ukraine / Energy companies / The UK government / Don't know / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8022 15923 2022-10-06 8,516 0
Which of the following comes closest to your view? radio Police officers should remain politically neutral at all times to avoid alienating people / Police officers should be allowed to make political gestures, for example take the knee in a show of solidarity with black people / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8022 15924 2022-10-06 8,516 0
You told us you were a member of the Labour Party, are you still a member of the Labour Party? radio Yes / No / Not applicable / Prefer not to say 0 8021 15916 2022-10-06 1,588 0
Please imagine you were selecting someone to be the Labour candidate for your local constituency for the next General Election. Below are some things they might say to convince you that they are the best candidate. Which of these do you think are the best reasons to support them? Please select up to two. checkbox They were born and grew up in the local area / They have the support of Trade Unions / They have the support of local councillors / They would support left wing policies, such as renationalisation our energy and water companies / They are an expert in how to win elections, and have spent the last 10 years running successful campaigns to get Labour politicians elected / They have run local campaigns to make local busses cheaper for young people / They are younger than most other MPs, and will fight to make sure the voices of young people are heard in our political debate / They have good connections with people across the Labour party, which will help me deliver for the local area if I am elected as an MP / They have spent the last few years doing TV and radio interviews, so will be able to confidently communicate Labour’s message to voters / They have supported the work of a range of progressive organisations, such as Trade Unions, Stonewall, and Greenpeace / That they have been out canvassing and campaigning for local Labour candidates in recent local and General Elections / They have family members who work in local public services (such as schools and the fire service), so they understand the problems those services are facing / Don't know / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8021 15917 2022-10-06 1,588 0
Here are some policies that the candidate might say they would prioritise if they were selected as an MP. Which of these would you be most supportive of? Please tick up to four. checkbox Building more council houses and social housing / Change our voting system to proportional representation / Supporting small local business by scraping business rates / Increasing funding for local schools and hospitals / Increasing the amount of accessible, green public transport that’s accessible for all residents / Increasing the minimum wage to a real living wage / Increasing welfare payments so that they rise faster than inflation / Hiring more police officers with a focus on tackling knife crime and violence against women and girls / A Green Prosperity Plan to build a zero carbon economy rooted in climate and social justice / Ensure residents’ voices are heard with new housing developments, and our green spaces are protected / Renationalising our utility companies – such as water, rail, and energy / Building a closer relationship between the UK and the EU / Increasing funding for mental health services, so mental health is treated just as seriously as physical health / Improving access and affordability of childcare / Getting rid of Britain’s nuclear weapons / Turning all grammar schools into comprehensives / Increasing access to free school means for children from low income households / Removing tuition fees / Increasing taxes on those with high incomes or large amounts of wealth to reduce inequality / Strengthening employment rights and the rights of Trade Unions to organise in workplaces / Making it easier for asylum seekers and refugees to come to the UK / Don't know / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8021 15918 2022-10-06 1,588 0
Who do you prefer? radio Kate Middleton / Meghan Markle / Prefer not to say 0 8020 15914 2022-10-05 465 0
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Meghan Markle? textarea textarea 0 8020 15915 2022-10-05 465 0
What is favourite genre of film? radio Horror / Fantasy / Action / Rom-Com / Sci-fi / Anime / Thriller / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8018 15911 2022-10-05 8,860 0
What is your favourite film? textarea textarea 0 8018 15912 2022-10-05 8,860 0
How interested, if at all, are you in performance cars? (Eg. Ferraris, etc.) radio Very / Somewhat / Not very much / Not at all / Prefer not to say 0 8017 15909 2022-10-05 4,121 0
What’s your favourite car brand? textarea textarea 0 8017 15910 2022-10-05 4,121 0
With the market entering a tough period, are you worried about your business from a financial standpoint? radio Yes, significantly / Yes, somewhat / No / Prefer not to say 0 8016 15905 2022-10-05 3,050 0
Does your business plan to make any of the following cut backs over the coming months? checkbox Reduce staff numbers / Reduce office numbers / Reduce marketing and advertising spend / Reduce operational costs (e.g. company cars etc) / Reduce other third party costs (e.g. media providers for property adverts) / No, the business does not plan to make any cut backs / Prefer not to say 0 8016 15906 2022-10-05 3,050 0
Do you believe it is still important to invest in order to win business in a tough market? If so, which of the following areas are the most important checkbox TV and radio advertising / Other advertising forms such as leaflets, billboards etc / Public Relations / The property adverts for customers online and physical listing material / Physical office space / I do not believe it is important to invest to win business / Prefer not to say 0 8016 15907 2022-10-05 3,050 0
Will you attempt to take on additional tasks in-house that you may have previously outsourced in order to cut costs? Such as property photos and floorplans radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8016 15908 2022-10-05 3,050 0
How do you feel about the current outlook for the property market? radio Very worried / Somewhat worried / Indifferent / Somewhat confident / Very confident / Prefer not to say 0 8015 15897 2022-10-05 6,394 0
Which of the following do you think we are most likely to see? radio Further positive house price growth / House prices flatline / A downwards correction in house prices / A significant market crash / Prefer not to say 0 8015 15898 2022-10-05 6,394 0
How would you describe recent business from those looking to sell their homes? radio Significantly increasing / Somewhat increasing / About the same / Somewhat decreasing / Significantly decreasing / Prefer not to say 0 8015 15899 2022-10-05 6,394 0
How would you describe recent buyer demand? radio Significantly increasing / Somewhat increasing / About the same / Somewhat decreasing / Significantly decreasing / Prefer not to say 0 8015 15900 2022-10-05 6,394 0
How are you advising home sellers to adjust their asking prices versus the pandemic market highs seen in the last two years? radio Increase them significantly / Increase them slightly / Keep them the same / Decrease them slightly / Decrease them significantly / Prefer not to say 0 8015 15901 2022-10-05 6,394 0
How would you describe the sums buyers are currently willing to offer versus the pandemic market highs seen in the last two years? radio Significantly increased / Slightly increased / About them the same / Slightly decreased / Significantly decreased / Prefer not to say 0 8015 15902 2022-10-05 6,394 0
Have you, or do you plan to, lower your commission fee in the coming months in order to attract more business? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8015 15903 2022-10-05 6,394 0
How long do you expect the current market turmoil to last? radio Short term - until the new year / Mid-term - throughout next year / Long-term - beyond next year / I don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8015 15904 2022-10-05 6,394 0
Are you in the process of entering the UK property market? radio Yes, as a home buyer / Yes, as a home seller / No / Not applicable / Prefer not to say 0 8014 15893 2022-10-05 6,017 0
Have you, in the past two weeks, changed your plans to buy/sell a home that you were otherwise committed to? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8014 15894 2022-10-05 6,017 0
Do you think house prices will increase or decrease in 2023? radio Increase / Stay the same / Decrease / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8014 15895 2022-10-05 6,017 0
To what extent, if at all, do you feel that recent caution/fear about the economy and the housing market has been exaggerated by the media? radio A lot / Somewhat / Not at all / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8014 15896 2022-10-05 6,017 0
Which of the following TV shoes do you regularly watch? checkbox I’m a Celebrity / Love Island / The Masked Singer / Strictly Come Dancing / Britain’s Got Talent / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8013 15892 2022-10-04 1,075 0
Who is your favourite actor who played James Bond? radio Sean Connery / Rodger Moore / Daniel Craig / George Lazenby / Peirce Brosnan / Timothy Dalton / David Niven / I don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8012 15889 2022-10-04 6,946 0
Which is your favourite Bond Film? radio Dr. No (1962) / From Russia with Love (1963) / Goldfinger (1964) / Thunderball (1965) / You Only Live Twice (1967) / On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969) / Diamonds Are Forever (1971) / Live and Let Die (1973) / The Man with the Golden Gun (1974) / The Spy Who Loved Me (1977) / Moonraker (1979) / For Your Eyes Only (1981) / Octopussy (1983) / A View to a Kill (1985) / The Living Daylights (1987) / Licence to Kill (1989) / GoldenEye (1995) / Tomorrow Never Dies (1997) / The World Is Not Enough (1999) / Die Another Day (2002) / Casino Royale (2006) / Quantum of Solace (2008) / Skyfall (2012) / Spectre (2015) / No Time to Die (2021) / Casino Royale (1967) / Never Say Never Again (1983) / I don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8012 15890 2022-10-04 6,946 0
Who is your favourite Bond Villian? radio Dr No / Rosa Klebb / Goldfinger / Emilio Largo / Blofeld / Grunther / Mr Big / Scaramanga / Karl Stromberg / Drax / Jaws / Aristotle Kristatos / Kamal Khan / Max Zorin / Brad Whitaker / Franz Sanchez / Alec Trevelyan / Elliot Carver / Renard / Elektra King / Gustav Graves / Le Chiffre / Dominic Greene / Raoul Silva / Lyutsifer Safin / I don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8012 15891 2022-10-04 6,946 0
Are you interested in investing in bitcoin? radio Yes / No / Already invested in bitcoin / Prefer not to say 0 8011 15888 2022-10-04 10,064 0
Which of the following best describe your industry of work? radio Construction / Engineering / Technology / Property / facilities management / Education / Nursing / Social care / Other / Not applicable / Prefer not to say 0 8010 15887 2022-10-04 1,020 0
Have you visited a coffee shop in the last 24 hours? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8009 15886 2022-10-04 524 0
Which of the following Gin brands are you aware of? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Hendrick's / Tanqueray / Sipsmith / The Botanist / Bombay Sapphire / Aviation Gin / Plymouth Gin / Nolet's Gin / Beefeater / Gordon's Gin / Roku Japanese Gin / Whitley Neill / Greenalls Original / Tw Kempton / Limehouse / Malfy / Edinburgh Gin / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8008 15885 2022-10-04 2,073 0
What type of video games do you like to play? checkbox First Person Shooter (FPS) / Action / Adventure / Role Playing Game (RPG) / Third Person Shooter (TPS) / Puzzel / Sport / Racing / Strategy / Horror/ Survival / Mobile games / Platform games / Other / I don't like to play video games / Prefer not to say 0 8007 15884 2022-10-04 202 0
Are you able to drive/do you have a driving license? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8006 15882 2022-10-03 2 0
What do you think of Liz Truss? textarea textarea 0 8005 15880 2022-10-03 667 0
Who do you prefer as Prime Minister? radio Liz Truss / Boris Johnson / Keir Starmer / Michael Gove / Andy Burnham / David Attenborough / Martin Lewis / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8005 15881 2022-10-03 667 0
Do you work in any of the following industries? radio Retail / Hospitality / Medicine / Engineering / Accountancy / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8004 15875 2022-10-03 200 0
Is it an independent business? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8004 15876 2022-10-03 200 0
How many employees work at your organisation? radio 0-49 / 50-149 / 150-300 / 300+ / Prefer not to say 0 8004 15877 2022-10-03 200 0
Do you have decision making privileges (the power to select and purchase the product assortment) radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8004 15878 2022-10-03 200 0
Are you the owner of the business? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 8004 15879 2022-10-03 200 0
Have you played any of the following games? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Returnal / Remnant from the Ashes / Horizon Zero Dawn / Death Stranding / Jedi Fallen Order / Resident Evil Village / The Last of Us / Dead Space / Observer System Redux / SOMA / Alien Isolation / Tomb Raider / Dead Cells / Uncharted / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 8003 15874 2022-10-03 526 0
Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng has reversed plans to scrap the 45p higher rate of income tax. Do you think this was the right decision? radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 8002 15873 2022-10-03 3,120 0
Who did you vote for in the latest Conservative Party leadership election? radio Liz Truss / Rishi Sunak / I did not vote / Prefer not to say 0 8000 15867 2022-10-02 1,675 0
Of the following, who would you prefer to be Prime Minister at this point? radio Liz Truss / Rishi Sunak / Prefer not to say 0 8000 15868 2022-10-02 1,675 0
Of the following, who would you prefer to be Prime Minister at this point? radio Rishi Sunak / Boris Johnson / Prefer not to say 0 8000 15869 2022-10-02 1,675 0
Of the following, who would you prefer to be Prime Minister at this point? radio Liz Truss / Boris Johnson / Prefer not to say 0 8000 15870 2022-10-02 1,675 0
Of the following, who would you prefer to be Prime Minister at this point? radio Boris Johnson / Liz Truss / Rishi Sunak / Prefer not to say 0 8000 15871 2022-10-02 1,675 0
The Government recently announced that the Basic Rate of Income Tax will go down to 19% from 20%, and the Additional Rate to 40% from 45%, from April 2023. Do you expect to pay less income tax from April 2023? radio Yes / No / I don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7999 15861 2022-10-02 6,932 0
Roughly what percentage of this monthly saving do you expect to spend on increased costs of living (bills, mortgage, etc.)? Please give a non-numerical response (eg. NA) if you don't know number 100 / 0 0 7999 15863 2022-10-02 6,932 0
Roughly what percentage of this monthly saving do you expect to spend on non-essential items (eating out, household upgrades, etc.)? Please give a non-numerical response (eg. NA) if you don't know number 100 / 0 0 7999 15864 2022-10-02 6,932 0
Roughly what percentage of this monthly saving do you expect to save or invest for the future? Please give a non-numerical response (eg. NA) if you don't know number 0 7999 15865 2022-10-02 6,932 0
In your opinion, will these cuts to income tax lead to growth in the UK economy? radio Yes / No / I don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7999 15866 2022-10-02 6,932 0
Roughly how much per month less income tax do you think you will be paying from April 2023? radio Less than £5 / £5 - £10 / £10.01 - £15.00 / £15.01 - £22 / £22.01 - £30 / £30.01 - £40 / £40.01 - £60 / £60.01 - £100 / £100.01 - £150 / More than £150 / I don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7999 15872 2022-10-02 6,932 0
Thinking about the current cost of living crisis, which statement below best describe you when considering the cost of child(ren) presents this year compared to last year? radio I will be spending less this Christmas / This will not affect me and I will spend the same / I am planning to spend more this Christmas / Not applicable / Prefer not to say 0 7998 15859 2022-09-30 92,557 0
How much did you spend on your child(ren) Christmas presents last year? radio £0-£50 / £51-£100 / £101-£200 / £201-£500 / £500+ / Not applicable / Prefer not to say 0 7998 15860 2022-09-30 92,557 0
You told us you have child(ren) aged between 4 and 10, how many times a week do you give your child(ren) packed lunches? radio 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5+ / Not applicable / Prefer not to say 0 7997 15857 2022-09-30 402 0
Is your child(ren) eligible for universal free school meal? radio Yes / No / Not applicable / Prefer not to say 0 7997 15858 2022-09-30 402 0
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Katie Price? textarea textarea 0 7996 15855 2022-09-29 661 0
What’s your favourite month? radio January / February / March / April / May / June / July / August / September / October / November / December / Prefer not to say 0 7996 15856 2022-09-29 661 0
How often do you play on Roblox, an online game platform and game creation system? radio At least once a week / Less than once a week but at least once a month / Less than once a month / Never / Prefer not to say 0 7995 15854 2022-09-29 503 0
On a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 means that you would not vote and 10 means that you would certainly vote, how likely would you be to vote if there were a general election tomorrow? radio 0 (Certainly will not vote) / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 (Certain to vote) / Prefer not to say 0 7994 15847 2022-09-29 5,384 0
If there were to be a general election tomorrow, which party would you vote for? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Scottish National Party (SNP) / Plaid Cymru / Green / Reform UK / Some other party / Would not vote / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7994 15848 2022-09-29 5,384 0
What word or phrase first comes to mind when you think about Liz Truss’s economic policies? textarea textarea 0 7994 15849 2022-09-29 5,384 0
Which of the following would be best to manage the British economy in the years ahead? radio A Conservative government with Liz Truss as Prime Minister / A Labour government with Keir Starmer as Prime Minister / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7994 15850 2022-09-29 5,384 0
The UK economy is currently experiencing weak rates of economic growth. Which of the following comes closest to your view? radio The government should cut taxes and borrow more money to try and boost rates of economic growth even if this risks higher interest rates / The government should keep taxes and borrowing as they are to try and keep inflation and interest rates down even if this risks continuing low rates of economic growth / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7994 15851 2022-09-29 5,384 0
Are you a homeowner with a mortgage? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 7994 15852 2022-09-29 5,384 0
It has been suggested that interest rates could soon reach 5-6 percent, which would significantly increase the cost of people’s mortgages. How concerned, if at all, are you about your ability to pay your mortgage in the months ahead? radio Very concerned / Slightly concerned / Not very concerned / Not at all concerned / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7994 15853 2022-09-29 5,384 0
On a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 means you would never consider voting for them, and 10 means you would definitely consider voting for them, how likely are you to consider voting for the Conservative Party at the next election? radio 0 - Would never consider voting for them / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 - Would definitely consider voting for them / Prefer not to say 0 7993 15843 2022-09-29 8,413 0
On a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 means you would never consider voting for them, and 10 means you would definitely consider voting for them, how likely are you to consider voting for the Labour Party at the next election? radio 0 - Would never consider voting for them / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 - Would definitely consider voting for them / Prefer not to say 0 7993 15844 2022-09-29 8,413 0
Last week, the Chancellor announced the biggest package of tax cuts in 50 years, paid for by £72bn of borrowing. In response, the pound fell to a record low against the dollar. The Bank of England has stepped in to calm markets and indicated it will raise interest rates. Which of these comes closest to your view? radio Cutting taxes will encourage investment in the UK, grow the economy and raise living standards for everyone. / The government has lost control of the economy, damaging Britain’s reputation abroad. This will reduce investment to the UK and reduce opportunity for generations to come. / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7993 15845 2022-09-29 8,413 0
Which of these comes closest to your view? radio Cutting taxes will encourage investment in the UK, grow the economy and raise living standards for everyone. / The government has lost control of the economy. Working people will be paying higher prices and higher mortgage rates for years to come. / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7993 15846 2022-09-29 8,413 0
On a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 means you would never consider voting for them, and 10 means you would definitely consider voting for them, how likely are you to consider voting for the Conservative Party at the next election? radio 0 - Would never consider voting for them / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 - Would definitely consider voting for them / Prefer not to say 0 7992 15839 2022-09-29 8,416 0
On a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 means you would never consider voting for them, and 10 means you would definitely consider voting for them, how likely are you to consider voting for the Labour Party at the next election? radio 0 - Would never consider voting for them / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 - Would definitely consider voting for them / Prefer not to say 0 7992 15840 2022-09-29 8,416 0
Last week, the Chancellor announced the biggest package of tax cuts in 50 years, paid for by £72bn of borrowing. In response, the pound fell to a record low against the dollar. The Bank of England has stepped in to calm markets and indicated it will raise interest rates. Which of these comes closest to your view? radio Cutting taxes will encourage investment in the UK, grow the economy and raise living standards for everyone. / Borrowing like this will leave working people footing the bill for years to come. The average family will face a £667 monthly increase in their mortgage as a result of this Government’s actions. / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7992 15841 2022-09-29 8,416 0
Which of these comes closest to your view? radio Cutting taxes will encourage investment in the UK, grow the economy and raise living standards for everyone. / Borrowing billions of pounds for tax cuts is wrong, especially as it will mainly benefit big companies and people earning over £155k. / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7992 15842 2022-09-29 8,416 0
On a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 means you would never consider voting for them, and 10 means you would definitely consider voting for them, how likely are you to consider voting for the Conservative Party at the next election? radio 0 (Would never consider voting for them) / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / Prefer not to say 0 7990 15832 2022-09-28 13,181 0
On a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 means you would never consider voting for them, and 10 means you would definitely consider voting for them, how likely are you to consider voting for the Labour Party at the next election? radio 0 (Would never consider voting for them) / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / Prefer not to say 0 7990 15833 2022-09-28 13,181 0
What, if anything, have you seen or heard about the Conservative Party in the past week? checkbox I’ve seen or heard something positive / I’ve seen or heard something negative / I’ve seen or heard something which was neither positive nor negative / I can’t remember seeing or hearing anything about them / Prefer not to say 0 7990 15834 2022-09-28 13,181 0
What, if anything, have you seen or heard about the Labour Party in the past week? checkbox I’ve seen or heard something positive / I’ve seen or heard something negative / I’ve seen or heard something which was neither positive nor negative / I can’t remember seeing or hearing anything about them / Prefer not to say 0 7990 15835 2022-09-28 13,181 0
Despite the current financial crisis, the Conservative Party are planning to hold their annual Conference in Birmingham next week. This means Parliament will not return until the 11th October. Which of the following comes closest to your view? radio The Conservatives should cancel their Conference and recall Parliament immediately / The Conservatives should continue with their Conference as planned, with Parliament restarting on 11th October / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7990 15836 2022-09-28 13,181 0
Last week, the Chancellor announced the biggest package of tax cuts in 50 years, paid for by £72bn of borrowing. In response, the pound fell to a record low against the dollar. The Bank of England has stepped in to calm markets and indicated it will raise interest rates. In this context, which of the following, if any, are you most worried about? (Select up to two) checkbox Mortgage rates going up / Not being able to get a mortgage / Inflation continuing to rise / The value of the pound declining / Foreign investment into the UK declining / Higher interest rates / The impact on my pension savings / Government debt going up / The UK economy going into recession / House prices falling / Something else / None of the above - I am not worried / Prefer not to say 0 7990 15837 2022-09-28 13,181 0
When was the last time you used an electric charging point for your own vehicle (personal or business)? radio Less than 6 months ago / 7 months to 1 year ago / More than 1 year ago / Never / Prefer not to say 0 7989 15830 2022-09-28 1,211 0
Do you lease any of the following electric vehicles? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Personal electric vehicle / Business electric vehicle (include fleet) / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 7989 15831 2022-09-28 1,211 0
On a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 means that you would not vote and 10 means that you would certainly vote, how likely would you be to vote if there were a general election tomorrow? radio 0 (Certainly will not vote) / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 (Certain to vote) / Prefer not to say 0 7988 15823 2022-09-28 7,183 0
If there were to be a general election tomorrow, which party would you vote for? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Scottish National Party (SNP) / Plaid Cymru / Green / Reform UK / Some other party / Would not vote / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7988 15824 2022-09-28 7,183 0
What word or phrase first comes to mind when you think about Liz Truss’s economic policies? textarea textarea 0 7988 15825 2022-09-28 7,183 0
Which of the following would be best to manage the British economy in the years ahead? radio A Conservative government with Liz Truss as Prime Minister / A Labour government with Keir Starmer as Prime Minister / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7988 15826 2022-09-28 7,183 0
The UK economy is currently experiencing weak rates of economic growth. Which of the following comes closest to your view? radio The government should cut taxes and borrow more money to try and boost rates of economic growth even if this risks higher interest rates / The government should keep taxes and borrowing as they are to try and keep inflation and interest rates down even if this risks continuing low rates of economic growth / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7988 15827 2022-09-28 7,183 0
Are you a homeowner with a mortgage? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 7988 15828 2022-09-28 7,183 0
It has been suggested that interest rates could soon reach 5-6 percent, which would significantly increase the cost of people’s mortgages. How concerned, if at all, are you about your ability to pay your mortgage in the months ahead? radio Very concerned / Slightly concerned / Not very concerned / Not at all concerned / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7988 15829 2022-09-28 7,183 0
Which of the following have you drank in the last week? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Tequila / Whisky / Gin / Vodka / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 7987 15821 2022-09-28 1,017 0
Which of the following have you drank in the last month? (Tick all that apply) checkbox Tequila / Whisky / Gin / Vodka / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 7987 15822 2022-09-28 1,017 0
Have you ever made a home improvement decision that you weren’t happy with / regretted? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 7986 15820 2022-09-28 211 0
Are you interested in investing in bitcoin? radio Yes / No / Already invested in bitcoin / Prefer not to say 0 7985 15819 2022-09-27 10,040 0
Do you have any children 16 or 17 years old who sat their GCSE exams this year? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 7984 15817 2022-09-27 136 0
Did they use any of the following learning resources? checkbox BBC Bitesize / Wikipedia / Text books / Private tutoring / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 7984 15818 2022-09-27 136 0
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Liz Truss? textarea textarea 0 7983 15815 2022-09-27 610 0
Who has been the worst Prime Minister? radio Liz Truss / Boris Johnson / Theresa May / David Cameron / Gordon Brown / Tony Blair / John Major / Margaret Thatcher / Prefer not to say 0 7983 15816 2022-09-27 610 0
Labour have announced that they would introduce a state-owned energy generation company, named Great British Energy, to work with independent companies to help drive expansion of green energy and turn the UK into a "clean energy superpower". Do you agree or disagree with this policy? radio Strongly agree / Somewhat agree / Neither agree nor disagree / Somewhat disagree / Strongly disagree / Prefer not to say 0 7982 15814 2022-09-27 2,709 0
Do you recall seeing an ad for IQOS online or on a mobile device in the last 5 days? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 7980 15809 2022-09-27 4,000 0
Which of the following (electronic devices for consuming tobacco or nicotine) have you seen advertised online or on a mobile device in the last 5 days? Tick all that apply. checkbox IQOS / Ploom / Vuse / JUUL / Elf Bar / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 7980 15810 2022-09-27 4,000 0
Which of the following brands comes to mind first when you think of being as an alternative to smoking / vaping? radio IQOS / Ploom / Vuse / JUUL / Elf Bar / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 7980 15811 2022-09-27 4,000 0
Which of the following brands uses the messaging “The real alternative to smoking” in its ads? radio IQOS / Ploom / Vuse / JUUL / Elf Bar / I don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7980 15812 2022-09-27 4,000 0
Do you recall seeing an ad for IQOS online or on a mobile device in the last 5 days? radio Yes / No / Prefer not to say 0 7979 15805 2022-09-27 4,072 0
Which of the following (electronic devices for consuming tobacco or nicotine) have you seen advertised online or on a mobile device in the last 5 days? Tick all that apply checkbox IQOS / Ploom / Vuse / JUUL / Elf Bar / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 7979 15806 2022-09-27 4,072 0
Which of the following brands comes to mind first when you think of being as an alternative to smoking / vaping? radio IQOS / Ploom / Vuse / JUUL / Elf Bar / None of the above / Prefer not to say 0 7979 15807 2022-09-27 4,072 0
Which of the following brands uses the messaging “The real alternative to smoking” in its ads? radio IQOS / Ploom / Vuse / JUUL / Elf Bar / I don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7979 15808 2022-09-27 4,072 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7975 15162 2022-05-24 76 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7975 15163 2022-05-24 76 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7975 15164 2022-05-24 76 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7975 15167 2022-05-24 76 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7975 15168 2022-05-24 76 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7975 15169 2022-05-24 76 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7975 15170 2022-05-24 76 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Philippa Ann Broom - The Conservative Party candidate / Stephen Doughty - The Labour Party candidate / Dan Schmeising - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Nasir Adam - The Plaid Cymru candidate / Ken Barker - The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7975 15801 2022-05-24 76 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Plaid Cymru / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7975 15803 2022-05-24 76 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7974 15162 2022-05-24 74 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7974 15163 2022-05-24 74 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7974 15164 2022-05-24 74 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7974 15167 2022-05-24 74 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7974 15168 2022-05-24 74 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7974 15169 2022-05-24 74 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7974 15170 2022-05-24 74 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Carolyn Webster - The Conservative Party candidate / Kevin Brennan - The Labour Party candidate / Callum James Littlemore - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Boyd Clack - The Plaid Cymru candidate / David Griffin - The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7974 15800 2022-05-24 74 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Plaid Cymru / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7974 15803 2022-05-24 74 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7973 15162 2022-05-24 134 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7973 15163 2022-05-24 134 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7973 15164 2022-05-24 134 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7973 15167 2022-05-24 134 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7973 15168 2022-05-24 134 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7973 15169 2022-05-24 134 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7973 15170 2022-05-24 134 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Alun Cairns - The Conservative Party candidate / Belinda Loveluck-Edwards - The Labour Party candidate / The Liberal Democrat candidate / The Plaid Cymru candidate / Anthony Slaughter - The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7973 15799 2022-05-24 134 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Plaid Cymru / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7973 15803 2022-05-24 134 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7972 15162 2022-05-24 53 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7972 15163 2022-05-24 53 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7972 15164 2022-05-24 53 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7972 15167 2022-05-24 53 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7972 15168 2022-05-24 53 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7972 15169 2022-05-24 53 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7972 15170 2022-05-24 53 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Gavin Chambers - The Conservative Party candidate / Chris Evans - The Labour Party candidate / Jo Watkins - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Zoe Hammond - The Plaid Cymru candidate / Catherine Linstrum - The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7972 15798 2022-05-24 53 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Plaid Cymru / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7972 15803 2022-05-24 53 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7971 15162 2022-05-24 96 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7971 15163 2022-05-24 96 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7971 15164 2022-05-24 96 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7971 15167 2022-05-24 96 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7971 15168 2022-05-24 96 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7971 15169 2022-05-24 96 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7971 15170 2022-05-24 96 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Jane Pratt - The Conservative Party candidate / Wayne David - The Labour Party candidate / The Liberal Democrat candidate / Lindsay Whittle - The Plaid Cymru candidate / The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7971 15797 2022-05-24 96 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Plaid Cymru / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7971 15803 2022-05-24 96 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7970 15162 2022-05-24 113 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7970 15163 2022-05-24 113 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7970 15164 2022-05-24 113 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7970 15167 2022-05-24 113 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7970 15168 2022-05-24 113 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7970 15169 2022-05-24 113 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7970 15170 2022-05-24 113 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Sam Trask - The Conservative Party candidate / Alex Davies-Jones - The Labour Party candidate / The Liberal Democrat candidate / Fflur Elin - The Plaid Cymru candidate / The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7970 15796 2022-05-24 113 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Plaid Cymru / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7970 15803 2022-05-24 113 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7969 15162 2022-05-24 68 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7969 15163 2022-05-24 68 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7969 15164 2022-05-24 68 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7969 15167 2022-05-24 68 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7969 15168 2022-05-24 68 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7969 15169 2022-05-24 68 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7969 15170 2022-05-24 68 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Sadie Vidal - The Conservative Party candidate / Chris Elmore - The Labour Party candidate / Anita Davies - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Luke Fletcher - The Plaid Cymru candidate / Tom Muller - The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7969 15795 2022-05-24 68 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Plaid Cymru / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7969 15803 2022-05-24 68 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7968 15162 2022-05-24 81 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7968 15163 2022-05-24 81 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7968 15164 2022-05-24 81 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7968 15167 2022-05-24 81 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7968 15168 2022-05-24 81 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7968 15169 2022-05-24 81 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7968 15170 2022-05-24 81 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Jamie Hamilton Wallis - The Conservative Party candidate / Madeleine Moon - The Labour Party candidate / Jonathan Pratt - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Leanne Lewis - The Plaid Cymru candidate / Alex Harris - The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7968 15794 2022-05-24 81 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Plaid Cymru / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7968 15803 2022-05-24 81 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7967 15162 2022-05-24 32 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7967 15163 2022-05-24 32 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7967 15164 2022-05-24 32 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7967 15167 2022-05-24 32 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7967 15168 2022-05-24 32 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7967 15169 2022-05-24 32 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7967 15170 2022-05-24 32 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Laura Anne Jones - The Conservative Party candidate / Nick Smith - The Labour Party candidate / Chelsea Marie Annett - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Peredur Owen Griffiths - The Plaid Cymru candidate / Stephen Priestnall - The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7967 15793 2022-05-24 32 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Plaid Cymru / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7967 15803 2022-05-24 32 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7966 15162 2022-05-24 58 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7966 15163 2022-05-24 58 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7966 15164 2022-05-24 58 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7966 15167 2022-05-24 58 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7966 15168 2022-05-24 58 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7966 15169 2022-05-24 58 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7966 15170 2022-05-24 58 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Sara Jones - The Conservative Party candidate / Gerald Jones - The Labour Party candidate / Brendan D'Cruz - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Mark Evans - The Plaid Cymru candidate / The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7966 15792 2022-05-24 58 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Plaid Cymru / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7966 15803 2022-05-24 58 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7965 15162 2022-05-24 42 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7965 15163 2022-05-24 42 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7965 15164 2022-05-24 42 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7965 15167 2022-05-24 42 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7965 15168 2022-05-24 42 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7965 15169 2022-05-24 42 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7965 15170 2022-05-24 42 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Pauline Elizabeth Church - The Conservative Party candidate / Beth Winter - The Labour Party candidate / Steve Bray - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Geraint Benney - The Plaid Cymru candidate / The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7965 15791 2022-05-24 42 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Plaid Cymru / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7965 15803 2022-05-24 42 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7964 15162 2022-05-24 68 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7964 15163 2022-05-24 68 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7964 15164 2022-05-24 68 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7964 15167 2022-05-24 68 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7964 15168 2022-05-24 68 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7964 15169 2022-05-24 68 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7964 15170 2022-05-24 68 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Jonathan Burns - The Conservative Party candidate / Christina Rees - The Labour Party candidate / Adrian Kingston-Jones - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Daniel Williams - The Plaid Cymru candidate / Megan Lloyd - The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7964 15790 2022-05-24 68 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Plaid Cymru / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7964 15803 2022-05-24 68 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7963 15162 2022-05-24 39 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7963 15163 2022-05-24 39 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7963 15164 2022-05-24 39 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7963 15167 2022-05-24 39 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7963 15168 2022-05-24 39 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7963 15169 2022-05-24 39 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7963 15170 2022-05-24 39 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Fay Alicia Jones - The Conservative Party candidate / Tom Davies - The Labour Party candidate / Jane Dodds - The Liberal Democrat candidate / The Plaid Cymru candidate / The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7963 15789 2022-05-24 39 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Plaid Cymru / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7963 15803 2022-05-24 39 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7962 15162 2022-05-24 61 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7962 15163 2022-05-24 61 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7962 15164 2022-05-24 61 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7962 15167 2022-05-24 61 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7962 15168 2022-05-24 61 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7962 15169 2022-05-24 61 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7962 15170 2022-05-24 61 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Havard Hughes - The Conservative Party candidate / Maria Carroll - The Labour Party candidate / The Liberal Democrat candidate / Jonathan Edwards - The Plaid Cymru candidate / The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7962 15788 2022-05-24 61 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Plaid Cymru / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7962 15803 2022-05-24 61 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7961 15162 2022-05-24 80 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7961 15163 2022-05-24 80 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7961 15164 2022-05-24 80 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7961 15167 2022-05-24 80 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7961 15168 2022-05-24 80 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7961 15169 2022-05-24 80 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7961 15170 2022-05-24 80 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Simon Hart - The Conservative Party candidate / Marc Liam Tierney - The Labour Party candidate / Alistair Cameron - The Liberal Democrat candidate / The Plaid Cymru candidate / The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7961 15787 2022-05-24 80 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Plaid Cymru / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7961 15803 2022-05-24 80 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7960 15162 2022-05-24 93 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7960 15163 2022-05-24 93 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7960 15164 2022-05-24 93 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7960 15167 2022-05-24 93 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7960 15168 2022-05-24 93 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7960 15169 2022-05-24 93 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7960 15170 2022-05-24 93 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Stephen Crabb - The Conservative Party candidate / Philippa Ann Thompson - The Labour Party candidate / Thomas James Hughes - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Cris Tomos - The Plaid Cymru candidate / The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7960 15786 2022-05-24 93 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Plaid Cymru / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7960 15803 2022-05-24 93 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7959 15162 2022-05-24 45 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7959 15163 2022-05-24 45 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7959 15164 2022-05-24 45 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7959 15167 2022-05-24 45 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7959 15168 2022-05-24 45 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7959 15169 2022-05-24 45 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7959 15170 2022-05-24 45 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Amanda Jane Jenner - The Conservative Party candidate / Dinah Mulholland - The Labour Party candidate / Mark Williams - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Ben Lake - The Plaid Cymru candidate / Chris Simpson - The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7959 15785 2022-05-24 45 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Plaid Cymru / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7959 15803 2022-05-24 45 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7958 15162 2022-05-24 45 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7958 15163 2022-05-24 45 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7958 15164 2022-05-24 45 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7958 15167 2022-05-24 45 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7958 15168 2022-05-24 45 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7958 15169 2022-05-24 45 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7958 15170 2022-05-24 45 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Craig Williams - The Conservative Party candidate / Kait Duerden - The Labour Party candidate / Kishan Devani - The Liberal Democrat candidate / The Plaid Cymru candidate / The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7958 15784 2022-05-24 45 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Plaid Cymru / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7958 15803 2022-05-24 45 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7957 15162 2022-05-24 44 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7957 15163 2022-05-24 44 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7957 15164 2022-05-24 44 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7957 15167 2022-05-24 44 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7957 15168 2022-05-24 44 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7957 15169 2022-05-24 44 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7957 15170 2022-05-24 44 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Simon Baynes - The Conservative Party candidate / Susan Elan Jones - The Labour Party candidate / Calum Dafydd Davies - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Chris Allen - The Plaid Cymru candidate / The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7957 15783 2022-05-24 44 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Plaid Cymru / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7957 15803 2022-05-24 44 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7956 15162 2022-05-24 36 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7956 15163 2022-05-24 36 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7956 15164 2022-05-24 36 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7956 15167 2022-05-24 36 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7956 15168 2022-05-24 36 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7956 15169 2022-05-24 36 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7956 15170 2022-05-24 36 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Tomos Dafydd Davies - The Conservative Party candidate / Graham Neil Hogg - The Labour Party candidate / The Liberal Democrat candidate / Liz Saville-Roberts - The Plaid Cymru candidate / The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7956 15782 2022-05-24 36 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Plaid Cymru / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7956 15803 2022-05-24 36 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7955 15162 2022-05-24 135 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7955 15163 2022-05-24 135 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7955 15164 2022-05-24 135 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7955 15167 2022-05-24 135 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7955 15168 2022-05-24 135 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7955 15169 2022-05-24 135 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7955 15170 2022-05-24 135 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio James Davies - The Conservative Party candidate / Chris Ruane - The Labour Party candidate / Gavin Scott - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Glenn Swingler - The Plaid Cymru candidate / The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7955 15781 2022-05-24 135 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Plaid Cymru / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7955 15803 2022-05-24 135 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7954 15162 2022-05-24 107 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7954 15163 2022-05-24 107 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7954 15164 2022-05-24 107 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7954 15167 2022-05-24 107 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7954 15168 2022-05-24 107 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7954 15169 2022-05-24 107 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7954 15170 2022-05-24 107 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio David Jones - The Conservative Party candidate / Joanne Thomas - The Labour Party candidate / David Wilkins - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Huw Elfed Williams - The Plaid Cymru candidate / The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7954 15780 2022-05-24 107 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Plaid Cymru / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7954 15803 2022-05-24 107 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7953 15162 2022-05-24 36 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7953 15163 2022-05-24 36 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7953 15164 2022-05-24 36 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7953 15167 2022-05-24 36 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7953 15168 2022-05-24 36 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7953 15169 2022-05-24 36 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7953 15170 2022-05-24 36 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Robin John Millar - The Conservative Party candidate / Emily Owen - The Labour Party candidate / Jason Edwards - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Lisa Goodier - The Plaid Cymru candidate / The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7953 15779 2022-05-24 36 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Plaid Cymru / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7953 15803 2022-05-24 36 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7952 15162 2022-05-24 24 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7952 15163 2022-05-24 24 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7952 15164 2022-05-24 24 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7952 15167 2022-05-24 24 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7952 15168 2022-05-24 24 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7952 15169 2022-05-24 24 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7952 15170 2022-05-24 24 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Gonul Daniels - The Conservative Party candidate / Steffie Roberts - The Labour Party candidate / The Liberal Democrat candidate / Hywel Williams - The Plaid Cymru candidate / The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7952 15778 2022-05-24 24 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Plaid Cymru / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7952 15803 2022-05-24 24 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7951 15162 2022-05-24 87 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7951 15163 2022-05-24 87 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7951 15164 2022-05-24 87 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7951 15167 2022-05-24 87 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7951 15168 2022-05-24 87 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7951 15169 2022-05-24 87 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7951 15170 2022-05-24 87 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Matthew Evans - The Conservative Party candidate / Ruth Jones - The Labour Party candidate / Ryan Jones - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Jonathan Clark - The Plaid Cymru candidate / Amelia Womack - The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7951 15777 2022-05-24 87 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Plaid Cymru / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7951 15803 2022-05-24 87 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7950 15162 2022-05-24 75 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7950 15163 2022-05-24 75 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7950 15164 2022-05-24 75 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7950 15167 2022-05-24 75 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7950 15168 2022-05-24 75 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7950 15169 2022-05-24 75 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7950 15170 2022-05-24 75 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Mark Brown - The Conservative Party candidate / Jessica Morden - The Labour Party candidate / Mike Hamilton - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Cameron Wixcey - The Plaid Cymru candidate / Peter Varley - The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7950 15776 2022-05-24 75 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Plaid Cymru / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7950 15803 2022-05-24 75 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7949 15162 2022-05-24 62 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7949 15163 2022-05-24 62 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7949 15164 2022-05-24 62 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7949 15167 2022-05-24 62 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7949 15168 2022-05-24 62 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7949 15169 2022-05-24 62 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7949 15170 2022-05-24 62 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio David Davies - The Conservative Party candidate / Yvonne Murphy - The Labour Party candidate / Alison Willott - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Hugh Kocan - The Plaid Cymru candidate / Ian Chandler - The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7949 15775 2022-05-24 62 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Plaid Cymru / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7949 15803 2022-05-24 62 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7948 15162 2022-05-24 70 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7948 15163 2022-05-24 70 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7948 15164 2022-05-24 70 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7948 15167 2022-05-24 70 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7948 15168 2022-05-24 70 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7948 15169 2022-05-24 70 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7948 15170 2022-05-24 70 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Graham Smith - The Conservative Party candidate / Nick Thomas-Symonds - The Labour Party candidate / John E Miller - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Morgan Bowler-Brown - The Plaid Cymru candidate / Andrew Heygate-Browne - The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7948 15774 2022-05-24 70 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Plaid Cymru / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7948 15803 2022-05-24 70 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7947 15162 2022-05-24 58 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7947 15163 2022-05-24 58 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7947 15164 2022-05-24 58 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7947 15167 2022-05-24 58 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7947 15168 2022-05-24 58 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7947 15169 2022-05-24 58 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7947 15170 2022-05-24 58 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Hannah Elizabeth Jarvis - The Conservative Party candidate / Chris Bryant - The Labour Party candidate / Rodney Simon Berman - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Branwen Cennard - The Plaid Cymru candidate / Shaun Thomas - The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7947 15773 2022-05-24 58 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Plaid Cymru / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7947 15803 2022-05-24 58 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7946 15162 2022-05-24 61 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7946 15163 2022-05-24 61 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7946 15164 2022-05-24 61 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7946 15167 2022-05-24 61 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7946 15168 2022-05-24 61 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7946 15169 2022-05-24 61 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7946 15170 2022-05-24 61 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Mohamed Ali - The Conservative Party candidate / Anna McMorrin - The Labour Party candidate / Rhys Taylor - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Steffan Webb - The Plaid Cymru candidate / Michael Cope - The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7946 15772 2022-05-24 61 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Plaid Cymru / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7946 15803 2022-05-24 61 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7945 15162 2022-05-24 42 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7945 15163 2022-05-24 42 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7945 15164 2022-05-24 42 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7945 15167 2022-05-24 42 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7945 15168 2022-05-24 42 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7945 15169 2022-05-24 42 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7945 15170 2022-05-24 42 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Meirion Jenkins - The Conservative Party candidate / Jo Stevens - The Labour Party candidate / Bablin Molik - The Liberal Democrat candidate / The Plaid Cymru candidate / The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7945 15771 2022-05-24 42 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Plaid Cymru / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7945 15803 2022-05-24 42 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7944 15162 2022-05-24 109 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7944 15163 2022-05-24 109 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7944 15164 2022-05-24 109 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7944 15167 2022-05-24 109 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7944 15168 2022-05-24 109 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7944 15169 2022-05-24 109 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7944 15170 2022-05-24 109 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Charlotte Lang - The Conservative Party candidate / Stephen Kinnock - The Labour Party candidate / Sheila Kingston-Jones - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Nigel Hunt - The Plaid Cymru candidate / Giorgia Finney - The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7944 15770 2022-05-24 109 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Plaid Cymru / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7944 15803 2022-05-24 109 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7943 15162 2022-05-24 86 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7943 15163 2022-05-24 86 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7943 15164 2022-05-24 86 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7943 15167 2022-05-24 86 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7943 15168 2022-05-24 86 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7943 15169 2022-05-24 86 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7943 15170 2022-05-24 86 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Denise Howard - The Conservative Party candidate / Carolyn Harris - The Labour Party candidate / Chloe Hutchinson - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Geraint Havard - The Plaid Cymru candidate / Chris Evans - The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7943 15769 2022-05-24 86 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Plaid Cymru / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7943 15803 2022-05-24 86 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7942 15162 2022-05-24 62 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7942 15163 2022-05-24 62 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7942 15164 2022-05-24 62 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7942 15167 2022-05-24 62 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7942 15168 2022-05-24 62 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7942 15169 2022-05-24 62 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7942 15170 2022-05-24 62 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio James Price - The Conservative Party candidate / Geraint Davies - The Labour Party candidate / Michael Ely O'Carroll - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Gwyn Williams - The Plaid Cymru candidate / The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7942 15768 2022-05-24 62 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Plaid Cymru / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7942 15803 2022-05-24 62 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7941 15162 2022-05-24 8 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7941 15163 2022-05-24 8 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7941 15164 2022-05-24 8 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7941 15167 2022-05-24 8 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7941 15168 2022-05-24 8 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7941 15169 2022-05-24 8 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7941 15170 2022-05-24 8 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Francesca O'Brien - The Conservative Party candidate / Tonia Antoniazzi - The Labour Party candidate / Sam Bennett - The Liberal Democrat candidate / John Davies - The Plaid Cymru candidate / The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7941 15767 2022-05-24 8 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Plaid Cymru / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7941 15803 2022-05-24 8 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7940 15162 2022-05-24 63 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7940 15163 2022-05-24 63 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7940 15164 2022-05-24 63 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7940 15167 2022-05-24 63 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7940 15168 2022-05-24 63 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7940 15169 2022-05-24 63 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7940 15170 2022-05-24 63 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Tamara Louise Reay - The Conservative Party candidate / Nia Griffith - The Labour Party candidate / The Liberal Democrat candidate / Mari Arthur - The Plaid Cymru candidate / The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7940 15766 2022-05-24 63 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Plaid Cymru / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7940 15803 2022-05-24 63 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7939 15162 2022-05-24 22 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7939 15163 2022-05-24 22 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7939 15164 2022-05-24 22 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7939 15167 2022-05-24 22 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7939 15168 2022-05-24 22 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7939 15169 2022-05-24 22 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7939 15170 2022-05-24 22 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Sarah Atherton - The Conservative Party candidate / Mary Wimbury - The Labour Party candidate / Tim Sly - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Carrie Harper - The Plaid Cymru candidate / Duncan Rees - The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7939 15765 2022-05-24 22 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Plaid Cymru / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7939 15803 2022-05-24 22 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7938 15162 2022-05-24 62 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7938 15163 2022-05-24 62 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7938 15164 2022-05-24 62 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7938 15167 2022-05-24 62 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7938 15168 2022-05-24 62 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7938 15169 2022-05-24 62 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7938 15170 2022-05-24 62 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Sanjoy Sen - The Conservative Party candidate / Mark Tami - The Labour Party candidate / Donna Lalek - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Susan Hills - The Plaid Cymru candidate / The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7938 15764 2022-05-24 62 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Plaid Cymru / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7938 15803 2022-05-24 62 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7937 15162 2022-05-24 61 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7937 15163 2022-05-24 61 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7937 15164 2022-05-24 61 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7937 15167 2022-05-24 61 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7937 15168 2022-05-24 61 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7937 15169 2022-05-24 61 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7937 15170 2022-05-24 61 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio The Conservative Party candidate / David Hanson - The Labour Party candidate / Andrew Parkhurst - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Paul Rowlinson - The Plaid Cymru candidate / The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7937 15763 2022-05-24 61 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Plaid Cymru / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7937 15803 2022-05-24 61 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7936 15162 2022-05-24 122 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7936 15163 2022-05-24 122 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7936 15164 2022-05-24 122 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7936 15167 2022-05-24 122 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7936 15168 2022-05-24 122 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7936 15169 2022-05-24 122 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7936 15170 2022-05-24 122 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Virginia Crosbie - The Conservative Party candidate / Mary Roberts - The Labour Party candidate / The Liberal Democrat candidate / Aled ap Dafydd - The Plaid Cymru candidate / The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7936 15762 2022-05-24 122 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Plaid Cymru / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7936 15803 2022-05-24 122 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7935 15162 2022-05-24 63 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7935 15163 2022-05-24 63 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7935 15164 2022-05-24 63 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7935 15167 2022-05-24 63 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7935 15168 2022-05-24 63 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7935 15169 2022-05-24 63 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7935 15170 2022-05-24 63 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Alix Mathieson - The Conservative Party candidate / Jean Anne Mitchell - The Labour Party candidate / Jenni Lang - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Martin Docherty - The Scottish National Party candidate / Peter Connolly - The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7935 15761 2022-05-24 63 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Scottish National Party (SNP) / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7935 15802 2022-05-24 63 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7934 15162 2022-05-24 121 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7934 15163 2022-05-24 121 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7934 15164 2022-05-24 121 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7934 15167 2022-05-24 121 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7934 15168 2022-05-24 121 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7934 15169 2022-05-24 121 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7934 15170 2022-05-24 121 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Andrew Bowie - The Conservative Party candidate / Paddy Coffield - The Labour Party candidate / John Waddell - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Fergus Mutch - The Scottish National Party candidate / The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7934 15760 2022-05-24 121 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Scottish National Party (SNP) / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7934 15802 2022-05-24 121 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7933 15162 2022-05-24 79 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7933 15163 2022-05-24 79 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7933 15164 2022-05-24 79 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7933 15167 2022-05-24 79 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7933 15168 2022-05-24 79 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7933 15169 2022-05-24 79 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7933 15170 2022-05-24 79 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Stephen Kerr - The Conservative Party candidate / Mary Kate Ross - The Labour Party candidate / Fayzan Rehman - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Alyn Smith - The Scottish National Party candidate / Bryan Quinn - The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7933 15759 2022-05-24 79 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Scottish National Party (SNP) / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7933 15802 2022-05-24 79 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7932 15162 2022-05-24 44 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7932 15163 2022-05-24 44 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7932 15164 2022-05-24 44 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7932 15167 2022-05-24 44 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7932 15168 2022-05-24 44 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7932 15169 2022-05-24 44 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7932 15170 2022-05-24 44 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Lynne Nailon - The Conservative Party candidate / Ged Killen - The Labour Party candidate / Mark McGeever - The Liberal Democrat candidate / The Scottish National Party candidate / The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7932 15758 2022-05-24 44 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Scottish National Party (SNP) / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7932 15802 2022-05-24 44 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7931 15162 2022-05-24 27 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7931 15163 2022-05-24 27 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7931 15164 2022-05-24 27 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7931 15167 2022-05-24 27 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7931 15168 2022-05-24 27 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7931 15169 2022-05-24 27 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7931 15170 2022-05-24 27 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Gavin Berkenheger - The Conservative Party candidate / John Erskine - The Labour Party candidate / Craig Harrow - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Ian Blackford - The Scottish National Party candidate / The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7931 15757 2022-05-24 27 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Scottish National Party (SNP) / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7931 15802 2022-05-24 27 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7930 15162 2022-05-24 89 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7930 15163 2022-05-24 89 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7930 15164 2022-05-24 89 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7930 15167 2022-05-24 89 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7930 15168 2022-05-24 89 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7930 15169 2022-05-24 89 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7930 15170 2022-05-24 89 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Angus Forbes - The Conservative Party candidate / Angela Bretherton - The Labour Party candidate / Peter Anthony Barrett - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Pete Wishart - The Scottish National Party candidate / The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7930 15756 2022-05-24 89 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Scottish National Party (SNP) / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7930 15802 2022-05-24 89 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7929 15162 2022-05-24 54 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7929 15163 2022-05-24 54 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7929 15164 2022-05-24 54 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7929 15167 2022-05-24 54 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7929 15168 2022-05-24 54 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7929 15169 2022-05-24 54 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7929 15170 2022-05-24 54 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Mark Dougan - The Conservative Party candidate / Moira Ramage - The Labour Party candidate / Jack Clark - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Mhairi Black - The Scottish National Party candidate / The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7929 15755 2022-05-24 54 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Scottish National Party (SNP) / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7929 15802 2022-05-24 54 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7928 15162 2022-05-24 59 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7928 15163 2022-05-24 59 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7928 15164 2022-05-24 59 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7928 15167 2022-05-24 59 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7928 15168 2022-05-24 59 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7928 15169 2022-05-24 59 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7928 15170 2022-05-24 59 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Julie Pirone - The Conservative Party candidate / Alison Taylor - The Labour Party candidate / Ross Stalker - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Gavin Newlands - The Scottish National Party candidate / The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7928 15754 2022-05-24 59 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Scottish National Party (SNP) / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7928 15802 2022-05-24 59 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7927 15162 2022-05-24 45 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7927 15163 2022-05-24 45 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7927 15164 2022-05-24 45 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7927 15167 2022-05-24 45 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7927 15168 2022-05-24 45 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7927 15169 2022-05-24 45 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7927 15170 2022-05-24 45 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Jenny Fairbairn - The Conservative Party candidate / Coilla Drake - The Labour Party candidate / Alistair Carmichael - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Robert Leslie - The Scottish National Party candidate / The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7927 15753 2022-05-24 45 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Scottish National Party (SNP) / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7927 15802 2022-05-24 45 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7926 15162 2022-05-24 70 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7926 15163 2022-05-24 70 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7926 15164 2022-05-24 70 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7926 15167 2022-05-24 70 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7926 15168 2022-05-24 70 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7926 15169 2022-05-24 70 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7926 15170 2022-05-24 70 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Luke Graham - The Conservative Party candidate / Lorna Robertson - The Labour Party candidate / Iliyan Stefanov - The Liberal Democrat candidate / John Nicolson - The Scottish National Party candidate / The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7926 15752 2022-05-24 70 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Scottish National Party (SNP) / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7926 15802 2022-05-24 70 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7925 15162 2022-05-24 28 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7925 15163 2022-05-24 28 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7925 15164 2022-05-24 28 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7925 15167 2022-05-24 28 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7925 15168 2022-05-24 28 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7925 15169 2022-05-24 28 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7925 15170 2022-05-24 28 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Tony Miklinski - The Conservative Party candidate / Wendy Haynes - The Labour Party candidate / Wendy Chamberlain - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Stephen Gethins - The Scottish National Party candidate / The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7925 15751 2022-05-24 28 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Scottish National Party (SNP) / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7925 15802 2022-05-24 28 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7924 15162 2022-05-24 54 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7924 15163 2022-05-24 54 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7924 15164 2022-05-24 54 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7924 15167 2022-05-24 54 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7924 15168 2022-05-24 54 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7924 15169 2022-05-24 54 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7924 15170 2022-05-24 54 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio David Rocks - The Conservative Party candidate / Cameron Craig Gilmore - The Labour Party candidate / Louise Young - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Patricia Gibson - The Scottish National Party candidate / David John Nairn - The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7924 15750 2022-05-24 54 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Scottish National Party (SNP) / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7924 15802 2022-05-24 54 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7923 15162 2022-05-24 70 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7923 15163 2022-05-24 70 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7923 15164 2022-05-24 70 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7923 15167 2022-05-24 70 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7923 15168 2022-05-24 70 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7923 15169 2022-05-24 70 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7923 15170 2022-05-24 70 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Meghan Gallacher - The Conservative Party candidate / Angela Feeney - The Labour Party candidate / Christopher Wilson - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Marion Fellows - The Scottish National Party candidate / The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7923 15749 2022-05-24 70 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Scottish National Party (SNP) / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7923 15802 2022-05-24 70 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7922 15162 2022-05-24 71 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7922 15163 2022-05-24 71 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7922 15164 2022-05-24 71 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7922 15167 2022-05-24 71 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7922 15168 2022-05-24 71 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7922 15169 2022-05-24 71 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7922 15170 2022-05-24 71 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Douglas Ross - The Conservative Party candidate / Joanne Kirby - The Labour Party candidate / Fiona Campbell Trevor - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Laura Mitchell - The Scottish National Party candidate / The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7922 15748 2022-05-24 71 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Scottish National Party (SNP) / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7922 15802 2022-05-24 71 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7921 15162 2022-05-24 80 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7921 15163 2022-05-24 80 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7921 15164 2022-05-24 80 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7921 15167 2022-05-24 80 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7921 15168 2022-05-24 80 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7921 15169 2022-05-24 80 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7921 15170 2022-05-24 80 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Rebecca Jane Fraser - The Conservative Party candidate / Danielle Rowley - The Labour Party candidate / Steve Arrundale - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Owen Thompson - The Scottish National Party candidate / The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7921 15747 2022-05-24 80 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Scottish National Party (SNP) / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7921 15802 2022-05-24 80 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7920 15162 2022-05-24 43 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7920 15163 2022-05-24 43 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7920 15164 2022-05-24 43 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7920 15167 2022-05-24 43 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7920 15168 2022-05-24 43 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7920 15169 2022-05-24 43 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7920 15170 2022-05-24 43 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Damian Timson - The Conservative Party candidate / Caitlin Kane - The Labour Party candidate / Charles Dundas - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Hannah Bardell - The Scottish National Party candidate / Cameron Glasgow - The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7920 15746 2022-05-24 43 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Scottish National Party (SNP) / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7920 15802 2022-05-24 43 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7919 15162 2022-05-24 102 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7919 15163 2022-05-24 102 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7919 15164 2022-05-24 102 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7919 15167 2022-05-24 102 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7919 15168 2022-05-24 102 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7919 15169 2022-05-24 102 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7919 15170 2022-05-24 102 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Charles John Kennedy - The Conservative Party candidate / Wendy Milne - The Labour Party candidate / Sally Pattle - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Martyn Day - The Scottish National Party candidate / Gillian Mackay - The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7919 15745 2022-05-24 102 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Scottish National Party (SNP) / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7919 15802 2022-05-24 102 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7918 15162 2022-05-24 45 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7918 15163 2022-05-24 45 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7918 15164 2022-05-24 45 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7918 15167 2022-05-24 45 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7918 15168 2022-05-24 45 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7918 15169 2022-05-24 45 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7918 15170 2022-05-24 45 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Shona Haslam - The Conservative Party candidate / Andrew Hilland - The Labour Party candidate / Jane Pickard - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Angela Crawley - The Scottish National Party candidate / The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7918 15744 2022-05-24 45 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Scottish National Party (SNP) / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7918 15802 2022-05-24 45 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7917 15162 2022-05-24 82 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7917 15163 2022-05-24 82 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7917 15164 2022-05-24 82 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7917 15167 2022-05-24 82 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7917 15168 2022-05-24 82 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7917 15169 2022-05-24 82 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7917 15170 2022-05-24 82 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Kathleen Leslie - The Conservative Party candidate / Lesley Laird - The Labour Party candidate / Gillian Cole-Hamilton - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Neale Hanvey - The Scottish National Party candidate / Scott Rutherford - The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7917 15743 2022-05-24 82 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Scottish National Party (SNP) / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7917 15802 2022-05-24 82 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7916 15162 2022-05-24 18 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7916 15163 2022-05-24 18 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7916 15164 2022-05-24 18 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7916 15167 2022-05-24 18 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7916 15168 2022-05-24 18 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7916 15169 2022-05-24 18 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7916 15170 2022-05-24 18 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Caroline Hollins - The Conservative Party candidate / Kevin McGregor - The Labour Party candidate / Edward John Thornley - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Alan Brown - The Scottish National Party candidate / The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7916 15742 2022-05-24 18 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Scottish National Party (SNP) / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7916 15802 2022-05-24 18 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7915 15162 2022-05-24 113 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7915 15163 2022-05-24 113 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7915 15164 2022-05-24 113 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7915 15167 2022-05-24 113 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7915 15168 2022-05-24 113 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7915 15169 2022-05-24 113 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7915 15170 2022-05-24 113 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Fiona Gay Fawcett - The Conservative Party candidate / Lewis Whyte - The Labour Party candidate / Denis Rixson - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Drew Hendry - The Scottish National Party candidate / Ariane Burgess - The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7915 15741 2022-05-24 113 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Scottish National Party (SNP) / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7915 15802 2022-05-24 113 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7914 15162 2022-05-24 71 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7914 15163 2022-05-24 71 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7914 15164 2022-05-24 71 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7914 15167 2022-05-24 71 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7914 15168 2022-05-24 71 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7914 15169 2022-05-24 71 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7914 15170 2022-05-24 71 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Haroun Malik - The Conservative Party candidate / Martin McCluskey - The Labour Party candidate / Jacci Stoyle - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Ronnie Cowan - The Scottish National Party candidate / The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7914 15740 2022-05-24 71 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Scottish National Party (SNP) / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7914 15802 2022-05-24 71 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7913 15162 2022-05-24 86 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7913 15163 2022-05-24 86 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7913 15164 2022-05-24 86 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7913 15167 2022-05-24 86 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7913 15168 2022-05-24 86 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7913 15169 2022-05-24 86 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7913 15170 2022-05-24 86 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Colin Clark - The Conservative Party candidate / Heather Herbert - The Labour Party candidate / James Oates - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Richard Gordon Thomson - The Scottish National Party candidate / The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7913 15739 2022-05-24 86 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Scottish National Party (SNP) / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7913 15802 2022-05-24 86 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7912 15162 2022-05-24 107 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7912 15163 2022-05-24 107 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7912 15164 2022-05-24 107 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7912 15167 2022-05-24 107 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7912 15168 2022-05-24 107 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7912 15169 2022-05-24 107 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7912 15170 2022-05-24 107 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Amy Thomson - The Conservative Party candidate / Pat Egan - The Labour Party candidate / Jane Ann Liston - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Peter Grant - The Scottish National Party candidate / The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7912 15738 2022-05-24 107 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Scottish National Party (SNP) / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7912 15802 2022-05-24 107 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7911 15162 2022-05-24 47 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7911 15163 2022-05-24 47 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7911 15164 2022-05-24 47 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7911 15167 2022-05-24 47 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7911 15168 2022-05-24 47 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7911 15169 2022-05-24 47 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7911 15170 2022-05-24 47 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Thomas Haddow - The Conservative Party candidate / Matt Kerr - The Labour Party candidate / Ben Denton-Cardew - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Chris Stephens - The Scottish National Party candidate / The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7911 15737 2022-05-24 47 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Scottish National Party (SNP) / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7911 15802 2022-05-24 47 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7910 15162 2022-05-24 9 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7910 15163 2022-05-24 9 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7910 15164 2022-05-24 9 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7910 15167 2022-05-24 9 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7910 15168 2022-05-24 9 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7910 15169 2022-05-24 9 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7910 15170 2022-05-24 9 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Kyle Thornton - The Conservative Party candidate / Johann Lamont - The Labour Party candidate / Carole Ford - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Stewart McDonald - The Scottish National Party candidate / Dan Hutchison - The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7910 15736 2022-05-24 9 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Scottish National Party (SNP) / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7910 15802 2022-05-24 9 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7909 15162 2022-05-24 36 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7909 15163 2022-05-24 36 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7909 15164 2022-05-24 36 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7909 15167 2022-05-24 36 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7909 15168 2022-05-24 36 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7909 15169 2022-05-24 36 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7909 15170 2022-05-24 36 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Ade Aibinu - The Conservative Party candidate / Patricia Ferguson - The Labour Party candidate / James Douglas Speirs - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Carol Monaghan - The Scottish National Party candidate / The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7909 15735 2022-05-24 36 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Scottish National Party (SNP) / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7909 15802 2022-05-24 36 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7908 15162 2022-05-24 17 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7908 15163 2022-05-24 17 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7908 15164 2022-05-24 17 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7908 15167 2022-05-24 17 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7908 15168 2022-05-24 17 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7908 15169 2022-05-24 17 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7908 15170 2022-05-24 17 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Lauren Bennie - The Conservative Party candidate / Paul Sweeney - The Labour Party candidate / Nicholas Moohan - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Anne McLaughlin - The Scottish National Party candidate / The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7908 15734 2022-05-24 17 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Scottish National Party (SNP) / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7908 15802 2022-05-24 17 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7907 15162 2022-05-24 38 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7907 15163 2022-05-24 38 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7907 15164 2022-05-24 38 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7907 15167 2022-05-24 38 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7907 15168 2022-05-24 38 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7907 15169 2022-05-24 38 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7907 15170 2022-05-24 38 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Tony Curtis - The Conservative Party candidate / Pam Duncan-Glancy - The Labour Party candidate / Andrew Chamberlain - The Liberal Democrat candidate / Patrick Grady - The Scottish National Party candidate / Cass Macgregor - The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7907 15733 2022-05-24 38 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Scottish National Party (SNP) / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7907 15802 2022-05-24 38 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7906 15162 2022-05-24 51 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7906 15163 2022-05-24 51 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7906 15164 2022-05-24 51 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7906 15167 2022-05-24 51 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7906 15168 2022-05-24 51 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the minimum wage to £15 per hour." For context: the current minimum wage is £9.50 per hour for people aged 23 or above. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7906 15169 2022-05-24 51 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Retaining all EU laws on workers’ rights." For context: when the UK left the EU we retained EU laws on workers’ rights such as paid holiday, equal pay for women and men, rest breaks, safe limits on working time and rights for temporary and agency workers. Please tell us whether it is something you would generally support or oppose. radio Strongly support / Somewhat support / Neither support nor oppose / Somewhat oppose / Strongly oppose / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7906 15170 2022-05-24 51 0
The following candidates ran in your constituency at the last general election. If they were to stand in your constituency again at the next election, who would you vote for? radio Thomas Kerr - The Conservative Party candidate / Kate Watson - The Labour Party candidate / James Harrison - The Liberal Democrat candidate / David Linden - The Scottish National Party candidate / The Green Party candidate / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote 0 7906 15732 2022-05-24 51 0
If there were a general election tomorrow, for which party would you vote? radio Conservative / Labour / Liberal Democrat / Scottish National Party (SNP) / Green / Some other party / Don't know / I would not vote / Prefer not to say 0 7906 15802 2022-05-24 51 0
Have you achieved a qualification at degree level or above? For example, a degree, foundation degree, HND or HNC, NVQ level 4 and above, teaching and nursing. radio Yes / No / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7905 15162 2022-05-24 15 0
And have you achieved any of these other qualifications? Please select all that apply. checkbox GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - 5 or more GCSEs (A*-C,9-4), O Levels (passes) or CSEs (grade 1), or equivalent / GCSEs OR EQUIVALENT - Any other GCSEs, O levels or CSEs (any grades) or Basic Skills course, or equivalent / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 2 or more A levels, 4 or more AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 A level, 2-3 AS levels / A-LEVELS OR EQUIVALENT - 1 AS level / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 3, BTEC National, OND or ONC, City and Guilds Advanced Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 2, BTEC General, City and Guilds Craft / NVQ OR EQUIVALENT - NVQ level 1 / An apprenticeship / Any other qualification, equivalent unknown / I haven't achieved any official qualifications / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7905 15163 2022-05-24 15 0
We would now like you to think about the chief income earner in your household, that is the person with the highest income. This may be you or it might be someone else. Which of the following groups does the chief income earner in your household belong to? If the chief income earner is retired with an occupational pension, please enter their former occupation. Please only enter ‘retired’ if the chief income earner is only receiving the state pension. If the chief income earner has been unemployed for a period of less than 6 months, please answer based on their previous occupation. radio Higher managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. established doctor, solicitor, board director in large organisation (200+ employees), top level civil servant/ public service employee, head teacher etc.) / Intermediate managerial/ professional/ administrative (e.g. newly qualified (under 3 years) doctor, solicitor, board director of small organisation, middle manager in large organization, principal officer in civil service/ local government etc. / Supervisory or clerical/ junior managerial/ professional/ administrator (e.g. office worker, student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, sales person, student teacher etc.) / Skilled manual worker (e.g. skilled bricklayer, carpenter, plumber, painter, bus/ ambulance driver, HGV driver, unqualified teaching assistant, pub/ bar worker etc.) / Semi-skilled or unskilled manual worker (e.g. manual jobs that require no special training or qualifications, apprentices to be skilled trades, caretaker, cleaner, nursery school assistant, park keeper, non-HGV driver, shop assistant etc.) / Student / Retired and living on state pension only / Unemployed for over 6 months or not working due to long term sickness / Prefer not to say 0 7905 15164 2022-05-24 15 0
Which of the following are the most important issues facing the country? Please select up to three options. checkbox Health / NHS / Cost of living / Economy / European Union and Brexit / Environmental issues / Immigration / Education / Crime / Public services / benefits / Housing / house prices / Constitutional issues / Devolution / Defence / Terrorism / Energy / power / Foreign affairs (excluding the EU) / Other / Prefer not to say 0 7905 15167 2022-05-24 15 0
Over the past six months, which of the following, if any, have you done? Please tick all that apply. checkbox Missed a payment on a household bill (e.g. energy, broadband, phone, water) / Cut back on the amount of hot water, heating or electricity that me or my household use / Missed meals or gone without food / Cut back on food spending / Other / None of these / Don't know / Prefer not to say 0 7905 15168 2022-05-24 15 0
Here are some policies that have been discussed at recent elections. "Raising the